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[Y] Dex's Shadow
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Dex Rose's origin story.
[Y] Dex's Shadow

In a river of Darkness, beneath the Neon light, Dex walked.
Through the homogenous crowds on rain slick sidewalks Dex traversed the streets of Nia, not quite knowing where he wanted to be.
Sirens screaming above the cacophony of endless voices, slamming car doors and gunshots were a cubs lullaby in this cloud grey tomb.
Nia was a city built by the Canines to wall themselves off from the other species. An ill conceived concept that all but isolated them completely from the outside world. Trade was prohibitive and this had a contracting effect on the economy meaning more unemployment and rampant crime.
Still, they’d been conditioned to believe the Defilers; a savage Rabbit race inches past the thick, concrete city walls were worse than unemployment and this was ironically how Dex paid his bills.
Dex was a Shadow; an officer with universal jurisdiction. Everyone knew a Shadow didn’t need a warrant to kick your ass, so you stayed far away. Shadows weren’t after Canines though. That’s what the Police were for.
Shadows were there to prevent Defiler terrorist attacks. It seemed every week a new one would slip into the city somehow, normally stowing away in cargo and it was up to the Shadows to hunt them down and eliminate them before they could do any damage.
Dex’s slender ears pricked as the sound of broken glass sliced it’s way through the city noise. His nose was dry. Too much booze.
Nia was technically a dry city but bootleg alcohol still managed to find it’s way into the hands of the pathetic drunks.
Dex smiled a little. It’s was partly his fault. The Shadows overlooked the bootlegging and gun running perpetrated by the local kingpin; Sin, in exchange for information. He always seemed to know which rocks to turn over so appeasing him proved invaluable.
Dex stopped and looked up. Light rain fell upon his face dampening his orange fur. The pulsating neon sign above him glowed intensely like a huge, luminous insect.
This was his building.

Dex’s apartment was a mess. Clothes littered the floor, files and magazines covering his couch and table. The breakfast bar was full of old breakfast and his bed hadn’t been made since he moved in.
Dex pushed aside files on the couch and collapsed onto it. The loose springs inside it pressing into his back. On the coffee table was a half drunk bottle of bootleg. Dex grabbed it and sucked down a mouthful, cringing as the potent concoction burned a trail down his oesophageus.
An overturned picture of Dex’s wife lay face down on the table. He placed the bottle down on the table and picked up the picture.
His wife’s piercing eyes and elegant snout, shimmering fur and slender ears lay beneath a scratched sheet of glass, held together by a faux wood frame.
Dex threw it back down onto the table and recaptured the bottle of bootleg, consuming another mouthful. The thing about the drink was it numbed the pain, but it left the hurt.

