So... I started a new series... I'll see if it is a succes and if yes, I'll happily continue. If no, I'll tie it off. So please, tell me if you liked or didnt like it by posting a comment or pm'ing me... Thankies ^.^
"there was a time, this place was full of life and fun", Mikey thought to himself as he walked through the deserted shopping mall. He looked around with a sad expression on his face as his black combat boots made a scraping sound as he walked over the rubble. His outfit also existed out of black and grey camo trousers, a black shirt and a bulletproof vest. On his hips, there hung two Deagles, some ammo pouches and a big knife. On his back there was a Barrett M95 and a katana. He held a mp443 in his paws and cautiously continued. A sudden noise made his ears twitch as he ducked behind a wall and looked around the corner. He saw a small, scared bunny boy and lowered his gun. He turned around the corner and approached the boy. The bunny looked at him with huge eyes as he saw all the weapons on the big Feline. "P-please don't kill me", the feline looked a little surprised. "I'm not going to kill you," he reached out a paw to the bunny. "but this is not a safe place for a boy like you. We must get out of here!" The boy took his paw and pulled himself up. They started walking and the bunny clenched his paw. "My name is Mike, but you can call me Mikey", he said to the boy. "T-Tommy. W-where are we going?"
"To a fortified campsite not far from here. Far away from the militia of general Wortuk", the bunny's ears twitched as he mentioned the general's name. "great. Far away from them and that big meanie that killed my entire family!" Mikey looked at the boy and felt sorry for him. They continued to walk and after a while, with lots of detours to lose any followers, they reached a campsite of which many sounds of working and machinery rose up. "Mikey has returned!!" A voice yelled out as they approached the gates. One of the gates opened a little, just big enough to let the big feline through. "Stay close Tommy. And don't mind any dirty looks, people around here don't quite like newcomers", Mikey said. Tommy clenched his paw and walked as close to Mikey as possible. Mikey lead them to the infirmary, where he walked up to a vixen. "Hi Helen. Found this bunny on my trip to the mall. I want him taken care of. He's lonely and, of course, new here. Could you take care of him for a while?"
"Sure thing, Mikey," she said and looked at the boy. "Aww... Ain't he cute? What's your name?" she asked the bunny. "My name is Tommy, Miss"
"Oh, no need to be polite," she smiled. "Just call me Helen. Now, Tommy, come sit here, so I can have a look at you", she tapped on a stool. "I'm going to leave you here in the good hands of Helen, Tommy. I must go report and do some other stuff", Mikey said. "O-okay Mikey. And thanks for saving me!"
"You're more than welcome Tommy!" he replied and walked out of the tent. He walked up to his own tent, zipped it open and walked in. He took his bulletproof vest, his shirt, boots and trousers off. As he put on a new pair of pants and a tank top, his tent zipped open again and a blue husky walked in. "So? How was my Hero's trip?" she asked with a soft, gentle voice. "quite good. Found a bunny boy, took him to the infirmary. And how was my Heroine's day?", he asked her, slowly turning around and hugging her. "Pfft! a boring day mostly. The only big thing that happened was the catch of one of our spies, for treason"
"Another one? That's the second one in two weeks!" he said with a small tone of surprise in his voice. "yeah... I know... I guess Wortuk is paying big cash for info... Luckily we were able to intercept him before he delivered. So, what are you up to tonight, Hun?"
"First, I must report, then I'd grab a bite to eat and then I'd check on Tommy, the new boy. He still needs a place to sleep", he said in return. "All right Hun, I must teach now, but I'll be here at..." she looked at her watch, "... Say eleven o'clock?"
