Jungle Love

By: Casca_O
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James leaned back in his seat, the trip was taking longer that he had expected but it would be worth it. Having never flown in a plane of any kind whatsoever James felt just a bit nervous, studying zoology in college was his dream he hoped to one day be involved in saving big cats in the savanna or the wolves at Yellowstone. Today however James and his class of select students were on their way to a remote jungle in the middle of south America to study the creatures that lived deep within it's jungle. A thin boy named Ben sat next to James and the two had been friends as far back as high school, they both shared a passion for wild life and ended up in the same college class together. The class professor made the announcement that the plane would be landing shortly, everyone onboard the plane cheered with excitement. "Hey James what do you plan on studying when we touch down?" Ben asked curiously. "Well we always wanted to help the big cats," he explains crossing his hands behind his head. "Maybe we can look into the panthers" James replied.

"I'm hoping I'll spot some jaguars when we get into the wilderness, I've always been interested in seeing one in it's habitat." Ben commented, James smiled imagining getting that close to the sleek hunter. "That would be excellent!" Ben added sitting up eagerly looking out the window over the dense jungle watching everything zoom past underneath. "Some real time with one of those cats would be great for us! We have always thought alike eh?" James chimed to his friend, He nodded in return all but bouncing in his seat like a little kid while he thought of hiking through the underbrush. Ben had brought some maps and with a little help from the locals was sure he could get a really close look. "I think this trip will be a real life changing experience for both of us!" Ben exclaimed grinning widely at his friend. The seat belt lights chimed to life as the plane approached the airport.

Screeching tires touched down across the runway, the plane stopped minutes later it's passengers rose from their seats. The students all bustled through the crowded seats getting their bags and reading notes or books or just anxiously chattering about their new adventures, Ben and James slipped quickly off the plane to get going. "This is it!" Ben shouted a nervously, excitement running through his body. "Hey maybe we should gets started right now?" suggested James. He was always a bit reckless but he had a point, there was no real reason to stop at camp first. The two boys had everything they needed and could keep in touch with everyone else easy "Yeah nothing but lush jungle all around us, it's perfect for finding what we're looking for! Why wait to get started when there's no time like the present." Ben replied looking around at the jungles beautiful surroundings. Strange sounds filled the air as the two boys made their way into the brush, every sound was perfectly clear but came from everywhere at once. It was exciting and yet still a little frightening Ben couldn't help but be glad that James was still with him.

There were some sounds of animals that they could identify and some that were alien to the two young men, a thick mist hung about the air which was surprisingly refreshing. "Wow it's not nearly as hot as I thought it would be, it feels pretty good out here." Ben admitted his eyes wide taking in all of his surroundings with a childlike interest. James laughed and nodded crashing through the branches until suddenly he stopped Ben with a quick wave of his hand. "Remember that lake I was telling you about?" he asked pointing over his shoulder. "It should just be a little ways away. The cats supposedly love the place so we'll be quiet so we can catch a glimpse." James added. "Awesome, get your camera ready we can't pass up this opportunity!" Ben said almost skipping along like a kid in a candy store. The pair of boys pushed their way through the underbrush, gasping the young men were left speechless upon facing a huge lake of beautiful crystal clear water. "Wow! This is so amazing, It's so beautiful!" Ben muttered leaving James in stunned silence. The water was cleaner than they'd ever seen before and it glistened in the light of the late afternoon.

It was lovely and James couldn't help but take a picture or two of the lake itself. "It's such a shame that all our rivers and lakes back home are so badly ruined, I wish we could stay here forever." Ben spoke tears filling his eyes. "Oh my God, Ben look!" James whispered over to his friend unable to believe what he was seeing. "Get a picture, get a picture quick!" Ben shouted under his breath. James turned his camera, gasping as the shutter flickered capturing picture after picture. It was really a beautiful sight, almost more than he could really describe for himself so he just kept his lens filled trying to get closer. "It's a male jaguar, he's huge!" James said giddy as a child on Christmas day. The majestic beast dipped it's head to drink from the water never seeming to notice the two awestruck boys with their camera snapping away. "Careful James these animals are beautiful but powerful hunters, he'll rip you apart if he thinks your a threat!" Ben warned. They got closer than they ever imagined they could, another yard or two and they could have reached out to touch the thirsty animal and feel those rosettas.

"Dude I can't believe we're this close and he doesn
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