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[Y] Quality Time: Dinner TIme
Quality Time: Dinner TIme Gay Views 5767 Votes 16 Comments 0
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Awkward dinner means fun chores
[Y] Quality Time: Dinner TIme
This story involves a purely fictional event of homoerotic, consenual incest. If that bothers you go elsewhere.

Jake smiled a little too happily across the table at his father. He couldn't remember it not like this, just him and his dad sitting together at their little dinette set enjoying some dinner; usually something frozen baked too little or too much in the oven. Tonight, though, there was a strange air around the room something thick and warm as the young cheetah flickered his tail at an odd beat between bites of lasagna. Maybe it was just the taste of his father's fat cock still tingling on his lips, the feel of his cum oozing down his throat but he could help but feel that something was different. Whatever it was Jake was enjoying the change.

Dad moved a little more furitively though, nervously running a paw through his headfur or sweeping his tail too stiffly and knocking the corner with a soft thud. Jake tried to relax the smile but he couldn't, the glee was just working too deep in him. Instead shifted his chair a bit and slumped down a little in his chair and teased the elder feline's bare footpaws with his own kicking and rubbing them playfully, but gently just trying to help him calm down and enjoy something silly. Jake's smile never faltered even as his father's feet retreated, he just followed and kept playing footsie, finally coaxing him to play along both pairs of feet dancing beside each other as they finished dinner.

They finished up quickly and Jake stood up to gather the plates and set them in the dishwasher, just one of the routines he picked up from living with his father but he had a trick up his sleeve tonight and when he bent over to open the machine instead of the door coming down his, shorts fell to floor and pooled around his ankles. The young cat knew the exact moment to do it too, trapping his dad between his naked rump and the refrigerator while he was searchinf dessert. He curled his tail up over his back putting the dishes in as if he weren't presenting his rump to the older cheetah. He listened as the freezer door shut, Dad's breath turning a little ragged as he watched his son's rump wiggle back and forth, gratuitously swaying while he "worked".

He let his father take his time knowing he would need time to get used to his old fantasy of his sexual boy being a reality but it wasn't long before big paws came to rest on his cheeks, tracing the spots slowly, teasing him and exploring his body. Jake mewled softly and encouragingly just to let him know he was enjoying the touch; he wiggled a little closer as he bend down a little further. Much to his surprise he caught a familiar pair of slacks gathering beside his shorts and smiled brightly. His tail quivered as he bit his lip, knowing that meaty shaft would be quite a tough fit. He shivered again when it slid between his cheeks rubbing over his tight little hole. He held still as he could letting his old man be in charge.

Dad ponderously savoured the feel of his son's hot young flesh against his seasoned member, precum dripping down into his crack leaving a warm sensation in its wake until he finally shifted his weight so the head pressed against him leaking steadily. Jake smiled feeling the pudgy weight on the small of his back as he placed his paws on the counter as a brace and took all he could not to cry out as the fat rod forced its way in his body. He tried his best ot relax his ring letting it pass slowly into his body feeling it press against his inner walls tightly. As his father's arm's scooped around Jake's body he realized what was so different and he loved it. His father's embrace, the feeling of his body accepting his flesh it was a feeling more than just that it was more than even just being father and son He didn't want it to end but he didn't have long to ponder it as it put aside for the wonderful lust of his father's fantasy come true.

It was slow at first, gentle pumps to get the young cat used to the feeling such a thick member in him but the thrusts came faster and faster, the soft shuffle of fur covered fat against his back and the pleasant slap of those heavy balls against his butt making the smaller male purr despite the stretching hole. The elder feline threw his head back, purring and growling all at once as the feeling of Jake's passage squeezing so tight around him only making him trust deeper, pushing against that sweet spot inside him. The young cheetah moaned out deeply clutching tight to the counter trembling under the weight of the sensation. His body twists and shivers around Dad's meaty dick, leaking precum on the floor as the same fluid drools into his body.

Harder and more desperately, the thrusts forced themselves on Jake's poor stretched hole until he was screaming in pleasure tainted by the last hints of pain of taking so much of his dad. The pudgy feline couldn't seem to decide if he needed to arch his spine into the fridge or over his son but after a few long moments he pressed their bodies tightly together pumping as hard as he could growling louder and louder until with a wild roar he erupted into Jake's body filling him to the brim with seed. The young cat grabbed his painful erection and gave himself the few strokes he needed to reach his own release spraying the dishes with his own cum while his father finally relaxed inside him, twitching and holding him warmly.

The carnal feelings faded quickly leaving only the new warmth Jake had for his dad. His tail wrapped around his wide waist while he pulled out with a wet plop. He could feel his dad's cum dribbling over his balls in warm rivulets while the elder slumped back against the fridge, panting and spent. Aching and enjoying it, Jake stooped down and redressed the pair giving Dad a soft kiss on the lips before turning to go back to his chore. But a firm paw turned him back around kissing him hard, tongues flickering against each other until they broke the kiss gazing into each other's eyes. After a quiet moment Jake turned around and gave the machine a quick start washing his mess, the sign of his secret in his sex-hazed mind, away along with the remains of dinner.