The new guy

By: CuteLittleFurryHusky
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This is my first story, hope you like it. Also, should you find any mistakes, forgive me, but English is not my first language.
*hug* Thanks for your understanding. Now, here's the story:


Beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep! Bram woke up to the sound of his very annoying alarm clock. He turned it of, got out of bed and
got in front of the mirror. He took a look at himself and studied his body. After a little inspection he mumbled:
* "hmmm, a jet-black
muscular lion with jet-black manes. Not quite the usual." and after a little grin he got dressed. With him, nothing was "quite the usual".
When he came downstairs he noticed two things: first, he realized his place was a mess.

* "meh, I'll take care of it later," and second, his stomach was growling, and there was nothing to eat.

* "meh, I'll grab a bite to eat on my way to work." And so he left for work, dressed in a black hoody and black pants, almost invisible
since there was very little light at this hour of the day. He passed a gas station and went in for breakfast. He ordered a coffee and
two sandwiches and while eating his breakfast he noticed a beautiful femmeboy-ish Wolf walking towards the gas station.
The wolf came in and noticed Bram looking at him.

• "Good morning" he said friendly.

* "Good morning to you too" Bram replied. "Oh what a beautiful voice" Bram thought to himself. But he had to leave since he had to be on
time for work. When he arrived his boss told him the schedule and the to-do list. Todays list was rather short he noticed. This was
because he had to guide a new guy through the building. "o shit," he thought "probably some ugly, stupid kid that doesn't know shit about
pc's." but when the new guy entered his office he couldn't have been more wrong. It was that same beautiful white wolf from before!!

• "hey, what a coincidence," said the wolf "I saw you at the gas station this morning, right?"

* "ehh... yeah... yes, indeed." Bram stuttered "how are you?"

• "I'm fine, thanks, you?"

* "I'm doing pretty good. Shall we start immediately?"

• "Sure"

* "Ok, I'll need your full name and your age please."

• "The name's Jackie Johnson and I'm 19 years old."

* "So, mr. Johnson, what makes you think you got it to work at Curtains, Inc.?" And After all questions were answered, they stood up.

* "Welcome to Curtains, Inc. Mr. Johnson."

• "Thank you very much!" Jackie replied. They shook hands and Bram started to guide Jackie through the company. After the tour, the day
was over so Bram asked Jackie:

* "Wanna come over to my place?"

• "I'd love to!" Jackie replied. When they arrived at Brams place, Bram excused Jackie for the mess, but Jackie didn't seem to pay any attention to it.

• "You kiddin' me? I love this place..... and I love you." he mumbled.

* "I love you too!!" Bram replied happily and quite shy. He picked Jackie up and carried him to his bed and gently he laid him on it. They took of their
clothes and snuggled up to each other. Bram started kissing him and suddenly he felt Jackies cock pressing against his leg. Before Jackie could pull
away, Bram grabbed his cock and started rubbing the sheath. From Jackies soft moans from time to time Bram knew he liked it. He moved his head downward
and without stopping to rub Jackies sheath he started licking the tip. Jackie didn't expect this and it immediately pushed him over the top. With a loud
moan he came.

• "That felt amazing!" was the only thing Jackie could say.

* "You're very welcome" Bram said after swallowing the delicious wuffycum.

• "Time to return the favor." Jackie exclaimed and without hesitation he moved his head down to Brams cock and started licking the sheath. He moved his
tongue up and down and now and then he licked Brams balls, but after a while he also put his whole mouth over the delicious looking lionscock. Bram couldn't
think straight anymore and just let go, cumming all his load into Jackies mouth. After he swallowed all the yummy lionscum he said:

• "That tasted good!"

* "Yours wasn't bad either!" Bram said and with a slight hesitation he added "can I fuck you? Pleeaase?"

• "Sure, but only on one condition" he said, "and that's that I may fuck you afterwards."

* "*sigh* seems that I have no choice." Bram said with a huge smile on his face. So Jackie positioned himself on his hands 'n' knees and presented his cute ass
to Bram who had just lubed his cock. Bram positioned his dick in front of Jackies cute tail hole and slowly pressed it in. When he was in completely, he started
slowly moving back- and forward. Since it was his first time, he had only fucked for five minutes or he could feel his seed boiling in his balls. He pushed his
cock all the way in and with a very loud growl he came deep inside Jackies ass.

* "That felt so good!!" Bram puffed, trying to catch his breath.

• "Well, not trying to force you," Jackie whispered "but I wanna try too."

* "Of course" Bram said while positioning himself into the same stance. Jackie slowly started pushing his cock in and pulling out. It was his first time as well
and he didn't need long to cum either. So when he felt his need to cum, he pushed as deep inside of Bram as he could and with a loud howl he came into Brams ass.
They snuggled up next to eachother and felt asleep in a hugging position.


So, I hope you liked my first story. Please leave some comments on how you think I should improve my story. Thanks a lot! *HUGE HUG*
Oh yeah, feel free to pm me
or send an e-mail to:
[email protected].

Some Boring stuff: Bram and Jackie are both characters from CuteLittleFurryHusky's fantasy and may not be used in other stories except if given written
permission by CuteLittleFurryHusky himself. Also, every character in this story is either 18 years or older.

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