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The Scout
11 Votes 2 Favourites
Sexuality Lesbian
Submitted On Feb26/13 Hits 3626 Summary:
This was a birthday present for a friend. In the far future, a space colony ship from Earth makes its way towards a new home planet. But before they can approach, they must know that it's uninhabitted. So they send a scout ship on a one-way journey. It's pilot only hopes they'll be able to join her!
Cheryl sat in a tree, staring across the engine at the park on the other side of the ship. She'd have no time tomorrow for last looks at the cylinder-of-cylinders she'd called home since she was born. She'd awaken early and make her way through the Bridge to the scout ship at zero degrees. By lunch time she'd be launched towards Gliese 581 to find out for sure if Gliese 581 c, d or g were actually habitable. It was essential to know this and soon. The Botany Bay had reached half the speed of light on its way from Earth, but it was braking now. Cheryl looked out past the park to the three great pipes which robots were slowly stripping of fifty years worth of corrosion; the injectors that supplied hydrogen to the ship's fusion engine. She knew that the bussard ram scoop was nearly at its widest to collect enough interstellar hydrogen for the engine. In a few years they'd need to inject hydrogen from the fuel tanks again. She'd helped to service the ship's old LiFTR fission plants and put them online; althoug...
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