Kaitlyn The Fox chapter 2: Early Sunrise

By: Chameleonizer
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That night was the best time I've ever had. It wasn't just spending time in bed with a sexy fox, but how much she loved it too. We went for at least 3 hours and we enjoyed every minute of it. I never realized how lovely her personality was. She was the nicest person I had ever met in my life. She also had an amazing body underneath her clothes, and she thought I was pretty sexy too which made me feel really proud. As I rolled over to see if she was awake, I didn't notice any pain in my loins, which meant neither of us were carriers. (Thank god! Hehe...)

"Hey Kaity, you up yet?" I asked. She rubbed her eyes and groaned a little.

"Yeah I'm up." she responded reassuringly.

"Did you get any sleep?"

"Yeah, a few solid hours. It's tough when you're all hot and sweaty ^^"

"Haha, I know what you mean" I said. She smiled and sat up a little. She asked if I wanted breakfast, so I told her that of course I would. She quickly got on her clothes from last night which she sometimes used for pajamas and hopped inside the kitchen. She quickly whipped up some eggs and sausage patties, which we both liked to have. I sat down in the chair next to her and started eating.

"Damn! You can make a fine breakfast of champions there." I said.

"Thanks Andrew ^^" she replied. She liked to eat at a slow pace, where I always stuffed down food. Then I set my fork down for a moment.

"Umm Kaity, I wanna know something. Do you really wanna be my boyfriend? I mean you're so popular and i'm just kinda nerdy..."

"Of course I do, baby. I love you a lot, and I can be a little nerdy at times too. You're so hot too, and I love a charming sexy fellow ^_^" I giggled a little bit when she said that and blushed. I loved the way she said things to me in such a positive tone.

 "I really wanna know how you got such huge breasts." I asked.

"Oh, these boobs? Well I guess I was just born that way, baby ^^ As long as we're together, you can squeeze these all you'd like." and she winked at me while playing with them a little bit, gently juggling them up and down and giving a soft little squeeze here and there. As I watched her, I looked back up at her face which was now giving me a message that she wanted to come back to bed. "You're so good looking baby, I just wanna suck your cock the whole day"

"Woah!" I exclaimed. I couldn't help but find it weird how flirty she was being with me. "I'm sorry, I got too excited there hehe! ^^" I said and we both laughed. She got up and left the dishes at the table and sexually walked back into the bedroom, giving me another wink. I followed her in and laid down under the sheets with her. She hugged me tight as we kissed a few times. Then the kisses turned to french kisses, and became hot tongue licks. She moaned softly as I licked her neck and took off her shirt. I moved down a little and groped her left breast. It was so big and soft and squishy, I could hear the milk bouncing and swashing around inside. She bit her lip as I started licking her breast. With her eyes closed she let out a moan as I began to suck on the nipple, which was a really weird feeling but it pleased her so I kept doing it. Then I squeezed that breast as I moved on to sucking her other one. She moaned a little softer but more often.

"My turn, honeybunch" she said. She rolled on top and got down to my waist. She drooled a little on my dick as a lubricant to provide easier fellation.Then she got right to work. First she licked my shaft from my balls all the way up to the tip. It felt amazing. I leaned back and closed my eyes, waiting for her to stuff herself. Then she closed her eyes and slid my cock into her mouth, letting it rest on her moist tongue. She got about 2 inches in before starting to suck on it. As she sucked. she slid my cock back and forth for comfort. I could feel my veins pulsating in my dick. She moaned softly as she started to add another inch down her throat, licking my tip as she stuck my cock against the side of her mouth. It felt sooo good and she seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. Then she began to deepthroat me, stuffing all 7 inches down. I was scared my dick was gonna touch her uvula and make her sick, but she knew how to handle my cock. She sucked harder and faster and rubbed my dick with her right hand very fast. I could feel my cum rising as I softly moaned. Then after letting her know I was close, she sucked as hard as she could before I let out a blast of hot gooey cream into her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, pulling out my really hard dick. She swallowed the cum and licked her lips, smiling with enthusiasm.

