It's Not My Birthday

By: Casca_O
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Mel sighed heavily picking up a small package sitting by the door. He guessed it was yet another game he ordered so he didn't even look at the address as he got key and started to open it. He wandered idly through his mostly empty apartment, undoing the excessive tape finally prying the flaps open as he sat in front of his computer. Much to his surprise however he didn't find a game but slice of saran wrapped cake. It looked fairly innocuous if a little weathered by its trip through the post but other wise just a plain serving of yellow cake; not even frosted.

He looked over the package to find it was sent from "Fayk Street" and sighed again figuring he just opened up some sort of terrorist attack or a badly thought out joke. Frankly neither one seeming more welcome in his current state of ennui. he searched the box once more finding a slip of paper written in familiar chicken-scratch handwriting that simply read: "Don't worry about the frosting; you'll get plenty soon." He looked at the cake and rolled his eyes at Jason's silly set up and figuring it probably wouldn't kill him, the hyena decided he might as well try to enjoy some cake.

Absently, Mel unwrapped it loading up some porn, as was his habit whenever he ate, and took a bite. He stopped for a moment in surprise then took another. He couldn't help drooling as the soft, sweet pastry all but melted in his mouth, feeling almost like cream as he swallowed. He racked his memory trying to remember a taste like this but nothing was as perfectly sweet or increasingly addictive as this piece of cake. Before he even realized, it was gone just a few sad little crumbs left on his desk to attest to its memory. He ignored the twinky foxes pounding on each other on his screen in favour of reminiscing on and salivating over the first bit of excitement he'd had in far too long.

It was inconceivable that something as ambrosial as that needed frosting and this was a bizarre prank to send the worlds best cake to his doorstep but soon enough it was just a fond memory and the fucking foxes were all that was left to occupy him. The familiar sensation of his arousal started up but he really wasn't interested in masturbating at the moment but as the ubiquitous money shot flashed over the monitor Mel noticed something strange. He looked down into his lap to see his sweats straining much more than usual.

He'd never been a big hyena in any sense so it was strange to see such a tight tent trembling there. In fact, it only seemed to be getting worse. Surely he was imagining things. His loose sweats could never rise that high but as the tent kept expanding he felt it was no illusion. The increase was tingling deeply. A wonderful sensation; better than any blowjob he'd ever received and he was too astounded to take a more direct look. He just stared as the tent peeked over his keyboard with a big wet spot growing at an alarming rate.

The room was filled with ecstatic panting with undertones of popping seams. Finally Mel worked up enough conscious thought to reach out for it but instead gave the little mountain its cue. Like an electric spark raging through his body the tingling pleasure multiplied a dozenfold and in a surge of ripping cloth and and hail of musky juice his loins freed themselves, sending torn straps of cotton in every direction. The hyena screamed at the sensation watching with unbridled amazement as his cock kept growing.

It was a fountain of precum; the heady scented fluid spraying up in the air and raining down all over his shirt and his face and his computer like a hose and growing more powerful. Already no less than twelve inches long, Mel tried to worry but the feeling of this inflation and the pressure of his mounting arousal pushed out any other feeling but lust, again, paralyzing him in wondrous abandon. He didn't try to fight it and just let his shaft swell and engorge, his pre turning from a wild flow to a pressured geyser soaking everything in the room. He opened his mouth to welcome the familiar taste onto his tongue and down his throat finally reaching for the commanding tool.

The massive cock jumped with excitement as if it had a mind of its own and surged to a mind-boggling three feet but finally the turgid mass of flesh started to slow its growth. The feeling that it gave however remained, a wonderful feeling making him even more sensitive to his own touch. He stroked it slowly barely able to handle the throbbing meat, slick with his musk. He would have worried about drowning if it weren't for the overwhelming lust clouding his mind. The door and the windows were shut and the floor was already covered in an inch of preseed, only rising higher.

Mel lost control of his neck, letting his head roll whichever way it wanted while his fingers explored the new length; following the responsive veins and caressing the amazingly smooth skin. It was almost like he was touching something that wasn't his and yet every little shock of feeling exploded like a cannon in his brain. If this never stopped he would have been content but he couldn't have prepared for the next phase.

Suddenly the rain of pre stopped and for the longest second of his life, Mel was aware of what his new expansion had wrought. His computer shorted, his lights were knocked out even his bed was soaked beyond recovery but it ceased to matter as he almost blacked out. Massive balls yet unnoticed in favour of the more immediate sight twitched and pulls themselves toward his body and in an eruption that might embarrass a volcano a thick jet of creamy white blasted out of him. It hit the ceiling with a kind of thump reserved for falling furniture while an orgasm the size of Texas took over the hyena's body filling every sense with pure pleasure.

He thought it was just going to stream out of him forever but finally the first titanic wad stopped to be shortly followed by a second, then a third, then yet another. Fluid rose to an ungodly level, filling Mel's room to his calfs and still needing to let out more. He could barely hear his own screams of bliss over the rush of jizz pounding the ceiling and raining down into the rising pool. He lost track of the shots around 9 but but suddenly an insane idea popped into Mel's head.

In between the massive gouts of seed he hurried his face onto his head, the feeling redoubling the intensity of his climax. The next jet exploded right in his muzzle, too huge to be contained and forceful to be denied. The juice was as delicious as he remembered but exponentially more so, a taste only matched by the cake that started this all. Forcing its way into his gut the flood made him, in an instant, feel like he finished a big Thanksgiving dinner and knocking him backward into his collected cream. He swam desperately for the surface finding he couldn't even sit up over it anymore while he kept cumming.

Never before had Mel been so overwhelmed and overjoyed but something clicked and he swam awkwardly for the door to open it sending a tidal wave of white sticky spunk into the hallway while he lied on his back and waited for the unfortunate end.

Much later, he awoke with a start, coughing and sputtering and sputtering as thick fluid tried to slither down the wrong tube. He rolled back and forth for a moment finding himself mired in something sticky and lukewarm. Sitting up, Mel felt refreshed and perky if more than a little dirty, his little tail wagging eagerly behind him as he took a look at his surroundings. Everything was coated in a thick film of white. His ruined room sat motionless in the dark as his memory flooded back to him. He checked his body quickly seeming to have tried to breathe in some of the gallons of cum surrounding him as a wake up call.

He sighed a little disappointed at his all too familiar maleness but the hyena just smiled knowing it wasn't a dream. He scooped up a big pawful of the slowly drying cum and slurped it up. He was still full but he didn't mind a little extra.

Well, the raccoon was right in any case. There was definitely plenty of frosting.
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