The Shadow offices were an interior designers worst nightmare; An ill illuminated mash up of cheesy faux wood, cheap ceiling fans and linoleum floors.
Dex clocked on and headed straight for his office, passing the deserted bull pen and Chief Marxus’ office.
Dex’s office was like his apartment; disorganized and filthy. His desk was burdened with stacks of files that had been fastened together hastily with pieces of thick string.
Dex collapsed into this chair and rotated towards the window.
Canines milled around in the streets below through the rain spattered window. Two Police Officers grappled with a male Canine while another lay senseless on the ground.
Dex turned back to his desk and was startled by his ringing phone.
“This is Dex” he said into the receiver.
“Hi Dex, my name’s Fenin I’m a process worker at the Jet Port.” said Fenin on the other end of the phone.
Dex sighed.
“You got a Defiler you want to report?” asked Dex.
“Actually, yeah, I do. I saw a poster for this one Defiler. I think he was called Rage.” Fenin reported.
Dex leaned forward in his chair.
“Rage?” asked Dex.
Rage was a Defiler the Shadows had been after for a while. He was responsible for a series of terrorist attacks 5 years prior.
“Yeah Rage. He’s supposed to have the squashed Rabbit face and only one eye right? I saw him, he got past Security by pretending to be a Merchant Sailor.”
Dex pulled out a tracking application slip and starting scribbling details onto it.
“Ok thanks Fenin I’ll get right on it.” Dex hung up and headed straight for the admin desk.
The admin area was pretty much identical to the rest of the offices. A large “C” shaped desk sat like a sedentary guard in front of Marxus’ office. An attractive Canine female; Seija sat behind the desk manicuring her nails.
“Hi Dex” she said looking up from her nails. “What’s up?.”
Dex slapped the tracking request on the desk.
“I need this processed right now.” He demanded.
Seija looked at the tracking request.
“I’ve got four or five requests queued up…Rage? The Rage?” her eyes widened.
“I know” said Dex “I could nail the fucker, I need you to process this.”
Seija took the request slip and slid it into a processing unit next to her on the desk.
“I’ve marked this as an expedited process. You need to wrap it up in 48 hours or you’ll have to face an inquiry.” Explained Seija handing Dex the processed slip back.
Dex slipped it into his overcoat pocket.
“I get it. I’ve got a good feeling about this Seija”
Seijas eyes widened again.
“Oh! Dex!. I was about to page you actually. C-1 has sent a fresh Shadow for you to partner with.”
Dex narrowed his eyes at Seija.
“A new Shadow? Can’t it wait?”
”No Dex. It can’t.” Seija paged someone with her PCT and the front doors opened.
A voluptuous young Canine woman entered. Her fur was soft looking and deep auburn, a shock of white ran down her snout. Her eyes glittered intensely and her bosom jiggled enticingly with every movement she made.
The recruit extended her hand to shake Dex’s.
Dex shook her hand, savouring her delicate grip and soft fur then turned back to Seija.
“I’ll keep you posted.”
Seija nodded and went back to manicuring her nails.
Dex turned to the recruit.
“I’m Dex, you are?”
“Kia” she answered.
“Kia we’ve got a report that our most wanted Defiler has once again entered Nia. He’s fresh off the boat meaning we have more of a chance to take this guy down once and for all.”
Dex walked out of the doors with Kia in tow.

At 11 am the streets of Nia were frustrating for drivers.
Cars lined up in uniform rows like a giant columns puzzle extending infinitely to the vast reaches of the four districts of the city.
Going four blocks could take an hour; it was safer than walking though.
Dex leant his head on the cool window glass and waited patiently in the traffic jam.
Bright white sunlight filtered through the ever present cloud cover above Nia; the perpetual grey canvas above the towering, monolithic buildings.
Occasionally he would steal glances at Kia. She was breath takingly beautiful and frustratingly sexy. Her curvaceous body was complimented by her sizeable bosom.
When she yawned or talked Dex would stare longingly at her long, glistening tongue wishing with every essence of his being that she would reach down, unzip his pants and begin to lap hungrily at his throbbing cock.
Then again any female who looked at him sideways aroused Dex. It’d been so long since he bedded someone.
“Where are we going?” asked Kia.
“We’re going to see Sin” said Dex.
“Sin?” replied Kia in a surprised tone, looking seriously at Dex. “You mean Sin the booze hound?”
“Sin helps us out Kia. We’ve averting one too many disasters with his help. Don’t bite the hand that feeds us please.”
The traffic began to move again and Dex was able to turn off into an alley sandwiched between two large buildings.
Dex stopped the car and climbed out, slamming his door.
The alley was strewn with garbage, dented trash cans rolled back and forth buffeted by the strong wind being channelled by the buildings.
At the end of the alley a laptop sat atop an old fruit crate. Intrigued Kia followed Dex up to it.
“Dex” a distorted voice erupted from the tiny machine atop the crate.
“Sin” replied Dex “I need to know where I can find Rage.”
“Rage...” said the voice “A Rabbit arrived in a Cargo Vessel transporting refrigerated meat yesterday. It may or may not have been Rage.”
“Don’t fuck with me Sin, is it Rage or not?” Dex spat.
“That’s as far as my information extends. Find Bezar, he might be able to give you answers.”
”Thanks. Oh, and Sin. How do you know all of this?” asked Dex “It’s something I’ve always wanted to know.”
“Information is my business Dex. It’d be embarrassing for me to run out of stock. Now leave.”
Dex guided Kia back to the car. He opened Kia’s door for her.
“Dex” she said. “What the hell was that.?”
“That Kia.” replied Dex “is why we’re so good.”

