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[Y] A demons birth, intro
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Sexuality N/A
Submitted On May19/11
Hits 2638
Just the intro to a story I am writing...
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Bent over, Cresk sucked in air greedily. Checking his watch he frowned and mentally slapped himself. He was getting there but still nowhere near his goal of running a 17 minute three mile. Wiping the sweat from his brow he retrieved his shirt from the back of his shorts and flicked his tail around in aggravation. Cresk was an odd wolf, in his markings and mismatched eyes, but aside from those you really would be hard pressed to find any other difference. Standing 6'4" tall and weighing a lean 185 pounds, one would also be hard pressed to believe that he was one of the most renowned bouncers in the city. That reputation was strictly from rumor, for he never did anything special to gain notice. Mopping his face with his shirt as he walked up the stairs to his third floor apartment he began muttering colorful phrases at himself and his performance. Mistepping as he reached the top he almost fell flat on his muzzle and yelped in surprise. Feeling as if his embarassment couldn't get any worse he heard a s...
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