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[Y] The Eyes
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Submitted On May19/11
Hits 1482
Do they bore into your soul?
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They bore into me from the shadows. Ever watching, ever criticizing. They have no color, yet no shade of grey. They watch my every move, yet remain immobile in my eyes. They see all whereas I see nothing. I feel the burning agony of others sorrow, and react. They remain impassive though the same pain burns within. They see the impurities branded upon the souls of man, like cattle. They watch as the light of innocence fades from my spirit to become a flicker of candlelight amidst a grand audience chamber. Making no motion to fan the flames into the blaze it once was. Their stare sends a cold chill through the depths of my hear, as I sense the absence of emotion. When I try to look back, I fear of becoming lost in the shadows of oblivion. I cry, at the state of the world, and they gaze upon me unblinking. I wince at the pain and destruction that wracks mans soul, whilst they keep staring, completely unshaken. I shudder, unnerved at the thought coursing through even my head. They stare back at me,...
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