The Jet Port was the largest commercial Port in Nia. It serviced 3 out of the 4 districts and also functioned as a small passenger air port.
The Jet Port was also the most notoriously easy place for Defilers to infiltrate Nia from and with so few Shadows available it was inevitable one or two would slip through.
Three giant hangars sat in a barren, concrete wasteland, walled off like a scale model of Nia. The enormous docking clamps on the exterior walls sending out perpetual shadows like grasping hands in all directions.
Dex parked his car outside the security checkpoint. He pulled out his Personal Communication Terminal.
“What are you doing?” asked Kia.
Dex concentrated for a moment and turned to Kia.
“I’m cross referencing the name Bezar with everything we have on file for the Jet Port. I want to find some sort of link before running in there with nothing but speculation.”
The PCT returned one result. Dex clicked on it and the name “Zanon Bezar” appeared.
“This guy’s the director of shipping and handling” said Dex. He placed his PCT back in his pocket.
“If this guy is harbouring Defilers things could get ugly. Are you armed?”
Kia shook her head.
“Shit. Alright, I’m armed so I’ll go in. Lurk around the Jet Port. Remember if anyone challenges you just say you’re a Shadow. We have unlimited jurisdiction.”
Kia turned and opened her door.
She bent over slightly as she exited the car.
Her exquisite tail whisked the air above her shapely buttocks. What Dex wouldn’t have given to place his hands on them. Kia slammed her door and Dex snapped
back from the brink of buttocks induced fantasy.
Dex exited the car. From across the roof Kia eyed him.
“I know this is important to you…this case” she said.
“Yes?” replied Dex impatiently.
“You are still an enforcer of justice. Don’t let your emotions give you a hair trigger.”
Dex knew she was right, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. What seemed like petulance for a moment turned out to be a whole truth that sank in when the words had been carried on the wind. Dex was prone to angry outbursts, often resorting to violence to conclude an investigation.
“Just concentrate on the port, I’ll handle Bezar professionally.”

Dex slammed Bezar against his filthy office wall.
Loose papers filled the air in a flurry of activity and drifted in slow motion to the floor around the two Canine’s feet.
Eyes burning like incandescent rubies Bezar groaned as Dex lifted him off of his feet.
“Where’s Rage?!” growled Dex.
“What?!” said Bezar in a stifled voice.
Dex threw him to the ground upon a bed of files and papers. Bezar crawled around to the other side of his ageing oak desk, scuffed and marked with excessive use.
Dex vaulted onto the table and then in front of Bezar, crouching to look him in the eyes.
“Don’t you fucking play games with me Bezar”
“I honestly don’t know what you…”
Dex pulled Bezar across the floor by the shoulders of his shirt and sent him hurtling like an overweight bag of fur into his office door. The hinges creaked as he collided with it.
“Where is he!” screamed Dex pulling his 45. from his overcoat. Dex pressed the smooth, cold barrel against Bezars snivelling snout.
“I don’t know…” moaned Bezar whimpering and covering his head with his hands. His fur was matted and unwashed, poking repulsively from beneath his stained undershirt.
The office door creaked open suddenly and Dex swung his handgun up aiming at the crack in the frame. Bezar skittered across the floor and cowered beneath his table.
Kia poked her head through the door.
“What the hell are you doing Dex?!” she whispered severely. Dex holstered his weapon and buttoned his overcoat back up.
“Conducting an investigation.” He replied.

