I have realized after going through the whole story over again, I have made my share of mistakes. Including spelling which is bugging me the most because no one has said anything, which may be due to people just being nice...if that is the case (which I'm almost positive is not the case) then thanks. For those people who hate my writing, well guess what it's almost fucking over so just chill.
Officer Randal stood stock still in total fear or this fur. No not a fur, a dead fur. A million thoughts ran through Randal's head, much like the blood his heart was now pumping at an insane speed. A voice called out from behind Randal but, he couldn't move he was so scared and his brain blocked out the voice. It came again, louder with some audible words that he still couldn't process in his brain.
"Run and get me out of here Randal! He is going to kill you! Call the fucking army!" Jenkins voice rang in his head loudly and he pushed the dying man away before turning his tail and running toward the jail cells. He ran up to Jenkins, who was tugging furiously as the bars of his cell. He fumbled with the many keys that hang on the ring of jail cell keys before finding it. He unlocked the cell and opened it.
"We have to go now!" Jenkins said as he ran toward the door. He turned the corner and jumped over his desk, grabbing the shot gun that was under his desk. Randal ran a step behind Jenkins and drew his pistol, pointing it to the ground so as to not fire at Jenkins. The lights flickered, once then darkness. The station was only visible with Jenkins and Randal's flashlight. Jenkins ran toward the door like a mad man, when he reached the door it was locked and he hit hard against it. Laugher sprung from the darkness, a satanic laugh. Jenkins slowly got up, turning to check in all directions for the voice. Jenkins backed up towards Randal, and turned to face him only to see a dark cloud consume his body into darkness and dissappear. Randal didn't even scream, that's how quick this thing was. Jenkins thought for a moment, but in that moment he already knew what he was thinking. It's him. It's that lizard...
Jenkins shot the flashlight in every direction in a total panic. He started hearing crying and he turned his flashlight to his desk to see a little wolf, maybe four years old hiding under his desk crying. He pointed the gun down, but kept the flashlight to the little wolf.
"Listen kid, you've got to get out of here," he whispered as he took a step closer. "There is a bad man here, who is going to hurt us if we don't leave now." He kneeled down next to the crying wolf, her head buried in her knees, still crying. He put one hand on her shoulder and felt that spark when he first saw that lizard. He started to pull away, but before his brain sent the signal to his hand and arm, the little wolf lifted her head, showing black eye's, and a huge jaw, full of razor sharp teeth. She opened her huge jaw and clamped down hard on Jenkins arm before he could pull away. Blood started almost instantly as Jenkins pulled back, shaking his arm violently trying to get the wolf off. He grabbed for his shot gun, pulled it close, put the barrel right to the little wolfs head and fired. Black sludge blew out the back of the little girls head and she fell to the ground. He pulled open a medical container and grabbed some bandages, wrapping his arm tightly so as to stop the bleeding. The laughter started again and Jenkins loaded the gun, when it clicked as he pumped the handle the laughter stopped instantly and silence filled the air. Jenkins felt someone staring at him and he turned around to see that lizard staring at him, covering the flashlight's glare with one hand.
"You really should put that light out Officer..." the lizard said quietly.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Jenkins asked in a tone he usually took with his kids when they did something wrong. After the last stranger that had bitten him he wasn't taking any chances with this one and he stayed a good few feet away.
"I'm Eternity...no I'm...Durok, yes I'm Durok and I'm here to kill you." Durok put his hand down then flicked it at Jenkins and the light flickered off for a second, when it turned back on Durok wasn't there anymore and the laughing started again, louder than ever this time.
"What do you want with me!?" Jenkins screamed at the darkness. The laughed stopped again and this time it spoke.
"Did you not here me right? I'm here to kill you." The voice said, seemingly perfectly calm.
"Why me?" Jenkins whispered.
The voice started to laugh then stopped himself. "Your part of the bloodline that killed me and my family thousands of years ago, and now you will pay." The voice, this time came from behind Jenkins and he turn to see Durok standing there with a sythe in his hand. Jenkin's just shot the gun, before he had a time to react and Durok blew into black smoke then reappeared.
"Like I said...it is your time..." Durok said. Jenkins let the flashlight on Durok and his shadow showed his shadow, but with wings. One wing was that of an angel's, the other was that of the devil's. He could only stare in total horror as he felt his crotch get hot. He'd peed himself. Durok simply walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, Jenkins felt that darkness wrap around him and then everything went black.
Well that's all she wrote people, I know it wasn't the greatest thing in the world but it has been fun writing on my character. It's helped me get a little deeper into his story a little and kind of give you guys a background of Eternity's childhood back in Bloody Memories: Eternity, the first one. I know it also has been a really sucky ending for those of you that have been liking all the gore. Well, maybe that won't be the last one, just maybe.