"Oh my god that was the best orgasm ever, baby!" I told her.

"Really? ^-^" she asked with a cute smile.

"Definately" I said. Even though I came, I still felt a little horny. But it was only 11:18 AM so I wanted to save some energy. She opened up the curtains and put her shirt back on. She put on some new shorts which were black instead of white. She kept the "Yilf Milk" t-shirt but just put on her big bra underneath for protection and also put on her brown sandals.

"Do you want to go shopping with me? It's a saturday so we got the whole day to ourselves ^^" she asked me.

"Okay baby" I said back.


After we got to the East Kalamazoo Plaza, Kaitlyn begged me if we could go shopping for clothes at Hot Topic, and I said "Of course". She took her wallet out of her purse and put it in her pocket. She had about $90 on her which seemed like enough money, but just in case she was low I told her I would help pay too.

When we got to Hot Topic, luckily it was fairly empty which we both had hoped for. She looked at a few flip-flops but then went for the skirts. They had some short sexy skirts, but then she looked at the short dresses which were even hotter. She found one dress that was red with black trim which only went a little above her knee. She quickly turned around to show me, with her long black hair gently flowing as she did.

"What do you think? ^^" she asked.

"It's really sexy. You should wear it when we're going out to dinner or something formal ;D"

"Lemme go try it on real quick, baby" and then she gave me a quick kiss on the lips before scurrying off to the dressing room. After 2 minutes she got back out and gave me a sexy pose. "What do ya think, baby? ;)"

"You're stunning! Honestly, you look ravishing." I told her.

"Then let's buy it! ^^" she said. So we took it to the cashier and payed $43 for it. I thought it was a little pricy but it was her money so I guess she could spend it how she wanted.

After walking around with not much to do for an hour, we went back to her apartment. It was only 1:00 and I was feeling bored. She made us both peanut butter n' banana sandwiches for lunch and they were awesome, and I starting to get in the mood for a little sexual intercourse. She was kinda in the mood too, so we both walked into the bedroom and took off our apparel.


After a short make out session she got on top and propped herself up. She spread her pussy and slowly sat down on my dick. When she got as deep as she could, she lifted herself back up and back down, repeatedly until she started bouncing on my dick, using her hands on my stomach for balance. Her big tits bounced along with her humping, as well as her beautiful moans matching the rhythm of her grinding. I thought it felt nice since I didn't have to do any work. She started humping faster and began to sweat a little. "Ungh, ungh, unghhh! This feels so damn good!" she said in a whimpering tone. "It feels incredible!" I told her. She kept striving to make me climax in her belly, but I wanted her to squirt her juices intensely. I rolled back the skin of her clit as she was humping me and pinched her button. She almost screamed, but began to moan loudly over and over again. I rubbed her clit with my right hand and pinched her nipple with my left. "Ohh fuck baby you're gonna make me cum!!" she yelled as she began humping vigorously. I was feeling a surge through my cock which meant maybe we were gonna climax simultaneously. I started to involuntarily moan because of how tight she was and kept rubbing her nipple and clitoris. Then she whipped her head back as her moaning stopped and her juices poured like hell out of her gland. I came about 4 seconds after her, which felt so nice. But she wasn't finished. She wanted meto try to make her cum again.

She hopped off my dick and lied down next to me. I rolled on top and stuck my member in her pussy, which was so hot and wet. "Oh Kaity your pussy is the best thing on the planet!" I told her. She moaned loudly as I rammed in and she squealed "I know! Just please fuck me as hard as you can!" and so I began humping right away. Each thrust made such a wonderful squishing sound against her pussy. I could feel her slowly tightening up on my cock for extra stimulation. I wasn't gonna cum, but I knew she was gonna have a good orgasm. She tried desperately to make herself squirt. She pinched her nipples, her clit, squeezed her breasts as tight as she could, everything. Finally she let out a little squirt after about 2 minutes of humping. It wasn't a lot, but it was hard and she moaned very loud. As we were breathing heavily, I fell on her and she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you sooooooo much baby. This was the best sex I've ever had." she said.

"You're welcome Kaity" I replied.

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