Kia had Bezar sit in his office chair and applied rudimentary first aid to his bleeding snout (at his insistence).
“Zanon” she said with a tender, nuanced tone of voice. “Do you have any information regarding the transport of a wanted Defiler known only as Rage?”
Bezar shook his head.
Dex stood in the corner, a cigarette hanging loosely from his upturned mouth. From the corner of the room he was but a fly on the wall, an invisible entity recording everything with his photographic memory. Untouched by the murky, dust filled light spreading itself like thick butter across the rest of the room through the blinds.
“Oh. I did fire a guy recently. I found out he was doctoring the weights of import files using his login information.”
“Can you tell us who it is please?” snarled Dex from his corner.
“Sana Nei. He was an import processor. He lives in D section, I’ll upload the address to your PCT.”
“D section” remarked Dex. “That’s my part of town.”

Dex stopped the car outside Sana Nei’s apartment block. A rusty chain link fence separated the towering, grey and rain marked building from the cracked road. Trash moved almost sentiently like pedestrians down the street while morose, hopeless Canines ambled from one pointless rendezvous’ to another. Light rain had begun to fall, with the car at a halt it clattered like fingers tapping on the roof.
“This is Sana’s pad” said Dex craning his neck to get a view look of the building.
“Are you going straight in?” asked Kia.
“Yep” Dex replied. “I need you to stay here, keep your PCT on, if he runs I’ll contact you ok?.”
Kia nodded.
Dex opened his door and exited the car. He poked his head through his open window. From this angle he had a good view of Kia’s breasts. Shapely, almost perfect orbs of sweet temptation. He could just make out her hard nipples pressing anxiously against her leather shirt.
“Keep the engine running Kia ok?” he ordered.
Kia shifted into Dex’s seat and turned the key starting the engine.
Dex took one last look at Kia’s enticing chest and then walked towards the building.
Sana lived on the fourth floor.
This building was in worse shape than Dex’s. Wallpaper peeled like a chocolate wrapper, exposing the drab, grey brick beneath them. Trash and metal littered the moist carpet.
Dex knocked heavily against the door.
”Authorised Shadow please vacate the premises!” he shouted with his face next to the door for maximum effect.
“This is your final warning, open the door or I will enter.” With no response Dex kicked the door forcefully splintering the hinges. With a final kick Dex sent a mammoth crack through the door.
Dex shoulder barged the remaining splintered wood and was absorbed by the darkness of Sana’s apartment.
“I know you’re here Sana, you don’t have anyplace else to go!” Dex shouted into the abyss, drawing his 45.
In the style of the entire building this apartment was a damn mess, far worse than Dex’s. A table and couch were over turned and trash littered the floor in copious amounts.
A sound from another room startled Dex. He approached the sound cautiously, his handgun leading the way.
Suddenly a blur erupted from the shadows knocking Dex backwards. Dex turned quickly to see a tail disappearing around the corner.
Dex activated his PCT.
“Kia” he said into the mouthpiece breathlessly. “Watch the front doors Sana’s running.”
Dex got to his feet and ran in the same direction as Sana. At the far end of the hallway freshly broken shards of glass lay on the carpet. Dex leaned out of the window and saw Sana vaulting a chain link fence and disappearing through the mouth of an alley between this building and it’s neighbour.
“Fuck!” exclaimed Dex. He pulled his PCT to his mouth.
“Kia swing the car around the back of the building right now!.”
Dex leapt out of the window and carefully negotiated the slick fire escape to reach the dark, trash strewn alley. Dex vaulted the fence as Kia drove the car around the corner, stopping in front of Dex with the driver side door open.
“Dex where is he?”
Dex saw Sana trying to meld into a crowd of people.
“We cannot loose him” he growled.
Dex floored the gas pedal and the car lurched forwards slowly gaining speed as it approached the large crowd on the pavilion.
As the car approached terrified Canines leapt out of the way giving a clear view of Sana as he looked over his shoulder to see the Shadow approaching.
Sana tripped over a piece of metal carelessly discarded on the ground and Dex leapt from his car door landing heavily on the fugitive. Nearby the car rolled to a slow halt.
Sana swung his fist into the side of Dex’s face sending him sprawling away.
Sana stood and tried to run again but Dex grabbed him by the tail and swung him around and to the ground. Dex pounced on Sana’s prone form and tried to restrain him however Sana bucked Dex off and kicked him in the chest. Dex saw Sana produce a knife from his pocket and quickly rolled away as Sana tried to bury it inside the Shadow. Sana advanced on Dex not noticing the 45. in his hand, when he realized it was too late and Dex pulled the trigger.
Sana collapsed to his knees then flattened onto the ground in a thick pool of viscous, crimson blood.
A crowd had formed around the two brawling Canines and Kia pushed through to be by Dex’s side.
Dex cradled the mortally wounded Sana in his arms.
“You need to tell me where Rage is!” whispered Dex emphatically.
Sana coughed a vaporous cloud of blood.
“Rage..” he exhaled. “You don’t understand Shadow…Rage…Rage doesn’t…exist.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Dex.
Sana’s eyes widened, he gripped Dex’s arm tightly then faded from this life with a final breath.
“Oh no…” said Dex dropping Sana’s corpse with a heavy thud, to the ground.
Kia knelt next to Dex. “What did he mean Dex? Rage doesn’t exist?”
Dex stayed where he was, looking at the vacuous group of people surrounding
them. Gawking like children.
“I don’t know Kia, but I intend on finding out.”

