John Paulson's Pleasure

By: DerFurrer
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John Paulson approached the door with a sense of nervousness in his chest. He had been to many of Ellen's parties when he was younger, but not in the past five years. A sense of apprehension came over him as he curled his pawlike hands into a fist and rapped the door with his knuckles.

"Get the door!" commanded a familiar voice over the murmur of the rest of the party. A muscular wolf answered the door.

"John! How's it been?" he asked as he gave John a tight embrace.

"It's been good," said John, trying not to think about the tight muscles holding him against Ellen's brother's chest.

"Come in," he gestured to the doorway, to which John complied politely.

The party was just starting, but already the living room was crowded. A dozen or so people waved to John, about half of which he recognized. The hostess quickly hurried from the entertainment room where her date was setting up the LAN for the gamers.

"John!" she said with a smile before embracing him, "I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know," said John with a smile, "It's been way too long."

"Come, come, there are a lot of fantastic people you should meet," Ellen said as she grabbed his wrist and ushered him from person to person. The names were numerous and the faces were largely forgetful; a common trait among large parties. After a few minutes, someone else knocked on the door.

"Oh, I'll get it," said Ellen as though she had just been awoken from a trance and ran off toward the door, leaving John by himself in a sea of unfamilarity.

Ellen, ever the social cat, completely forgot about John and began chatting with the man at the door; presumably, a new friend. John turned away and walked into the kitchen where Ellen's sister was playing bartender.

"Hi, John," she said with a peppy smile. She was 21 years old-- only two years younger than John and Ellen-- but her mannerisms were still very much that of a high school freshman. Typical, thought John, of cats.

"Hello, Mel," he greeted her warmly, "How's school?"

"Miserable," she answered, "My English professor keeps assigning large essays at the last minute. I'm glad the semester's almost over," she said with a pout.

"That's unfortunate," John said. John's experience in college was one of the three E's of college: Elation, enebriation, and education. Of course, that was Florida State.

"Yeah, well, that's life. What can I get for you?" she asked, turning her attention to the limited but nonetheless quality selection of booze.

"Screwdriver, please, if you have OJ," John requested.

"One screwdriver coming right up!" she said with a smile.

John turned around right as Ellen's brother walked up, accompanied by a slender fox.

"Hi, John, I'd like you to meet my friend Brian. Brian, this is John." The two shook hands and the fox smiled a little more than was necessary.

"Hello, John," Brian began, "I've heard a lot about you from Elle."

"Likewise," John said, stretching the definition of "a lot" considerably.

"Is it true that you're not going to graduate school?" Brian asked.

John nodded. "I can't afford it right now. Maybe someday I--"

"Corey," Ellen appeared, interrupted John, and disappeared with her brother without hesitation. "Er, maybe someday I'll get my Ph.D, but I can't live for another four years on Federal grant money to cover tuition and McDonald's wages."

"John. Earth to John," Mel pestered, handing him a glass full of a ice and a pale orange mixture.

"Oh, thanks, Mel," John said, taking a sip of the screwdriver. Perfection. He would expect nothing less from a Chemistry major. 

Brian thought for a second, then asked, "What do you have your Bachelor's in, again?"

"Mathematics," John said with a mix of pride and bashfulness.

"That's what I thought," Brian said.

"Why?" asked John. 

"My dad owns an engineering firm," Brian said, "So if you need a job that will work around your college schedule, hit me up and I'll see what I can arrange."

"Thanks," said John, "But I'm not sure I could-"

"Why? What's the problem?" said Brian with that same smile again.

"I haven't done anything to deserve such kindness," John muttered awkwardly and glanced at his feet.

Brian swooped in and planted a kiss right on his mouth. John broke the kiss after two seconds and was taken aback by the sudden act of affection.

"Wha?" he said, confused as Brian gazed into John's eyes.

"'Haven't done anything to deserve such kindess?' Rubbish! You're cute, smart, and from what Elle tells me, quite funny once you get over your shyness," Brian began, "And besides, we need someone with brains to fill the position. You'd be perfect."

By this point, John's face was in a total blush. A few people noticed the fox leaning assertively towards the blushing husky, and they began whispering back and forth.

"A-Are you hitting on me?" John asked after a moment of speechlessness. 

"Maybe," said Brian with a smirk. "Do I make you feel uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not that, but-" Brian leaned forward. His muzzle was only inches away from John's now.

"Are you afraid?" Brian asked softly, "Afraid of being outed in front of all these people?"

At this point, John could not deny it. His actions, body language, and reactions had already set off Brian's intuition, so it was likely that there were others that already knew. A wave of fear overtook John, which manifested in him looking down at his feet.

"Um, well..." John stuttered.

"Come upstairs," Brian began, "Join me in the guest room later. If you're comfortable, that is."

Brian walked away and John stood frozen in place by exasperation (or perhaps he was checking out Brian's ass as he walked away). It was Mel who broke the silence.

"It's okay," she said, "Sis won't mind. That's kinda what the guest bedroom is for. Can I interest you in something stronger?"

"Yes," John said without hesitation as he downed the rest of the screwdriver.


John quietly slipped into the guest room. The low-volume cacophony of the partygoers' chit-chat died down behind the thick door. Brian sat on the bed, remote in hand, and turned off the television as John entered the room.

