It's Not My Fault

By: Casca_O
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Class seemed to drag on forever. Over and over the professor rambled about some dictator in South America and some military coup but Troy, usually distractable on his his own, couldn't hear a word. Not that his ears didn't work, though. In fact the mink's ears were particularly sensitive, catching things that were normally reserved for bats. His mind was scattered by a powerful pressure inside him.

His roommate, a cougar he'd known from high school, had mixed up a batch of some solution the night before and left it unattended. Troy, being his absentminded self, managed to down the whole bottle of the stuff before he realized he wasn't drinking his cola. Since then he's felt a building pressure in his crotch like the world's most demanding piss in history. But nothing could relieve it. In fact he was finding himself emptying his bladder more than usual and still he couldn't get rid of the pain. The young mink had finally got it in his head to go the doctor as soon as he could but it was really getting distracting. Troy unbuckled his belt and it helped a little but it wasn't a whole five minutes before it got even worse.

Any other day he would have hesitated to undo his pants but this pressure was making him desperate. The sound of his zipper was strangely loud, echoing inside his head with every link, but the release was so intense it really didn't matter. Troy couldn't help but churr under his breath and his cock swelled a bit at the sign of freedom but the surprising arousal made him think twice. The pain nearly doubled and for a terrifying moment he thought he was going to lose it and explode. Luckily he only groaned aloud, pausing the class awkwardly only to shake his head at their affected concern. The smell of his groin was overwhelming. He'd never been stinky, even when he sweat heavily the mink always smelled like heady cologne rather than real stink. More than once his roommate suggested they try to make one from his musk, but in this intense cloud of scent he could tell what might have happened had they gone through with it.

Troy's mind with filled to overflowing with lust, looking at at the furs to either side and half hoping they were affected like he was and half wishing they would help him with his mounting need. By the look of them, the aphrodisiac wasn't just limited to himself, the lion beside him was tenting and the squirrel in front was touching her breasts in that special way a girl does when she doesn't know she is in heat; but far more important than any of that, the pressure was growing along with his need. Maybe this would be the solution, it couldn't hurt more than letting it build any longer.

So the mink stood with all the restraint of an out of control tank and hurried around the students then ran for the door. His turgid length brushed against his loose fitted boxers while he fumbled to keep his pants from impeding his retreat. But each step made the silky fabric curl over his erection. The torture was too exquisite to resist. He throbbed harder than he ever had been before, precum dribbling down into his musky loins turning the silky underwear into warm moist strands of lust. Each fold and twist of moist fabric only made the fleeing mustelid moan and leak even more heavily. Troy could feel thick rivulets of juicy lubricant pouring down either leg, leaving massive wet stains on his jeans as the pressure of the stuff escaping was starting to get uncomfortable. Yes, he'd found his solution but he might regret it in a few moments.

Poor desperate Troy reached the door and escaped the class but he knew he would never find a private spot to end this in time. He stumbled a few feet, barely managing to get his pants back on and zipped up, but in his chaotic flight he ran into a light pole. The mink threw his shoulder into the metal rod to keep his face safe and to stop himself from falling to the concrete. His head spun as prejizz made his pants look less like he'd missed the bathroom and more like someone spilled a jug of water down his leg. Precum jetted out of him in what had to be measured in cups, soaking his fur which he'd always taken such good care of and surrounding him in warmth. Dozens of idle students and faculty members wandered the courtyard facing his precarious spot and all turned to see just what this wild mink was up to.

Suddenly his body took control of itself, disconnecting his conscious mind so he could only feel the waves of sensation. His hips rolled gently into the air, brushing his boxers to work his head in the wet fabric until the pressure reached its peak. Instead of bursting, his loins clenched around it, pushing forward until with a wild moan he felt the biggest load he'd ever imagined rolling through his flesh. If it weren't for the volume of his orgasmic screams he would have heard stitches going from the force of his shots into his jeans. They bulged and strained under the tsunami force of his release making the most bizarre shapes while his prized fur was soaked to the skin with his own cum oozing down and pooling around his bare footpaws.

Such a sight to see his pants fluttering and whipping about as if they were being tossed by a wild current but soon the entire quad smelled of his seed while more and more of the potent cream poured out of him. The mink was in no state to guess how much he was unloading but onlookers could easily see the gallons dripping out of his pant cuffs. Troy hung onto the pole for dear life but his pants were given no such mercy, busting in a grotesque fountain of thick white waves, coating the pole in yet another gallon of cum. A couple of the braver furs, or maybe just depraved, inched close enough to snatch a taste of the thickly coated ground around Troy's ankles spreading further and faster now that the cum lashed out freely. Squirting in arches that couldn't be described in anything less than feet. But before long the force was just too much and he feel back with a loud splat in his seed, sending his blasts of pent up cum straight upward raining down on he unsuspecting audience and making an unspeakable mess.

Troy didn't care to know how long his orgasm went on. All he wanted was to relax but the appearance of umbrella wielding security guards proved a sign of the opposite. They lifted his limp body and dragged him toward the provost office gingerly aiming his still cumming dick to the ground to keep it from making too much more of a mess than it had to. By the time they reached the administrative building the once unstoppable flow slowed to trickle then, at long last, a stop, leaving the mink sore but glad to be relieved of that awful pressure. The two burly bears, as he finally recognized his escorts, left him outside with a fairly young looking fox instructing to keep him there while they get things sorted out. Again, he was a bit out of himself thanks to the recent fiasco reeking of his delicious scent and not caring to apologize for it or even to cover his dripping wet loins from the curious vulpine.

After a moment that would have been awkward every other day of the year, the dark red fox extracted a card from his breast pocket and slipped it in Troy's paw then sampled the ruined pants, looking quite impressed with the taste. The mink could help but laugh, turning a little closer so he could have all he liked. He looked over the card and smiled at the home phone number scribbled on the back then reached for his cell phone. The increasingly excited Chad, as his card named him, made the Mink squirm and squeak with his attention but finally he input the number. He and his cougar would have to have a talk about leaving serums laying around but for now he was going to enjoy the fox's fingers and try not to go to jail for his display.
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