Dex kicked the door to Chief Marxus’ office open startling him and Seija who turned from her nails to curiously view the altercation.
“What the fuck is going on?” breathed Dex leaning heavily on Maxus’ desk. The overweight chief with his greying fur looked at Dex with wide eyed surprise.
“Your guess is as good as mine” he replied.
“Don’t be fucking funny. I could have died today, apparently for nothing.”
”What are you talking about Dex?” asked Marxus.
“Bezar the import director at the Jet Port pointed us to a recently fired worker; Sana Nei. The guy had been doctoring freight weight reports. Sana ran when I confronted him and then tried to goddamn stab me when I tried to arrest him. When I subdued him he said Rage doesn’t exist. You got anything you want to tell me Chief?”
“Dex this is nuts. I know you and I know you enjoy Sin’s bootleg. Stop wasting my time with bullshit like this and stop drinking that jet fuel he supplies you with. Now get out and do your damn job.”
Dex eyed the Chief for a moment then relaxed his grip on the desk and slammed the door on his way out.

Several hours later the sun went down on Nia. Purple twilight spread across the land like a thick blanket.
At night the city lit up in a gaudy display of neon frivolity. Drinking, gambling all illegal but still as common as Church on Sunday.
Dex and Kia sat in Timmon’s place; Dex’s favourite restaurant. It was exposed to the elements with no shop front but had a wooden floor with a few tables. Red lanterns hung from the roof.
Dex consumed his soup hungrily, exhausted after his taxing day.
Kia eyed him from across the table.
He was attractive. His eyes were severe but warm plus there was something behind them, something painful. A few grey hairs had appeared amongst his otherwise thick, orange fur.
The rain outside was severe, it fell in a litany of sheets that cleared the streets of Canines. It sent a soothing cool breeze wafting into the restaurant.
“Dex” said Kia.
Dex looked up from his soup. “Yeah?” he said.
“Why are you so…detached, so antisocial?” Kia asked.
Dex looked down at his soup again.
“I don’t know you well enough to get into that.”
There was an awkward, unnatural silence. Dex looked like he was wincing. Kia decided to cut the silence.
“5 years ago. My dad died. In the big Defiler attack.”
Dex looked up again. Kia’s eyes were moist, they seemed to quiver with the effort of holding back tears.
“I spent every minute since that day hunting Defilers, wanting to punish them.”
Dex looked down at his soup again. He cleared his throat.
“My wife” he said “died in that attack also. I was already a Shadow. That didn’t make any difference to her mortality however.”
Talking or even thinking about his wife caused a vice to tighten around Dex’s heart. It made him feel as if he was slowly being killed.
“I’m sorry Dex.”
“It was five years ago.” He replied looking at Kia “It hurts but I deal with it.”
”What? By drinking?”
There was more silence.
Dex went back to his soup.
“Maybe you just need something else…”
Dex looked up once more. A smile had spread across Kia’s face.

