Their Spark part 10 (first 9 are in the entry called 'Their Spark')

By: CanidxGenus
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Part 10: Sarah’s Kind of Party


Brent walked down the street, passing by countless pedestrians as he did so who were to wrapped up in themselves or their own lives to notice him. He saw the café that he was looking for down the street, and hurried towards it. Stepping inside of the café, Brent saw Vince standing at the counter, buying an espresso for himself and a latte for Brent. Vince turned around and saw Brent in the doorway, smiling warmly and inviting him to come and drink with him as Vince guided them to a table. Brent sat down and sighed, wondering how he would bring up the topic that he wanted to talk about.

“So, Brent, how have things been so far?” Vince asked, still smiling warmly as they both sat down.

“Good, good. I’ll need some help with stats tonight. We just got a take home test.” Brent said, half of his muzzle showing a smile. Vince’s smile died down a bit as he looked Brent in the eye.

“Brent, what’s wrong?” Vince asked, not missing a beat.

“Wh--how can you tell?” Brent looked back at Vince, a look of astonishment in his eyes.

“You only ever smile with one side of your mouth when something’s wrong. Now tell me about it.”

“Well, um, there’s this husky, and--”

“You think he’s cute.”

“What the--stop doing that!”

“Well, you were blushing, so I just sort of knew. If you fancy a man, then that’s fine. It’s normal and I don’t particularly mind.”

“Seriously? You mean it?” Brent said, a state of relief flowing over his face.

“Yes. Yes, I do. I honestly don’t know why you think it’s such a big deal. It’s completely natural.” Vince answered, keeping a calm, casual look on his face.

“But, you see, he just recently invited me to a party tomorrow and I was wondering if it’s okay with you if I go.”

“Brent, really. I’m not your mother. You’re legally an adult and can make your own decisions.”

“Well, now I just feel stupid.”

“We’re in a relationship, Brent. Not a legal guardian program.” Vince said using a hushed voice, so as not to draw attention.

“I mean, I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay with it… not afraid that I’ll get drunk and ravish him or something?”

“If you do, then I have some things that I’ve been saving that’ll make you hurt the next time you get yiffed.”

“Right then.” Brent said, nodding in obedience as he looked down in his lap in fear of what Vince could possibly mean by the “things” that he had been saving up. He hoped they weren’t what he thought they were.


Brent stepped out of the taxi and onto the sidewalk outside of Richard hall. Vince had tried to get him to dress up in a tuxedo as a joke, but Brent had decided against that idea. Instead, he wore black jeans and a red T-shirt. He thought of how much fun going to a party would be instead of going to his night class. It was just a good thing that Brent didn’t have his night class that night.

He slowly treaded up the sidewalk towards Richard hall and glanced at his cell phone. 7:35 PM. Perfect timing. The party probably wouldn’t start for another fifteen minutes anyway. As Brent stepped inside of Richard hall, he saw the party. Beer, a DJ, wine, and so much more.

“Ah, Brent! Just in time!” Said a voice to Brent’s left. Brent turned to see Wesley approaching him, wearing the same clothes as he had been in earlier. He seemed much more loose now as opposed to how Brent usually saw him acting.

“Uh, hey. I don’t mean to be a killjoy, but aren’t the R.A.’s gonna notice all the beer and stuff?” Brent asked looking at Wesley with one eyebrow raised.

“Nah. They’re the ones who bought it! And no one would ever dream of telling, because we‘ve got ourselves a private slice of the football team.”

“Wait, are you serious?”

“The plot says that I am.”

Wesley guided Brent over to a table against the wall that had wine coolers on it. There, Brent saw Sarah with a wine glass in her hand. She was ecstatic to see him.

“Oh my god, Brent! It’s been forever! I never thought I’d see you again! How’ve you been, my wolf boy toy?” Sarah asked excitedly as she jumped on Brent, swinging from his shoulders to hug him.

“Brent, you know Sarah?” Wesley asked in surprise as he watched Sarah swing from Brent’s shoulders.

“Um, yeah. Sarah, you can get down now!” Brent responded as he tried to pry Sarah off of himself. He eventually succeeded, pulling Sarah down and making her stumble over the table slightly before regaining balance. “Had a little too much to drink already?”

“Brent, this is my first glass. And you always make that joke! And what, no ‘good to see you, Sarah’, or ‘been a while, huh?’ or even a casual ‘hey’? You’re so mean!” Sarah said as she stood back up completely, beginning to pout.

“Well, sorry! What are you doing here, anyways?” Brent inquired. Hopefully, this would get Sarah sidetracked. Which was an easily accomplishable task.

“Oh, you know, a bunny’s gotta have themselves a good party every once and a while!”

