Sly Bedfellows

By: Casca_O
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Todd walked along the side walk on his way home after the big football game. Being the star quarter back gave him plenty of skirts chasing him everywhere on campus. Todd smiles to himself thinking about how much the girls wanted him, he had looks talent and quite the large package. The school was located out in the sticks and the walk home was down a long road with woods surrounding it. Wearing his football jersey and a pair of blue jeans and sneakers Todd stopped dead in his tracks upon hearing a loud growling sound behind him. Turning around slowly Todd expected to see some large rabid dog ready to tear his head off instead all he saw was a small red fox! The creature hardly seemed imposing or threatening but the growling snarling muzzle leaked foam, it's razor sharp teeth glinting in the moon light! Todd made a break for it, the fox nipping at his heels . His skill on the field, ducking between burly boys in heavy amour would have helped him if his assailant wasn't as nimble or as small as that little fox but where Todd had to dodge the fox could just duck or turn to the side.

He wasn't getting far so the strong jock turned sharply and pulled his foot back ready to knock some sense into the little predator but instead of connecting with the fox, his leg gathered him up and gave him perfect opportunity to bite. Todd screamed out in pain as the red fox sank it's fangs into his muscled leg. Being far enough away that no one could hear the boy curse out in pain as the little fox buried it's jowls in Todd’s skin. Todd managed to kick the creature off of him, finding it difficult to run away he found it was not necessary as the fox bolted back into the dark woods. "What the fuck was his problem?" Todd wandered aloud? He rolled up his pant leg and looked at the wound bleeding gently then wiped it up with his handkerchief. He thought about it for a moment and thought it would be even better he could say he fought off a dog on the way and everyone would be swooning over him. So he left his pants up and limbed the rest of the way back to the party. He always went home with a new fuck buddy and tonight he didn't plan to have it any other way.

He daydreamed to ignore the pain trying to remember the girls he'd slept with just that week but for some reason he just couldn't get the locker room out of his head. The guys sopping wet in the showers, draped with tiny towels barely big enough to hide the big cocks swinging between their legs. And the less he tried to think of it the more vibrant the memories became. Todd stumbled a bit limping along slowly, he had to show how tough he was to everyone at the party, so he sucked up the pain and tried to walk as normally as he could. Strange images invaded his brain, huge cocks, slender bodies with nice sexy muscles. Thin yet muscular and athletic boys becoming hairy, no furry? Todd shook his hear trying to clear his thoughts but the desire was becoming too strong. A huge lump began forming inside his jeans, a funny tickle in his balls Todd couldn't place. The foot ball party would be at a friends house and he could see his destination in the distance Walking across the lawn and up to the front door Todd knocked and a tall blonde haired guy opened it.

"So you finally showed up did ya?" Remy laughed as he pulled the meaty Todd in by his shoulder. "Come on the party couldn't wait for you."

 Just as he'd expected Todd found himself surrounded by girls fawning over his wounded leg but he didn't seem to care his eyes were fixed on Remy. The tall blonde was the wide receiver and had a perfect body for running, long and slim and muscular. He'd seen his ass many times even seen his cock, second biggest on the team only bested by his own. Suddenly he knew what that feeling was, he had to fuck Remy. Todd pushed one of the girls aside and he could feel that tickling rise from his balls to the rest of his crotch. Anyone could see the boner trying to rip its way out of his jeans but the closer he got to the sexy blonde, his surprise prey, he cared less that he was turning gayer and gayer or that anyone else was even in the room. Slowly Todd cornered the sexy Remy, the boy was facing away from him. He couldn't stop his fingers from trailing down his side then over his toned and perfectly shaped ass. And he didn't even care when those same fingers started to undo his own belt buckle.

"Knock it off Todd" the smaller guy said trying to push him away but pushing his chest only made him stand more firmly in place.

 Every one in the room gasped as his jeans fell to the floor revealing his massive rock hard shaft, dripping shimmering beads of pre in the dim light of the party while he growled lustfully in Remy’s ear. "I have to have you Remy, I need you now hold still or I'll have to make you be still." Todd whispered in Remy's ear, the horny quarter back letting his fingers drift down to the boys belt.

"What the fuck are you doing Todd, what are you turning into some fag or something?" Remy shouted struggling back against Todd.

"C...Can't stop... so h... horny!" Todd mumbled letting Remy's jeans pool around his ankles. Gasps and shrieks filled the air as Todd pushed Remy up against the wall his cock rubbing along the blonde boys ass crack. Something stranger still suddenly possessed Todd in that moment, a dull ache filled his mouth. Parting his lips Todd bared long fangs growling out in lust, he quickly sank his newly minted teeth into Remy's shoulder causing the boy to scream out.

He held him close and more and more pre cum globed out of his cock head and he could feel something changing there too He slipped easily between those tight cheeks and it seemed to fit perfectly against his hole. It wasn't so much that Remy fit better but it was as if Todd was different, more narrow at the head but it didn't matter. Luckily for the poor Remy, Todd had always leaked a lot when he was horny but even for him this was a lot. There was a big stain on the floor already as pushed hard into that slim muscled body.

"Oh! Mmm... whoa, holy shit what are y... " Remy cried out but suddenly fell silent. A powerful tickle in his sack quickly moving up into the rest of his body. Remy's eyes gazed over his jaw quivering, the palms of his hands laying flat across the wall as Todd began pounding. The party goers stared horrified at the two boys fucking roughly against the wall, strange changes manifesting across their bodies.

