Kaitlyn The Fox chapter 1: Meeting Kaitlyn

By: Chameleonizer
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I was walking down the halls of Western Michigan University. I was feeling good since I had just finished my report and I was on my way outside and into the parking lot. After I got in my car, I wanted to celebrate by going down to Frank's Bar downtown, so I drove my car down there in about 7 minutes. When I stepped out of the car and walked inside the nice warm bar, I sat down at my favorite seat, the 2nd one from the door. The pianist was still playing his music softly although the majority of the place was empty.

"Hey Frank" I called. "Can you pass me a Samuel Adams, man?"

"Sure thing dude" he replied and passed down an ice cold bottle of beer, my favorite. It was only 8:30 but I figured a little alcohol wouldn't hurt, so I gulped a few sips down. Then somebody walked in as Frank the bartender walked back inside the kitchen. It was Kaitlyn, the sexiest fox in the school! But she was all alone, which sort of surprised me. What startled me even more was that she sat down in the seat to the right of me, right next to me! She sat down and looked at me in a sort of cute way.

"Hi ^^" She said to me. My heart skipped a beat but I stayed calm.

"Hey. I'm Andrew and you're Kaitlyn, right?"

"Yeah, I know who you are ^^ You can call me Kaity if you want, I don't care."

"It doesn't matter, Kaitlyn is a beautiful name any way you put it."

"Why thank you! ^^ You're a really sweet guy." I noticed that her big boobs seemed to bounce a little as she said that, as if she was trying to send me a message. That's when I looked at her shirt, and it said "YIFF MILK" on it in big letters. I swear, I almost had a nosebleed right there! Hehehe...

"Hey mister, may I please have a glass of Jack Daniels?" She asked Frank, and then turned at me to say "On the rocks ;D" and she winked at me and giggled a little. I smiled and started to blush. She took the glass and drank a tiny bit. "I love whiskey, but not too much of it ^^" she told me. I just nodded and drank a little more of my beer.


About an hour passed, I had 2 beers and she was about to finish her 2nd glass of whiskey. She seemed a little drunk, but only the cute kind of drunk, not the slobby kind of drunk. We had a lovely conversation about school and life. Then I couldn't help but ask her something a little personal.

"I really wanna know, where did you get that shirt?"

"Oh this thing? ^^ I bought it at Wet Seal since it was on sale. It's sooo comfortable ^w^" she answered. I thought that maybe I could try taking some risks.

"Umm, not to be flirting or anything but, doesn't it seem kind of kinky to you?"

"Well I just find it as a little joke, y'know?"

"Okay hehe. Are you finished drinking for tonight?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"I'll pay the drinks for you."

"Ohh you're so sweet! ^-^" she said in a really cute voice. I felt happy, but then again the bill only went from $9 to $18, which wasn't too bad. I wrote down the check payment and thanked Frank. As Kaitlyn watched me hand him the bill, she lightly hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed bright red.

"I hear kissing the person who pays for the meal is a sign of good luck in Asia ^^" she told me.

"Are you sure you're not just kissin' me cuz' you like me?" I said jokingly and we both laughed.

"Hey Andrew, do you wanna have dessert at my place? ^_^" she asked. I accepted her invitation without question.

Since she walked over to the bar, we hopped in my car and started driving down to the Apartment Complex where her secondary dorm room was. I knew how to get there, it was only a 12 minute drive. As I started driving down the boulevard, she rolled down the window and let her long black hair flow in the wind. She looked really sexy, but I wasn't ready for any flirting quite yet.

"It's a little cold actually with the breeze" she said. I noticed that her nipples were starting to erect a tiny bit. That's when I realized she wasn't even wearing a bra! I just kept driving though, without losing my focus on the road. We pulled into the parking lot and she grabbed her key as we walked up to the third floor of the 15-story building. It was a pretty crappy looking place, but she showed me her room which was room 325. It was a nice little place; one bed, one bathroom, 10-foot-high ceiling, nice painted walls, a fireplace in front of the bed, and even a nice kitchen.

"I guess I'll close the door for privacy ^^" she said and she did that too. Then she walked into the kitchen and grabbed two chocolate brownies. "One for you, and one for me ^-^" she said, handing me the plate.

"Thank you very much" I said politely. I started eating, and they were delicious! "Did you make these?" I asked.

"Yesh I didn make dese" she said with a full mouth, and we bothed giggled. She walked me into the bedroom and sat down on the rug near the bed. She lit the fireplace a little so that it provided some nice warmth.

"Thank you so much for inviting me here, Kaitlyn ^^" I said as we finished our dessert.

"Oh you're welcome here anytime you'd like, Andrew ^^" she told me. I was about to get up and leave when she stopped me.

"Wait, wouldn't you like to stay the night with me? I mean, normally my two friends are here but they're at this dumb party so we'd be here all alone. And I guess we could sleep in the same bed if it makes you feel better. ^^"

I seriously think my brain popped a vessel. "Yes! I would love to be here with you!"

"Great! I'll go take a real quick shower and you can lie down and watch some T.V. ^-^" she said, and went in the bathroom. I lied down on her bed, which was extremely comfy, trying to gather myself. If I play my cards right just a little bit further, i'll get to fuck the hottest girl in the school!

She got back out in the same outfit with her hair fully dried about 15 minutes later. There was nothing on T.V. anyway so I got kinda bored, but still excited. She crawled under the blankets beside me and happily stared at the screen. I noticed that she was always smiling, which cheered me up a little bit.

"Hey Andrew..." she said in a kinda nervous voice.

"Yeah Kaitlyn?"

"...I don't have a boyfriend right now, so I haven't had any romance in a long time. I really liked it when I kissed you before and, I wouldn't mind maybe turning off the T.V. and spending the night making out."

I immediately turned the T.V. off. I suddenly got a huge boner but tried to hide it under the sheets. I gave her a passionate kiss on the lips as we closed our eyes, and said "I love you" with her saying "I love you too".

I took off my shirt and she decided to take off hers. Her big juicy titties were so tasty looking, I nearly drooled. She then took off her shorts too.

"Hey, i'm in the mood for doggy style action. It gets me wetter and i've never came before, so let's try it now." she said and bent over. "Fuck me, baby ;)" she said in a hot voice. She spread her long legs wide open and lifted up her tail a tiny bit to make sure it wasn't in the way as I pushed my firm 7 inch cock into her dripping wet pussy. She let out a moan before I began working.

She clenched the sheets in front of her tight as I started to jerk my dick back and forth inside her belly. Her big breasts flopped wildly as I thrusted. Her pussy was so warm and tight that I thought I was gonna faint at any moment. She began to softly moan, a bit louder every 5 or 6 humps. I went a little faster to provoke stimulation on her G spot. She moaned louder and faster which only made my cock thicker because of her horny, sexy lust moans. Normally humping is a bit of work, but I just moved her ass back and forth to make it easier on myself. I think she enjoyed that a lot.

"Ohhh fuck baby!! You're makin' me cum!"  she yelled. She told me before that she never squirted before, so I was feeling proud and determined to go harder. I kept on fucking that soaking wet pussy faster and faster, deeper and deeper, harder and harder! I was about to cum too.We both let out a couple loud moans as I hit my climax. My hot creamy cum poured all over her cavity walls, filling her up to the brim. Then she moaned loud at the feeling of my cum splashing through her tummy, and she squirted really hard, flinging her juices all over my balls as it sent dripping down my legs to my feet. I pulled out of her, panting until I was out of breath. She turned around and said, "Thank you, honey"

"You're welcome" I replied. It was the greatest night of my life, with a great relationship to come, starting with next morning...

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