Kia laid upon her silken sheets.
Her breasts heaving as she breathed with heady anticipation.
Dex took her nipple in his mouth, working it tenderly with his teeth.
The two partners lay next to one another, naked in Kia’s apartment lit by naught but a single candle.
Dex worked a finger inside Kia’s pussy. She inhaled deeply as he moved it slowly inside her warm opening. He worked another finger inside her and began to move his hand backwards and forwards rhythmically, the sound of Kia’s pussy sucking his fingers mingling with her ecstatic moans.
Dex lay on top of Kia, her supple breasts cupped in his hands as he slipped his tongue gently into her mouth, their two long canine tongues intertwining and mingling.
By now Dex had a huge erection that pushed with great anticipation on Kia’s soft belly.
“Sit next to me” whispered Kia.
Dex obediently sat next to Kia and she took his erection in her mouth.
The long shaft prodded the back of her throat making her gag.
Kia got into a rhythm and lapped at Dex’s moist, throbbing cock as wet, pre cum trickled down her throat. She took Dex’s balls in her hand and fondled them gently in between thrusts of his firm, rock like cock in her mouth.
Dex ran his hands through Kia’s soft fur and stroked her elegant ears as she pleasured him hungrily.
Dex instructed Kia to lie down as she played with his hard erection.
Dex lay on her facing her pussy. He plunged his long tongue into her firm, wet slit causing a shriek of pleasure to erupt from Kia. She was quite tight and it was difficult working his tongue all of the way in.
Dex couldn’t take it anymore.
He pulled himself around and took his cock in his hand.
Kia pulled his face down to hers and kissed him passionately as he guided his cock into Kia’s tight, wet pussy.
Dex thrusted inside Kia, rocking the entire bed. She screamed with pleasure and pulled at Dex’s tail as he worked his thick cock further and further inside her tight, nubile pussy.
Kia’s pussy sucked at Dex’s cock and squeezed and contracted with orgasmic pleasure as he thrusted deeply inside her.
Dex rolled Kia over and began to thrust deeper inside her from this position. He licked his index finger and worked it slowly into her tight ass. Kia moaned deeply as he did this and as he fucked her he fingered her ass as well.
Kia pulled on Dex’s arms willing him to fuck her harder as he worked his finger deeper into her asshole.
Dex could feel it.
An inevitable culmination, the point of no return.
The point at which an unmistakable, irreversible sensation grips a male and he ejaculates forcefully into his partner.
Dex began to thrust his hips at an almost supernatural rate, pinning Kia to the bed as she moaned in sheer ecstasy. He pulled out and began to masturbate then suddenly a warm, explosive feeling shook his body and he came in thick gobs all over Kia’s shining fur.
Dex forced himself back into Kia’s dripping pussy and fucked her tight opening as long as he could stand while Kia massaged Dex’s cum into her fur.
Then Dex, exhausted collapsed onto the bed next to her.
Kia rolled onto her back and began to play with Dex’s cock with her tail. Tickling the head with the bristle like fur.
Dex rolled her over and kissed her passionately then the two, intertwined in each others arms, drifted slowly to sleep.