"Hello, John," Brian said with a smile.

"Hello, Brian," John said nervously.

"Come sit down," he said with a gesture. John nervously sat on the bed, side-to-side with Brian.

"You a virgin?" Brian asked John immediately. The suddenness of this question was less shocking than the kiss they shared earlier.

"No, but I've only been with women," John answered.

"I've tried it with girls," Brian said. "They're pretty, but men are much more fun."

John shrugged. He had been fantasizing about men for three years now, and his porn collection was now exclusively gay, but he could never bring himself to try it.

"So, do you want to do this?" Brian asked, as direct as ever.

"Would I be here if I didn't?" John retorted.

"Excellent," Brian said as he gracefully hip-rolled onto John's lap and put his arms around his shoulders. "Which begs the question: Top or bottom?"

"B-bottom," John said as his face turned pink.

 Brian kissed him passionately and laid him back on the bed. As soon as the kiss broke, Brian took off his shirt and smiled.

"I'll get the door. You get sexy-- oh, too late," he teased as he hopped off the bed and walked toward the door. As the lock clicked, Brian turned around to see John already down to his boxers. Brian smiled and took his pants off, running his hand through his fluffy tail to straighten it out. Such a fussy thing fox tails can be. 

Brian walked back to the bed and reached into the drawer, quickly retrieving a small tube of lubrication. He set it on the table and gestured for John to sit up.

Brian placed his hands on John's hips and lowered the boxers, revealing John's enlarging member.

"Eager," noted Brian with a smile. "I like that."

Brian tenderly grasped the bottom of the shaft and began to stroke John's cock. It quickly gained a full erection, and Brian lowered his muzzle to John's balls and gave it a sensational lick. Brian then allowed John's 7 inch dick into his mouth. John moaned with pleasure as his foxy friend gave him the best blow job he ever had, maintaining eye contact for much of the duration. In record time, he erupted a considerable amount of cum into Brian's mouth, who promptly swallowed it all and began licking the bottom of John's cock, trying to softly squeeze more out.

"Mmm," Brian moaned softly, enjoying himself thoroughly. After swallowing a few more drops of cum, Brian stood up and removed his own boxers, revealing a fully erect dick just slightly larger than John's. As John panted in ecstacy, Brian grabbed the lube and kissed John again.

"How was it?" he asked.

"That was the best blowjob I've ever had," John admitted happily.

"Are you ready for, y'know, the fun part?" Brian asked, holding up the lube.

"Yes!" John declared, as horny as he had ever felt. Every fantasy he ever had began to play in his mind at once. Without provocation, John turned over and presented his rump to Brian. Brian smirked, satisfied with himself, and spread some lube over his anxious penis.

"First, let's loosen you up," Brian said as he inserted a lubricated finger into John's posterior. John tensed up, then slowly relaxed.

"I'm ready," John said impatiently, tail wagging slightly. Brian removed his finger, leaned over, and slowly inserted the head of his dick into John's tight ass.

"Ooh!" John cried with pleasure. His hands clenched the bedspread as he struggled to keep is rear relaxed. Brian waited for John to adjust, then began to thrust back and forth.  Brian's hands oscillated between tense and loose as he made love to his new companion.

"Deeper," John said after a minute, "I want to experience everything you've got."

Brian chuckled and thrust in balls deep. John gasped with every thrust. Brian's breathing became deeper and faster. Brian's fluffy chest fur rubbed against the husky with each gyration. After a short while, Brian took his lubricated hand off John's shoulders and began stroking John's reenlarged member. Brian's fur began to stand on end from the static electricity; or perhaps it was lust. Their panting and moaning became louder and more frequent until John felt a warm sensation.

Brian moaned with pure ecstacy and his thrusts slowed as he came inside John.

"Did, *pant* did you just cum?" John asked.

"Yeah," panted Brian.

The thought, the mere concept, of having Brian cum inside of him made John more excited than he ever felt. Less than a minute later, he came all over Brian's hand as Brian gave one final, all-out thrust and held his depth. Brian then licked his prize passionately as he pulled his cum-covered cock from John's butt. The two lovers, panting heavily, laid face-to-face and began kissing tenderly until they both fell asleep.


  A knock at the door woke them up. Ellen announced, "I'm coming in," and unlocked the door.

John reached for the covers, but Ellen had already entered the room.

"Morning, John," she said cooly, "Morning, Brian." 

"Morning, Elle," Brian said lazily.

"You two must have had a fun night. You missed most of the party, y'know," she said, sounding annoyed. 

"Um, er," John said, embarrassed.

"It's alright, John," Elle said. "I'm just glad you two enjoyed yourselves."

"What time is it," Brian asked.

"It's already eight," Elle said, glancing at her watch.

Brian scrambled out of bed and reached for his underwear.

"I gotta go," he said hastily, and added, "I've got to be at work at ten. Gotta shower and stuff."

"Aww," John pouted. "I look forward to working with you." 

As Brian reached the door, he turned and said with a wink, "I look forward to playing with you," before leaving the room. Ellen followed Brian out of the room, leaving John to stare at the ceiling and wonder how long it would take before the news spread to everyone he knew.

"Oh well," thought John, "It was worth it."

He smiled and turned to the spot in the bed where Brian had laid all night. Thoughts about the future floated across his mind, and John smiled.

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