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[Y] Hello Tokyo
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Submitted On Jun28/10
Hits 2207
Not much to say, just a new story involving Eternity and Durok!
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Eternity sat on the parch bench, it was a midday heat wave in Japan. He enjoyed the sun though, it lifted his mood constantly. The wind rustled the leaves of many native trees, and the sounds of birds chirping were just enough natural noise to make him feel at ease. He was dressing casually in a plain grey t-shirt, with white cargo shorts, they complimented his dull grey scales or at least he thought so. The sun was high in the sky, and in his eyes. He’d bought a pair of reflective aviator sunglasses to help with the brightness and so far they were working very well. He smiled; it was one of those days that made him forget about past events and just live in the now.  Passing family’s visiting the parks with their small kits and cubs were also enjoying the day for the most part, some had to constantly keep a vigilant eye on their young in case they’d wandered off. One small bobcat cub had walked right up to him, waving, before her mother yelled at him dragging him by his paw away. He did...
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