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my first so coment so i can see if i should keep going or not
Hey my name is Ryan no last name. Mom gave up on my last name. Anyway im a wolf age 16 I have a friend named Taylor aka T. he is a year older than me and he rubs it in a lot. Any ways we both go to the same school more of that later tho. Sitting there on the bus in the back as always. Taylor comes to sit with me. he sits down I push him out of the sit and I smile and evil smile. He gets up and he smiles back. He put his ear phones in that thick skull of his. I do the same Im listening to what the hell by avril (just because im an emo looking wolf don’t mean anything) so I fall asleep and I get woke up by Taylor: Taylor: Yo dude wake the hell up we are here Ryan: Ok im up. Taylor: good les get to the gym so we can get our classes Ryan: whatever. So we go get our classes and SURPRISE we go the same classes as all ways. This our classes 1 READING which our home room is to but he had to go to gym 2 MATH 3 STUDY HALL 4 ENGLISH 5 PE 6 HISTORY 7 ACTING That’s our classes we go to 1 reading yay -_-. We go to reading we take our seats and get lectured about how if you r late u get ASD (after school detention) and all that so I got bored and fell asleep. And then a new kid and his bro came in and I shot right up me and Taylor both did! They told us there name and age and what animal they where the youngest my age his name was Kevin he was a wolf like me. And his bro Kale. He was 17 he was fit not just fit but football player fit! Taylor picks on me and told me Taylor: close your mouth dude you’re drooling. Ryan: SHUT UP! Taylor: hey I’m just saying dude no need to get snappy and I think kale heard you look I look at him in his eyes they where a blood red and they where cute. I look down at my desk and everyone looked at me and smiled and then laughed at me. I didn’t care at al tho. He yells at them Kale: SHUT UP ALL OF YOU WOULDN’T LIKE IT IF YOU WHERE BEING LAUGHED AT! WOULD YOU? Class:……………………………… Kale: that’s what I thought. He and his bro sat by me and Taylor. Taylor looked at Kevin and got a mean look on his face. But not at Kevin at himself. He’s dating a fox. I think to myself that how could a blood hound and a fox be together but that’s none of my business. Then I saw kale looking at me with those blood red eyes and got a lil scared but I felt safe. The rest of the class was boring and all. THE END FOR NOW (colors are red kale, Kevin green, Taylor blue, Ryan gray for all my stories)