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[Y] The Crossroads
2 Votes
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Sexuality N/A
Submitted On May19/11
Hits 1247
Which path would you take?
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[Y] Excerpt
As my feet strike the pavement I feel the light warming my exposed flesh. Even in the sheer darkness of night, the warmth seems to flood into my soul. A small dip, a simple mistep, a tangling of legs and the ground rushes to meet my gaze. Pain resounds in my ears and across my body like a taut drum being beaten during a war party. My eyes screw shut against the suddenly blinding light. I try to move my hands to raise myself from the ground, but they are wrapped in the icy chains of death and despair. Unable to act, unable to move to prevent any further harm from coming to myself or another. My legs, suddenly leaden and cold, almost as if I had been paralized from the neck down. I could not even feel the ground beneath them as I strove to pull them closer to my body. My core, frozen in shudders from fear, defenseless, unable to move against any foe. Within my ears the only sound was a blood chilling scream. Like a mother watching her only child tortured, beaten, and bloodied. I tried to scream, to ...
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