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[Y] Man's Best Friend: Relief
Man's Best Friend: Relief Gay Views 4870 Votes 18 Comments 1
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A white collar worker comes home to a surprise from his dog
[Y] Man's Best Friend: Relief
Paul sighed heavily while loosening his tie. His boss spent the whole day yelling at him on top of all the usual things which go wrong at his job. It was a big relief to finally be home but he couldn't think of anything that could take his mind off it. Just as he sat on the couch, wondering where his dog was, a figure darkened the room. Not expecting a guest, Paul was a little worried when he saw the big hulking man standing on the other side of the den but it didn't take long for him to change his mind. The man standing there was tall, dark and handsome; waiting, completely naked, and showing off his hard muscles. Every line of his body twisted sensually around each other catching the light just right to make it all more impressive. Most of all Paul couldn't keep his eyes off the massive package hanging between his legs, orbs the size of softballs under a thick, heavy looking shaft.

He stared for a few mintues though before he realized something strange. He wasn't just dark, he was jet black... with tan spots... just like...

Then all at once he found himself under a mass of fur and muscle which looked exactly like his doberman Hans. The big doberman had somehow become an even bigger... person, hugging and wrestling him to the floor, licking just as adamantly as ever. Paul tried to get a little space to breathe and think then something he didn't expect happened. A big handpaw grabbed his crotch and gave him the lewdest squeeze in history. Hans wasn't just grabbing, he was groping and molesting and all other levels of naughty touch with his master's balls. Right away, Paul gave in, humping the paw and groping at his dog's body too. Toying with his nipples, running his fingers between all those smooth muscles then finally cupping a pair of firm buttcheeks in each hand.

Hans smiled, an odd expression on a dog's face yet unmistakeable at the same time, and ran both paws into the human's groin, stroking the hard on with one and playing the Paul's balls in the other. Paul gave his dog another look, trying to see what exactly happened but couldn't come up with anything but he magically became some sort of weredog, he even had his collar tight around his neck. Still he didn't care. He was getting felt up by the sexiest thing he'd ever seen after almost a year without a lay. Naked Hans licked Paul's face excitedly after giving his clothes a pained look. It didn't take long for the human to notice and start ripping his clothes off as fast as he could, tossing them every each direction until he lied there naked on the floor under his lusty weredog.

The dog sat up, stradling Paul's legs and still groping and playing with his cock, to show off his own boner. The human guessed it had to be around a foot and a half long, much longer than his own impressive 10 inches, and it was spewing out precum like a fountain, soaking his belly in warm gooey musk. The smell of sex was quickly filling the room before they even got past foreplay. He started to wonder what that powerful juice tasted like but just as soon as he moved to take a taste, Hans shifted forward drenching his face and filling his open mouth with dogmusk. It was the most wonderful thing Paul had ever tasted, salty and somehow slightly sweet, heady and electric. He wanted more.

Hans however had more pressing issues to deal with. He poised himself right over his master's throbbing cock and lined it up perfectly with his tailhole then pushed down and took it to the hilt. All at once Paul's cock sunk in the tight warmth of his werdog's ass and he shivered intensely with pleasure. For a second he thought he came in the eager canine's bowels but after a moment Hans started to ride him hard and he knew it was just a huge wad of pre lubricating that rippling passage.

The doberman was amazing, his ring milking and squeezing around his cock while his tail wagged just the right way to make his body wriggle and squirm around it too. Paul couldn't help but hump him as hard as he could, bouncing the big pup high then pulling him back down. He sat up and bit his lip watching the dog's tongue hang out and his eyes roll back in ecstasy. Precum was whipping everywhere from Han's wildly swinging cock, getting the human soaked in the flavourful musk while he licked at the mess after each wave hit him.

Again and again and again their hips slammed together both of them whining and moaning with no reserve; lost in passion, but Paul couldn't hold back much longer. He yelled out loud as the largest load of cum he'd ever had rushed out of his cock and into his friend. He thrust that much harder into the dog and coated his insides well with seed. Hans, though still hadn't cum, the knot at the base of his cock swollen some but still a little way off from his climax, so Paul kept fucking, trying to aim his cock right at the prostate while he grabbed the massive cock, that took both his hands to fit around, and jerked him off.

He stayed hard the whole time much to his plesant surprise and the doberman was all too glad to fuck his hands and rain even more precum on Paul's face. It took a few more mintues but it was well worth it to hear the big dog howl and see the explosion of milky cum blast out of his dick. Each shot was enough to drench his chest though most of it went right into his face. The taste of it was even stronger and more delicious than the musk. He couldn't hold onto the jerking throbbing cock tight enough to keep it still so he just squeezed the sensitive knot and let it thrash around sending dogjizz everywhere. Hans kept cumming for a whole five mintues before he relaxed and just started to lick his master excitedly, cleaning up his mess and squeezing the cock still lodged in his ass.

Paul huffed and puffed still a little out of breath after such a wild fuck. He smeared dog cum into his own skin like some kind of lotion and did the same to Hans' fur smiling contently while the dog was still eager for more. Suddenly he heard his answering maching pick up to the sound of his boss telling him he was fired. He just shrugged and sucked his dog's dick a little. He couldn't think of anything that could take his mind off it.