The next morning Dex sat naked on the bed, stroking Kia’s tail.
Kia rolled over, her eyes still heavy with sleep. She smiled lazily.
“I need to go to my apartment, change my clothes.” Said Dex quietly.
“Ok” yawned Kia.
“Make sure you are prepared to get to work when I get back. I want to go and see Sin again, I have questions.”
“I know Dex.” She replied “be quick.”
Dex dressed himself in his old clothes and left, closing the door behind him.
The day was excessively dreary. While light rain fell it was bone chilling cold and Dex pulled his overcoat closer to his fur to retain his warmth.
Dex headed for his car.
A short car ride led to Dex finding his apartment completely trashed. Furniture was ripped, foam strewn across the soiled carpet and trash.
He stood in the doorway with a dumbfounded expression of surprise on his face.
Dex pulled his 45. from his overcoat pocket and searched his rooms to no avail.

“What?!” exclaimed Kia.
She stood in front of her apartment window; sick yellow daylight filtering through the torn net curtains.
She was naked. Her magnificent form highlighted by the light.
“Completely trashed.” Said Dex.
”Who?! I mean…were they there?!” asked Kia. She pulled a pair of jeans and leather shirt from the bed and dressed hastily.
“No. It has to have something to do with Rage.”
“Don’t jump to conclusions Dex.” Kia was completely dressed. She turned from Dex and pulled open a dresser drawer revealing a large knife, she tucked it into the back of her jeans.
“How else do you explain it? We need to go and see Sin now.”
Dex began to leave Kia’s apartment, she grabbed her PCT and quickly followed him.

Sin’s alley was strewn with garbage.
The rain slick walls glistened sickeningly with a black sheen.
Sin’s laptop sat on the fruit crate.
“Stay in the car Kia” said Dex. He opened his car door.
“No” replied Kia.
“What?” said Dex looking at Kia.
“Were partners Dex” she grasped his hand.
Dex felt a kind of heat emanate from her hand.
Kia’s voice echoed through his head. We’re partners.
“Ok, let’s go speak to Sin” said Dex with a smile.
Dex slammed his car door shut and walked over to Sin with Kia at his side.
“Sin respond” said Dex kneeling in front of the fruit crate.
The laptop sat silently for a moment.
Behind Dex the sounds of the busy Nian streets echoed eerily off of the alley walls.
“Dex” replied Sin.
“Sin, someone trashed my apartment. What can you tell me?”
”Please wait a moment” said Sin.
A few moments past.
“Someone called your home phone last night Dex.” Said Sin.
“Who was it?” asked Dex.
“Number originates from Shadow headquarters”
“Marxus…” growled Dex.
“Maybe he was just trying to contact you Dex” suggested Kia. Dex turned to her, a look of considerable concern was plastered on her face.
“If Marxus wanted to talk he would have contacted me on my PCT”
“One more thing.” Said Sin. Dex snapped back around.
“Surveillance records from a camera situated street level outside your apartment building clearly shows a C-1 Administration van outside of your building 10 minutes after the phone call.”
“That’s it” said Dex. “I’m going to C-1.” Dex stood and Sin disappeared from the laptop.
Kia took his hand again. “I’m coming with you Dex.”
He grasped her hand with his other.
”I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

