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Some people say 'an eye for an eye' but for Eternity's life it's more like 'an eye for a thousand eyes'
Eternity had finally gotten up when he heard the noise. It was like a high pitched wail, and it was annoying. Durok are you there? No anwser. "Dammit." He still felt very alone without Durok talking to him. It was the nature of anything living to have contact, be it touch or talking. Some need that 'contact' more than others and when you live your life like Eternity, with a little voice inside your head that talked to you most of your life...well it may have been mocking, not good things Durok had to say, but it was that 'contact' that Eternity has been living with and when you take that away suddenly it's not good. So....the noise was getting louder and more annoying, it was starting to hurt now. "Ow...god dammit, get me out of here!" The noise stopped and the door opened. "Well...are you going to start respecting me? Because in case you haven't noticed I hold the good hand in this game." Eternity looked up at ferret. "Why are you doing this to me?" The ferret looked surprised. "I'm surprised that you haven't noticed yet...but I supose I should tell you...You have been killing, and some people are mad that those people are dead because they owed money or some shit like that...anyway the local crime bosses all have a bounty out on you..." It was Eternity turn to looked surprised. "So you've kidnapped me to collect the ransom right? If so your a dick head." The ferret looked angry now. "That's not the case, my brutish friend. I believe that you can be trained into submission and become my personal body guard. Yes I saw the way you killed...flawlessly...and fast." Eternity looked angry now, and he sensed Durok's emotions running the train to hell inside him...Durok was ready to fuck that guy up but, he couldn't not with the bracer on his neck. Eternity decided he'd try and fake this guy out. "....ok I'll do your dirty work." The ferret now named Dick-Head looked very surprised...then pleased. "Good...get some sleep because it's going to be a long day tomorrow." "Wait...we need to shake on our deal..." The ferret looked at the tied Eternity seeing his hand held out as best it could. "....Really?" he said as he walked a little closer. Yeah that's it get a little closer. As Dick-Head got closer Eternity could feel Durok's relization of what Eternity was going to do, he could feel Durok's sick twisted form of happiness. "Well I supose it couldn't hurt, your tied up after all." He leaned forward, showing he wasn't going to walk any closer. He reached his hand as far as it could go, right near Eternity's face. Eternity could feel Durok waiting, if Durok could speak he'd be saying to 'do it do it do it now!' Eternity waited until his hand met Dick-Head's hand, then latched onto it like in a horror movie. Eternity had the grip of a dead man, he could hold it until someone cut his arm off. He pulled Dick-Head really close and clamped down on his ear and part of his head. Dick-Head was screaming in terror now. I've got you right where I want you, you ass. Eternity started shaking his head, trying to break his neck. Blood was flying everywhere, Eternity bit his ear clean off and blood was pouring out. Durok was going nuts inside Eternity, he was never this happy, much less happy with Eternity. "Get him off me! Ow! It hurts soooo much..." Eternity felt Dick-Head pounding on him with his free hand. He snapped his jaw at his free hand and got two fingers off without even biting down. He spit his blood at Dick-Head, now Eternity was in control. He waited for the right moment to get Dick-Head's neck in his jaws. "GET HIM OFF ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" he was screaming like a little girl now, it hurt his head and he sunk his jaws into Dick-Head's neck, it was always a fatal hit with the artary there. Blood was pouring now, like a water fall of warm thick water. He tore a huge chunck of flesh from his neck the vein's hanging there, pulsing blood out of his neck every third of a second because his heart was beating very fast. Dick-Head was spitting up blood now, and he was on his knee's, then on the ground, gurgling. Eternity started to work on the ropes with a claw when the bears came in, jumping at him. He kicked one, but the other one got him. His ropes losened up and he punched the huge bear on top off him, but the 400 pound bear didn't budge, he threw his own punches, a lot more powerful then Eternity's own punches. Eternity started to tug at the neck brace, clawing at it. The bear went for another punch, but Eternity lifted his head and the punch hit his brace breaking it. Eternity couldn't breath but, at least he was free of that thing. Durok's voice flooded into his head coming so fast it was impossible to understand. Words, screams and laughter came rushing into his head...Durok's laughter....