"Sounds good Sweetie. I'll see you here", he smiled and kissed her on the lips. He then left his tent and walked to HQ. He knocked on the door and entered the hut. A cosy fire was burning in the fireplace and a tall lion was sitting on a chair in front of it, deep into thought. The lion looked up as he heard Mikey enter and smiled. "Ahh Mikey. How are you? How was your trip?" He reached out a paw to Mikey, who shook it gently. "I'm good Sir, the trip wasn't much though. Ran into twelve militia, but they were easy. Also found a boy, he's at the infirmary right now", Mikey replied. "hmmm. Twelve again, eh? Good work Mikey! That are twelve opponents less for our troops... Good work. Now go get something to eat! You look pale"
"Thank you Sir!" He saluted and walked out of the door. He decided to go check on Tommy before he went for a meal. He walked into the infirmary and saw Tommy happily playing a board game with Helen. "I see Helen kept you busy. Thanks Helen! Now, can I get you guys anything to eat?" He smiled as he asked it. Helen and Tommy both shook no and Helen pointed out a box of assorted cookies. "Oh I see. Well, I'm gonna get myself something. And you still need a place to sleep, Tommy", Helen looked up and again shook a no. "He can sleep with me, it's safer and better for him", she argumented and Tommy happily nodded. "Okay, the majority wins it. I surrender. he stays here", Mikey smiled and left the tent. He got to the RestoHut and ordered a steak and a bottle of soda. He sat down at a table and quietly ate his dinner. As he had finished it, he stood up, placed his plate on a tray and walked back to his tent. He took a short shower and put on some easy clothes. He took a look at the clock and laid down on the bed. "still thirty minutes until Elly is here. That means I should be able to take a quick nap", he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Exactly twenty-nine minutes later, he opened his eyes and sat up in his bed. Just a minute later his tent zipped open and the blue husky walked back in. "So? Is my hero ready for a night of Elly?" She asked with a playful smile on her face. "Sure!" Mikey replied as he pulled her close. He hugged her and started to kiss her. She slowly opened her lips to let out her tongue. He softly started to swirl his tongue around hers, gently, pulling her onto the bed with him as he did. As the kiss broke, he took her shirt off and started to kiss her neck. His paws gently caressed her sides As he moved down, softly kissing her shoulders. His paws undid her bra and he started to kiss her breasts, then moving to her nipples, softly sucking and biting on them. She let out soft moans of pleasure as he continued towards her bellybutton. He undid her pants and panties and moved her hips so, that she'd sit on his face. He slowly started licking her clit and sometimes he'd even very gently, bite it, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She gasped and murred as she felt his tongue working her clit. He slowly started to lick her pussy lips and taste her love juices. She growled softly as she bucked her hips in pleasure. "M-make me c-cum, big boy", she whispered. He happily fulfilled her wish and started to lick faster. Her head started to get a little light and she had to place her arms against the closet's side to keep herself on the bed. She moaned as she started to cum, sending waves of her hot love juices all over Mikey's face. He happily lapped them all up and as she stopped cumming, he sat back up a little, placing her on top of his crotch which was hiding his boner. She looked at him and smiled. "that was amazing Sweetie! Now, ride me! Ride me like a horse!" she said and he took his clothes off. He laid her down on the bed and got on top of her, gently sliding his cock into her tight pussy. He grunted a little as he did and she moaned. When he got fully in her, he slowly started to move in and out, slowly fucking her. A few drops of sweat ran down his face As he picked up the pace of his thrusts. She got light in her head again and moaned and murred. "oohh... I think I'm going to cum again, big boy!" she said and he grunted loudly as they came together. Her orgasm made her pussy muscles twitch and milk his cock, trying to milk all the hot spunk out of it. He murred and grunted and kissed her passionately. She smiled happily and kissed back. They fell asleep together and woke up the following morning. Mikey gently slid his cock out of her pussy and took her to the shower. They both showered and got clean. As they had dried their selves of, they put on their clothes and got outside. They kissed goodbye and Elly went to the HQ. Mikey went back to the infirmary to check on Tommy. He noticed both him and Helen were still vast asleep in Helen's bed, so he left quietly and hung a sign on the door saying: 'Helen took a day off. Please go to the secondary infirmary. Thanks in advance!' he left and walked through the gates, ready for a new day, wondering what it would bring...
————————————————————————————————————————The End!——————————————————————————————————————
Boring stuff: All characters in this story are purely fictional and any resemblance to any real life persons, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. Also, the characters in this story, undergoing actions of an explicit nature, are eighteen (18) years or older. :End of boring stuff... If you like this story, could you leave me a comment or pm me? If not, could you do this as well, telling me what you didn't like? Thankies... ^.^