"Aww... ungh...oh rarrr... yeah, your so fucking tight Remy!" Todd growled out a thin layer of red hairs bunching up across his ass.  A small nub off flesh rising up from the skin, a small crack followed as the lovemaking continued.

"Oh my god some one call the police!" A voice screamed. Remy couldn't help but moan after that first burning pain went away. One part of his mind hoped that the cops came quick but the other part was amazed at how warm that cock felt inside of him and wonderful tingling of pre cum sloshing around. He was harder than he'd ever been despite his mind wishing he weren't. Soon, though, he hoped that the cops never made it and he wouldn't have to stop feeling sliding deep in his ass.

 He pushed against the cock invading his virgin love tunnel, slamming each thrust home hard. He wanted more of Todd inside of him and scrambled to rip off his shirt to press their skin together. Todd followed suit only fucking harder as that nub cracked again and started to wiggle wildly. He could smell the change in Remy too even before the hairs started to shift, for the smaller of the pair in his pubes, turning them for sandy blond to cloud white- "Ahh... d..don't stop Todd rarrr!" Remy snarled thick red fur thickening across his upper back. Remy felt his crotch begin to mutate, his cut thick cock head loosening it's definition.

Thin fuzzy skin began to envelop his penis flipping it up against his fuzzy naval. Remy's length sliding into a newly created sheath, it's pointed pink tip showing off slightly. Remy's right hand was cramping up, his joints and muscles making it shake violently as in too began to mutate. Todd cried out in a sound that was half a scream and half a wild yipping as his feet convulsed beneath him, barely able to keep himself up as his toes lifted forward and his heels rose up he just leaned over the shifting body against the wall and fucked as hard as his muscle could possibly move his hips. Remy grunted and groaned with each pounding sensation rattling his body. He glanced up at his hands and saw shiny black claws where he used to have fingertips and his body was clenching around that cock inside of him. Remy's right hand or was it paw drifted slowly to his changed fox hood. Remy began to paw off a thick white fur creeping over his large oblong balls. Feeling himself rise up onto his toes Remy grunted as his sneakers burst open four very clawed toes emerged looking much the way a dogs paw would look except much larger.

A lewd smile crossed Remy's face, a pressure building in his mandible. Pre leaking generously from Remy's changed cock tip, a brown blur running along his shaft. Meanwhile people began running from the house in a panic, screams for horror filling the air at the carnal act taking place within its walls. Yips and growls could be heard deep inside the building. Todd twisted his prey over pressing his brand new knot hard to that no longer virgin ring, instinctively knowing what to do with it and wanting nothing more than to bury it deep within his teammate.

He kissed him hard on the lips, tongues writhing in wild abandon against each other while the poor portal to Remy's body stretched further with each slam. Muzzles stretched as the two football jocks kissed. The boys long tongues frenching each other wildly, the small of canines and sex heavy in the air. Thick brown fur ran across Todd’s fingers and toes, his new paw hands caressing Remy's hips and white furred chest. Pre beading at Remy's tip, Todd teasing his balls with his claws. Now mostly no longer human the two fledgling were foxes yipped and growled out their passions for each other.

They knew they had to leave and quickly before the police shot them both dead. Todd’s balls began to spasm; an orgasm inevitable. Suddenly Remy broke the kiss only just getting used to the feel of tongue deep in his throat. He starts to thrust in the air the slim red fox slinging his pre cum through the air in glittering strands that soak his lovers face so much of it that someone would have thought it was kitchen faucet gotten loose. But that was nothing compared to the flow inside him dripping out of his body onto the floor. The stronger brown fox pulled his mate off the wall and stumbled on his fresh paws toward the back door but before they could quite make their getaway his knot found it's new home exploding with jizz he was paralyzed deep inside his once teammate and filling him with so much cum that even that massive knot couldn't hold it all in making a huge puddle on the floor and only showing a fraction of what was staying inside. The pair yipped, yowled and howled the pleasures loudly Todd filling Remy to the hilt with fresh hot fox cum.

The were foxes slowly and delicately crept towards the back door, the maneuver quite tricky when your tied at the knot. Working in unison the sly beasts exited the house making their way gently across the back yard, the fresh dew on the grass feeling good across their brown padded paw feet.  By the time the police arrived after finding it to incredible to believe all they could find was puddles of thick cum and a heavy stench of wet dog. Miles away the two were foxes entered a bar alleyway their knots long since separated. "Well that was some party Remy, did you have fun you party animal?" Todd chuckled deviously. Remy panted for a moment and could barely seem to speak. He waited just long enough that Todd didn't notice his paw around his rock hard cock then with a flash of movement and groan of elation he released his own first load of fox cum all over his mate's face, painting his new fur white with potent seed.

Of course to Todd that wasn't just a prank; that was a dare. He pounced the smaller fox and laid him on the ground grabbing his legs and shoving his cock deep inside him again, pounding away roughly at the tail hole that would be his from now on. "Yeah fuck my hard Todd" Remy swooned reaching up and grabbing Todd’s head to bring him closer to his own still hard and throbbing cock. He was all to glad to curl his tongue around it and slurp loudly as he sucked and drank pre cum to his hearts content Remy looked at the bar's sign giggling softly as he was pounded like the horny animal he was.

"I think we'll have to come back here very soon Todd, after all the bar is called the Pink Fox!" Remy laughed before plunging down on his mates thick shaft. The pair giggled uncontrollably enjoying themselves under the full moon and the gay bar's neon light.
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