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[Y] Black and White fit together
17 Votes
2 Favourites
Sexuality Gay
Submitted On Aug1/11
Hits 4359
The Black Lion and the White Wolf go dancing...
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So, my second story... Sort of a continuation on the previous one. It's very short though... Hope you like it. Also, should you find any mistakes, forgive me, but English is not my first language. *hug* Thanks for your understanding. Now, here's the story:


•"Boy, I love this beat" Jackie said. He almost had to yell to get over the loud music playing in the disco.
*"yeah, I love it too. It was a great idea of you to come to this rave!" Bram, who was dancing next to him, replied.
•"aww, thank you. But it was a great idea from you to wear those glow sticks!" Jackie said, pointing to both of their bodies. Bram was wearing two pink ones around each arm, three blue ones around his neck, two green ones around each ankle and some white ones spelled the letter 'J' on his chest underneath his fishnet tank-top. Jackie was wearing the same, except the letter on ...
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have you read "love at first rave" by any chance?
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