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[Y] Bloody Memories: Eternity
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Submitted On Feb11/09
Hits 1991
A life of death and destruction, pain and suffering, this is the story of Eternity and his life. The people that died that were in his way, and the ones he cared about that were also ripped from this world. This story is but, a gift of words showing that some times the world has a dark underground of crime and drugs that are hidden by it's light exterior...
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[Y] Excerpt
This story although not part of the character bio I have I thought a more modern time setting would be easier so it takes place in the city, present day...any likeness to any characters you have made is purly by accident and should no be considered that I base my character's on any YI User made stuff. ___________________________________________________________________________  How is started I'll never know or at least I'll never know the truth anyway. I had been told that I had been left on the doorstep of the some got damn orphanage as a baby, and that I was god's little gift. It was all bullshit, I knew now...all that shit they tried to brainwash me with like "Your not different, your just special that's all." or "Their just jealous of you." I knew I was different not just because of my scales which were not colorful as they should have been, they were just grey, not green or blue...just grey. There were other stuff like how my claws grew faster and my eyes were...
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