Quality Time: Lunch Break

By: Casca_O
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This story involves a purely fictional event of homoerotic, consenual incest. If that bothers you go elsewhere.

Jake knew his dad had a routine. It wasn't what his day revolved around it but there were just certain things he'd do every day about the same time. Lunch was Jake's favorite. Dad would come back during lunch have a quick snack then sneak upstairs. Last summer Jake was curious so he followed and found his dad masturbating on Jake's bed, not his own fluffy king-size bed but on the unyielding double. Ever since then the young cheetah had taken it upon himself to watch any chance he got. School made it a little difficult but this was spring break so he sat in the hallway with out his shorts while his dad pulled out that fat tool of his.

The elder cheetah had grown a little pudgy over the years, making him look more like an over indulged athlete than a slob. That's the way Jake liked it; it matched his dick that way. He watched as Dad licked his lips and wrapped his fingers around it barely able to make them reach tip to tip. He immediately grabbed his own and started to stroke it, matching his father's pace while he kept watching avidly. In his sex-dominated mind, the young feline kept imagining what a thick cock like his dad's felt like. He could almost taste it, feel his big fuzzy balls in his paws as his dad went for the bait he left out. A pair of skimpy bikini briefs he spent most of the morning rubbing against his balls. His dad bundled them up and pressed the musky cloth against his nose, sniffing loud and shuddering hotly at the smell.

Jake's tail swished back and forth as his father's arousal filled his nostrils and clearing his mind of any pretense of taking his time. Then with a sudden rush he felt a shiver up his spine and his climax bubbled over, taking him by surprise. He gasped and shot his load onto his t-shirt all the while praying his dad hadn't caught him. However it seemed his prayers went unanswered as the older feline shot a glance at the door, zipped his pants up and moved to make his escape. Thinking for only a moment, the younger cat stood up and opened the door; no pants, wet shirt and all, smiling brightly to block his father's way.

His dad looked puzzled and more than a little ashamed so Jake didn't say anything, he just hugged him and knelt down between his legs. Slowly, he freed that cock again and gave it a sweet kiss on the head. He rubbed his fathers balls against his chin then reared back just enough to suck on the tip of the meaty trembling cock. It tasted better than Jake could have imagined, heady and warm against his tongue as he lapped precum right out of the slit. Dad stammered for a mintue before deciding it was best not to question a good thing and let the boy do what he wanted.

In a sudden stroke of clever lust and fantasy, Jake quickly pulled off his cum-soaked shirt and offered it up gladly so his old man could have something a little stronger to sniff while he serviced him. He only needed to release the tool for a moment, giving it a breath of cool air before going inch by inch deeper down his old man. The wide rod splitting his jaw open and probing the back of his throat as he finally reached the root. He lapped and sucked and drank greedily as he bobbed back and forth along that tasty flesh in time with the gentle rocking of his father's hips. The son reached up, tickling the balls bouncing off his chin with one paw and teasing the elder's tailhole with another glad to give his dad what he'd lusted after for so long. He was already getting another boner when Dad grabbed the back of his head and started to buck a little harder, taking control and growling hotly over his son's head.

Jake just moaned happily taking every inch fed to him until with a yell and a shudder, his dad filled his all too eager mouth with cum. The salty cream rushed into his mouth and down his throat; the young cheetah found himself swallowing it without even thinking. He could feel it ooze down into his belly while his dad stuffed him up against his pudgy center and panted from the force of his eruption. With his load spent, Jake's father took a moment to recover, almost forgetting to pull his softening cock out of his son's mouth but finally he relaxed. He smiled awkwardly, blushing so much it was starting to show through his fur, but Jake just smiled back and kissed his dad's cock again, putting everything back as nicely as he could. Each motion delicate and graceful, each one a little sign of faithfulness from the younger feline like his mother used to do with her icons before she left.

Dad tried to smile more sincerly, amazed with the resemblance which made it all the more wonderful and surreal, but had to just pat him on the head and excuse himself. Jake walked him to the door and they shared a warm hug. Much to the younger one's surprise he got a gentle grope out of it too and a little gesture insisting it would be their secret. Finally the cheetah stood alone in the door way, still just as naked as he'd ever been watching his dad drive back to work. He couldn't figure out just was so exciting about it but his tool was still demanding more; he was sure it would keep insisting until Dad got home that evening. However Jake held off. There was plenty to do before dinner.
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