A Section was the most affluent area of Nia. It consisted of several financial institutions, shopping districts and was subject to numerous urban renewal programs.
The area was a shining mass of glass and white, glimmering plastic.
Large stainless steel fountains lined the streets complimenting the well groomed Canines who filed in authoritative rows down the pristinely kept sidewalks.
Dex hated coming here.
The pretentious assholes got on his nerves. The whole of A section was full of bureaucratic dicks.
The C-1 administration building was a hulking glass monstrosity. It’s glittering windows polished to a blinding sheen.
Dex pulled up outside of it. Security inside eyed him through the glass.
The C-1 administration was the political hive mind of Nia. It was a mildly fascist organization, authoritative on some matters and completely apathetic to others. It was mysterious, deadly and veiled in a perpetual cloak of secrecy. It was an intimidating organization and that’s what disturbed Dex. They could make him disappear and he counted himself lucky for not being home last night.
Dex got out of the car, Kia following suit. The security inside fingered their weapons. Dex saw this and grew concerned.
The two Shadow’s walked towards the building, heavy rain soaking them. The rain streamed down the many windows, giving them a slick appearance.
Dex entered the automatic doors and two heavily built security guards in thick, blue jumpsuits approached Kia and himself.
“My name’s Dex.” Dex flashed his ID at the guards. “I’m a Shadow, so is she.”
The Security continued to advance.
“Guy’s…” said Dex backing up.
The guards hands drifted towards their weapons.
Dex pushed Kia onto the ground and produced is 45. firing over her and dropping the two security guards.
“We need to go” Dex said to Kia’s terrified face.
He picked her up and the two ran towards the front doors only to find them locked. Dex fired at the glass to no avail, the bullets simply stopped in their tracks when they hit the Perspex finish.
“Come on we need to find a way out” said Dex maneuvering Kia into the foyer. As the two turned around they found themselves completely outmatched by the C-1 security force.

Dex’s vision returned to him in pulses.
His head pounded in thick waves of violent pain. Dex sat up, his vision a series of colors and blurs moving in swarms in front of his eyes.
Heavy sounds, thumping and shouting and white noise filled his head as it screamed for relief.
“…Dex…” a demanding, distant voice resonated in the confusing mess of ill comprehension.
“Dex Rose” the voice was clearer. Dex’s vision was almost 20/20 now.
“What the fuck?!” he screamed instinctively feeling inside his overcoat for his 45…it was empty.
A recognizable entity lay before him. The hive mind of Nia, the C-1 Administration committee composed entirely of Rabbits.
Dex rolled onto his side, Kia sat next him.
“Kia” said Dex reaching for her. Kia took his hand.
”They’re Rabbits Dex…” she said, her eyes slightly glazed.
Dex sat up and looked into the line up of Rabbits. They wore the C-1 garb. Thick red robes topped with red skull caps. Their long ears dangling to their sides.
“Explanation” spat Dex “Now, you Lepus fucks!”

A regal looking Rabbit stood from the centre of the large semi-circular bench.
The bench was dwarfed by the sheer enormity of the room, thick darkness consuming all light not touching the two Shadows or the committee.
“I am Senior Chancellor Brius” announced the Rabbit in a booming voice. “Before you die I believe you deserve an explanation.”
The Rabbit walked slowly down stairs that seemed to be constructed from glass.
“Nia, as you know it, is a lie. This city was constructed by Canines of course but not for you. It was constructed for Rabbits. It is in fact still under construction however it’s progress has repeatedly been halted by a rebel named Rage and his group of interferer's.”
“What?” asked Dex “Rage is a rebel? Rebelling against what?”
Brius lifted his hand to silence Dex.
“There are some amongst my race” said Brius standing before the two kneeling Shadow’s “that believe what we are doing is wrong.”
Brius drew a large sword from his belt.
“The rebels have been plaguing us from the beginning. So we established the Shadow organization. We began the Defiler story and you have been capturing or killing Rebels ever since. Thanks to you Dex Rose, we are nearing completion of the city on the backs of Canine workers! Then when you are finished you will be purged from the grounds of Nia and the Rabbits will take control!.”
Dex eyed Brius severely. There was nothing he could do however, his hands were tied together and there was no way he could defend himself against a sword.
“Now, you will be killed, Nia will be completed and the Canines purged.”
Brius forced the sword through Kia's belly, unbeknown to Dex killing their unborn child. Dex screamed and was struck from behind.

Dex woke up in the wastes beyond the Nian city walls. He'd seen images of the wastes, so he knew what they looked like. They were barren and fruitless, a cracked oasis of nothing melding with the azure sky.
With a heavy heart Dex wandered away from Nia forever, clutching his broken heart to keep it from falling to pieces.