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[Y] Stories > Eternity2
Rivermore HighJun5/09Well, glad that YI is back up! So in celebration of that I've made a mini-series apart from my usual gory nature that I hope you'll all like!
Rivermore High Chapter FourJul30/09Nothing like jocks to try and ruin a nice day at the always pleasant Rivermore High!
Rivermore High Chapter IIJun13/09Here is the second chapter, if enough people read it I will upload the next one. And if it isn't to much trouble, could I get some feedback, maybe a comment on these chapters? I need it to help me see where I need improvement. Enjoy!
Rivermore High Chapter ThreeJun19/09Sorry this is a short one guys, the next one shall be longer.
Rivermore High Chapter Five Aug9/09Lunch is always a nice time for students to get to know each other, and help old friends in different classes...and countries meet.
Bloody Memories II: A Complete RewriteAug10/09I found another version of Bloody Memories II in my flash drive today. So enjoy this new version of Bloody Memories II!
Bloody Memories: EternityFeb10/09A life of death and destruction, pain and suffering, this is the story of Eternity and his life. The people that died that were in his way, and the ones he cared about that were also ripped from this world. This story is but, a gift of words showing that some times the world has a dark underground of crime and drugs that are hidden by it's light exterior...
Bloody Memories: The EscapeFeb11/09This next one I have to say I enjoyed writing a lot. It takes place right where the first one left off. It is showing that sometimes even people that are willing to help you in every way, also have the ability to betray you with the same amount of willingness.
Bloody Memories: WatchingFeb16/09Eternity needs answers....someone must have them....
Bloody Memories: The FamilyFeb19/09Eternity gets attention from the local crime family from his recent killings. Not the attention he wanted...
Bloody Memories: The DemonicFeb21/09Some people say 'an eye for an eye' but for Eternity's life it's more like 'an eye for a thousand eyes'
Bloody Meemories: RevengeFeb23/09The moment we have all been waiting for...the revenge.
Bloody Memories II: RelationsApr19/09I'm back. After a lot of time thinking, I got back to writing. Eternity meets someone that changes his life forever, but he feels like he has met this person before.
Bloody Memories: The Rise of DarknessMar7/09We take a step back only a few hours before Durok makes himself known to the police.
Bloody Memories: Dried BloodMar19/09Guess what this will be the last part of my series because time is just not on my side as of late...if I feel like I have the time to write more and people want to read it I'll start another Anyway, this will be by far the biggest part in the whole thing and I hope you all enjoy it.
Hello TokyoJun20/10Not much to say, just a new story involving Eternity and Durok!