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[Y] Vanica's Tale
Vanica's Tale N/A Views 2243 Votes 2 Comments 0
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How Vanica met Dusk and came to this place.
[Y] Vanica's Tale

   The empty whiskey bottle fell with a clatter to the floor, rolling under the couch. Vanica's mismatched eyes were glued to it, filled with tears. One purple, one green, she had always been unique. The small orange feline sat in fear, awaiting the imminent fate her existence held her in every night.

  "Vanicuuuhrm..." her father's speech was slurred by the alcohol, and her mother was the same way. Every night they drank themselves stupid, well, at least stupider. With the alcohol came the violence, something was always wrong for them, some little thing that had nothing of meaning could be the spark to a savage flame.

   "Get in here!" her mother screeches, "you stupid little slut, look what the fuck you did it now done!" Barely able to hold herself up, one hand around a bottle of Jack Daniels, the other on the counter to hold herself up. She hiccups and almost loses her balance. "You need to stop fucking everything in sight and love your parents more! We've been waiting here for fucking hours!" Vanica had never slept with anyone, by her own choice anyways. Her father found humor in bringing his drinking friends over and letting them take turns raping her. She never knew which nights it would happen, but she had lost all sensation from it long ago. Luckily the alcohol would take its toll each night by 8 p.m. and they would be passed out, letting her escape into the night. One night she had run face first into a traveling grey wolf who introduced himself as Dusk, politely helping her to his feet. His stature was enormous compared to her own, he was almost a full foot taller than her and a whole lot more muscular. He walked her back home, and they talked the whole way there. Eventually she told him of the abuse she suffered, and he offered to take her somewhere safe away from all the pain, but she declined. She feared what her parents might do if they learned she had run away, and death was a probable outcome. He gave her his number, and told her that if she ever needed help, he would come, no matter what. She thanked him and snuck back to her room, the door broken off from multiple assaults by her father.

    "C'mere baby girl," her father pats his lap, sitting on the couch, "show daddy some love." She sat next to him, unwilling to feel his disgusting cock against her buttocks. He looks at her and puts a hand on her small breasts saying, "you sure did come out my pretty little kitten, didn't you." A mixture of rage and fear filled her and she slapped him across the face, instantly regretting the decision as his eyes darkened and his cheeks flushed red with anger. She fled to the relative safety of the basement, locking the door just as her father's fists landed against it, almost jarring the bolt screws loose. It was only a matter of time before he got through, so she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Dusk. Please save me. She didn't expect him to save her, but she could only hope. The locks and bolts snapped off of the door and her father stood at the top of the stairs, a broken bottle in his hand. The phone vibrated in her hand and she glanced down, hold on, I'm coming. It was from Dusk... A large paw batted the phone away and it skittered across the floor, her father grabbed her neck length hair and puller her up to her feet.

   "What makes you think I won't just fucking kill you right now you little bitch?" he held the bottle up to show her the sharp edge of the broken glass. Without thought, she jolted one knee forward into his groin, releasing his grip on her hair and causing him to double over with pain. She bolted up the stairs, where her mother was waiting. "Where the fuck do you think you're going you whore?" Vanica pushed past her, but her mother grabbed the back of her shirt to keep her there. "I got her, get up here you slow son of a bitch!" Her father climbed the stairs, relishing the fear in his squirming daughter's eyes. She turned and bit her mother's hand, making her release just as her father swung the bottle. A blade of flame sliced open the skin along the side of her ribcage and she ran towards the door just as it exploded inwards and Dusk walked through. Unbelievably enough he was unarmed, there was no way he could win.

    "Run Vani, as fast as you can. Go to the Tavern I told you about, I'll meet up with you." She stood paralyzed in awe, oblivious to the angry howls of her parents at the intruder. "I said run! Craixwulf is coming, and you don't want to be here when he gets out, run!" Her body reacted before her mind and she sprinted past him and down the road as fast as she could. In the distance she could hear screams of pain and terror coming from where she had left.

------------------------------------------------------------------------  Dusk  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Enjoying the company of a delightful young vixen, Dusk pauses a second to answer his phone. He had a message, from Vanica Please save me. He apologized to the vixen and bolted out the door, typing back: hold on, I'm coming.  He ran as fast as his legs could carry him to Vanica's house. Each second seemed like minutes that he could be to late... He reached the front door and heard screams and shouting from within. With a powerful kick he breaks the locks and bolts on the door, sending it flying open. He could feel Craixwulf's bloodthirst pulling at the edge of his consciousness, and it grew to a pounding when he saw the fresh wound along Vanica's side. The rage bubbled from deep within him and he decided that this would be a good time to let Craixwulf out to play. He told Vani to run, to get as far away as she could. He would likely die if Craixwulf ended up hurting Vani in his bloodlust. As soon as she left, her father attacked, swinging the broken bottle in a wide arc. He catches the drunk's wrist and looks up, his eyes fully black, his fur darkening to the same, and his fangs glinting in an evil smirk. Craixwulf has control. With a simple twist the wrist shatters and the broken bottle falls to the floor.

   He could easily tear his claws straight through this man's throat and kill him instantly, but that would be too quick and much too easy... He takes a step back and relishes in the sight of the man writhing in pain. His bitch stood by his side, feebly trying to comfort him. With a short dash he was behind them, in an instant, with his claws tearing through the flesh of their backs. Ribbons of skin and rivers of blood fell from them as they screamed in agony.

    "Cut the racket, I can barely hear myself kill you!" His claws found their throats and, precise as a surgeon, sliced their vocal chords without hitting the jugular. The two stood as mimes, clutching their throats as thick crimson flowed between their fingers. The delicious scent filled his nostrils and he lunged into the female, his fangs easily piercing her skull and cracking the bone like bubble wrap. He greedily devoured the soft pink flesh inside, tearing out the stomach and all the organs around her abdomen so that he could feast on her succulent musculature without the disgusting intestines or gall bladder getting in the way. Frozen with shock and terror, Vanica's father simply stood and watched the beast devour his beloved. He ran as the creature stood, licking the blood from his muzzle with a satisfied grin, he ran as hard and as fast as he could, but it wasn't enough. No one could match Craixwulf's speed, he even gave the man a few seconds head start so he could enjoy the sweet taste of his despiration and crushed hopes as well as his blood. Within half a second, he had closed the large gap between them and driven his claws into the man's back, cracking through ribs and ripping right between the heart and lung. He had missed them, and the spine on purpose, the sweet scent of fear was a greater treat to him than any life he could take. His jaws closed on the back of the man's neck, and with an immense force, petty to the wolf, his fangs drove deep, filling his mouth with the sweet taste of warm blood. He drank until the man's pulse weakened to an almost imperceptable rate. His jaws snapped completely shut, crushing the vertebrae to dust and killing his prey instantly. This would be a feast to remember.