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Submitted On May19/11 Hits 1721 Summary:
Have you broken free?
The man stared down his companian. As he looked deep into the blackness of his pupils they began to shift. Something was changing. There was no explaining it but he started seeing shapes moving in silohuette. Was he looking into this mans eye's... or mearly a reflection of what was happening behind him. The images shifted again.. this time there was no doubting it... this was a reflection. turning around he saw nothing... nothing but the normal crowd of pedestrians walking the road.... but then he looked deeper... he saw souls.. they had no color... they had nothing of distinguish to tell them apart from one another. Shaking his head he turned back to his friend who had disappeared. he saw more souls floating down the street.. closing his eyes he stared at the floor.. looking up he once again saw his friend staring back at him, his eyes still showed figures in silohuette moving as if in a struggle. turning around he looked at the crowd once more and this time lookied into the eyes of every body on the str...
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