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[Y] Sins chapter 4
Sins chapter 4 N/A Views 1408 Votes 0 Comments 0
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4th chapter. enjoy John meeting a new friend
[Y] Sins chapter 4
after some time crying i started to hear voices getting closer, i decided it would be best for me to run away before the
owners of the voices came over to me. I started to run as fast as i could deeper into the forest only wanting to get away
from this horrible place and find a way to get back to normal, i then remembered what the old man asked me to do to find him
i looked at the sky for the first time and remembered what the old man said "walk toward the floating mountain. its easy to
see" i though and looked around for a bit before i finally saw a giant flying rock with a tower on the top "guess thats where
he is" i said to myself and started running towards it.

As i ran i took my time to look at the forest and the animals that lived there, before i realized it i had arrived at a area
filled with big chains keeping the floating mountain where it was.

I started to climp up one of the biggest of the chains but as i got higher and higher up i started to feel like my energy was
being drained away by something, after many hours i finally got to the end of the chain and leant onto a big rock to rest
when i noticed something moving behind another rock a few feet away.

I approached the rock slowly afraid that i might find a monster of some kind, i heard a small snoring sound and decided to
take a peek. What i saw was neither a monster nor a human, it was a small creature looking like me just a bit smaller and
it had some more fur at the chest.

I tried to poke it's head in a attempt to wake it up and after several pokes it finally woke up, it made a yawning sound
and stretched its arms over its head then it opened it's eyes and looked straight into mine "hello there small one" i said
camly trying not to scare it too much.

It made an "Eeeep" sound and ran over to a bigger rock and hid behind it, i walked over and peeked to the other side of the
rock seeing the small werewolf hide its head in it's tail "uhh... i mean no harm small one" i said slowly and softly
i clearly got its attention as it looked at my with its terrified eyes.

"you mean no harm?" it said back at me with a very sweet voice either it was a very girly guy or else it was a female
"thats right... i mean no harm to you" i said and slowly reached out my paw like hand at the small werewolf, she looked at it
and then she slowly stood up as if she would take my hand but instead she walked backwards away from me "you mean harm.. all
of you mean harm" she slowly got closer to the edge and was about to fall over when i in an instant moved over and grabbed
her around her waist pulling her back with me when i jumped away from the edge.

I must have hit my head on something because the next thing i saw was the darkness engulfing my vision as i passed out
the next thing i saw after that was the blinding light of the midday sun as i opened my eyes, i raised a hand to cover my
eyes from the bright light that made my eyes feel like they were aflame.

I looked around to see of i could spot the small werewolf but didnt see her i then tried listening and i could hear something
close by, i walked towards the sounds and ended up at a small cave where i tried yelling "Hello?" into the entrance.
After the eccho was gone i could hear a faint "go away" from the inside and i regonized the voice as that of the small
werewolf, i entered the cave and walked through it until i reached a small door.

I knocked on the door and waited for a bit but didnt get any responce at all from inside, i could only hear some whimpering
from behind the door i tried to open the door but as my hand got close to the handle i got hit by a small bolt of
lightning from the door and i was thrown back. "GAAAAARH!" i shouted as i stood up holding a hand over the wound inflicted
on my left arm by the lightning, i walked over to the door again and with one powerful kick i kicked it in two inside were
the small werewolf sitting in a corner holding her tail in her hands and mumbling something i could not hear even with my
good ears.

I slowly approached her but just as i came over to her i fell over and hit the ground, i could hear her move and run out of
the room i silently started to cry as the pain which had been held back by my will came rushing to my wound making it throb
like crazy. I screamed out in pain and started to twist around on the ground as i felt a shooting pain in my whole arm
the lightning had damaged my muscles in my arm making the pain unbearable, i wished that the small werewolf would come back
and end my pains and i though my prayers where answered as i heard foot steps.

But when i looked towards the door i only saw the light of a torch then everything went black once more and i passed out from
the intense pain.


When i awoke i felt something wet on my forehead and i tried reaching up to feel what it was but my right arm where tied to
a pole in the ground and i was unable to move my left arm at all because it was in pain, i looked around and saw the small
werewolf sitting at a wall staring at me with her small sleep dazed eyes.

"H-Hello y-you are awake?" she said nervously and i nodded in responce to her, "yeah im... awake... where am i?" i said
feeling a bit dizzy. She moved over beside me and removed the thing on my forehead which looked like it was a soaked piece
of cloth, she soaked it in a small bowl beside her and started to cleanse the wound on my arm which hurt like hell

When she was done with cleaning my wound she took some strips of cloth and tied around the wound tightly.
"T-This should help" she said and sat on my right side and put a hand on my forehead "hmm no fever.. you dont have any
infections then" she smiled slightly and moved away from me over to the wall again where she just sat and stared at me,
"why are you staring at me?" i asked already knowing the answer "to make sure you dont try and kill me" she said coldly
and looked away for a bit before she returned to stare at me.

"So... whats your name?" i said softly trying to make her relax a bit "im Tama" she said after a bit "and you.. who are you?"
she asked and looked at me curiously "my name is John" i said softly with a small smile on my lips, she moved a little closer
"where did you come from John? i mean there is no way that there would be anyone else than me on this part of the flying
mountain" she said and ran a finger across my chest feeling my muscles beneath my fur.

I laughed a bit "h-hey that tickles" i said and without knowing it grabbed her hand softly with my left hand, she looked like
she was about to panic as she pulled her hand away "h-how is that possible.. a wound like that should have been taken weeks
to heal" she said and grabbed my arm and felt where the wound is. I whimpered a bit still feeling pain
"Ow! that hurts" i said and pulled my arm away "your wound is still there but you can move it already" she said and moved
back to sit beside me "now.. answer my question" she said and crossed her arms waiting for me to talk.

"well first of all.. i came up from the chains.. the big ones that keep this thing from floating away" i said and looked at
her face "y-you came from the chains?" she said amazed for some reason, "yeah.. i came from a big one.. why is that strange?"
i asked looking a bit confused.

"yeah its strange.. many have tried to come up that way but there is a curse on the chains that makes it ten times as hard
to climb up here.. many alpha werewolves and elite hunters isnt even able to do what you did" she said and moved a bit closer
"c-could you move a little away.. your making me feel like im some sort of freak of nature" i said and she moved away

"sorry about that John.. now lets go to bed.. we both need to rest.. you to recover.. me to sleep" she yawns and moves over
to a pile of pillows in a corner and lies inside the pile, a few seconds later a light snoring could be heard from inside the
pile. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep too.

to be continued