“But, where’s the screaming band?” Brent chided.

“Oh, they should be here any minute.” Wesley replied. “Their stuff’s already up there.” He said, pointing at a stage against the opposite wall of the room.

“Why is all of their equipment up there and they’re nowhere to be seen?”

“I think some people got pissed at them and took them out back. They promised they wouldn’t do anything serious to them. Also, they promised the band that they would get paid more, which I personally doubt will happen.”

“It’s one of those bands? I didn’t think that you’d invite one of those bands, Wes!” Sarah said to Wesley in a disbelieving tone.

“Hey, all the others were booked. I didn’t have a choice!” Wesley exclaimed in his own defense.

“So, what kind of bands are ‘those bands’?” Brent asked.

“The kind that like to think that they’re part of the party but only get people pissed off and stuff.” Sarah answered.

“I think I know what you mean…” Brent said as he tried to remember a fraternity party that he had been to in which the band that was hired had its drummer beaten and its guitarist taken behind the building where they did who knows what to him.

Everyone around them cheered as the band members walked through a door, slightly looking as if they had been roughed up. They proceeded to climb on stage and turn on their amplifiers and microphones.

“Are you ready!?” The reptile that was the lead singer yelled. He was greeted with loud screams urging him to get on with it. The singer took the incentive and started the band. They were playing impossibly loud heavy metal that Sarah absolutely loved. The lead singer only ever yelled non-sensible lyrics into the microphone, which Brent thought was surely damaging his vocal chords. Brent had to hold his hands over his ears as he watched Wesley and Sarah and those around him start to dance. He couldn’t bear it. Eventually, Brent had to ask Wesley where the alcohol free beverages were so that he could get a drink. However, eventually, Wesley pulled Brent aside and guided him to his room, where they could speak in private. Wesley’s room was cluttered with clothes, papers, books, pizza boxes, and porn magazines. If Wesley was going to tell Brent that he was gay, then Brent would have firmly not believed him for several reasons.

“So, Brent, about these secrets of mine I told you about. Want to hear them?” Wesley asked as he stood in front of Brent.

“Uh, sure. Shoot.” Brent responded. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he felt a bit loopy. Not as if he were his normal self. Brent felt so much slower, dumber, and less aware. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but Brent felt something strange going on.

“You know yesterday, when I said that you were all right? Well I didn’t mean your personality.” Wesley said has he slammed his hands against the wall on either side of Brent’s head, trapping Brent there and locking them in an eye-to-eye stare.

“Wh-what the hell are you doing, Wesley? You’ve got a girl friend!” Brent snapped, feeling his head swim slightly.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Now that I look at you closer, you just look that much more--” Wesley said as he was hit in the face by Brent and moved one of his arms to tend to the blow as Brent escaped from between them.

“The hell’s your problem?” Brent yelled.

“More like your problem! You like me as more than just a friend, any idiot could tell. So what the hell’s your problem? Isn’t this what you wanted? I’m an equal opportunity taker when it comes to this stuff, but now’s your opportunity.” Wesley said with a hand on his muzzle, glaring menacingly at Brent in a way that made Brent’s blood run cold.

“So maybe I do, but that doesn’t mean I want to downright have sex with you!” Brent snapped, his head swimming a bit more.

“Brent, you don’t get it. I gave you the chance to make this easy on yourself. You just chose to make it hard on yourself.” Wesley said as he struck Brent in the muzzle, making him reel back in pain and lean against the wall.

“Ahhh!!!” Brent screamed as the husky’s powerful fist connected with his nose. His head was swimming and losing itself more than ever.

“No one’s gonna hear you, no matter how loud you scream. With that music playing, they won’t even hear themselves scream.” Wesley said in a cold tone as he forcefully grabbed Brent’s wrist, yanking him up and smacking him again. Brent’s face was becoming bloodied and pain-ridden as his mind refused to make his body react to what was happening around him. Then, it struck him--Wesley had spiked the alcohol free drinks. Brent was drunk, and couldn’t defend himself. Brent let out a futile scream one more time, in a hope to save himself. He knew it was for nothing, but he had to try. And much to his expectations and disappointment, no one answered.

“Shut up, you little bitch.” Wesley said, hitting Brent in the stomach with his powerful knee, knocking the wind out of him. As Brent coughed and hacked, he managed to pull out his cell phone. Wesley saw this and struck Brent again, causing his cell phone to fall on a pile of clothing and debris. Brent felt and saw himself being dragged across the floor, then slammed face down onto a bed.

“Let’s see how I can tear up this ass of yours.” Wesley said in a primal, aggressive, assertive voice as he was on his knees above Brent‘s lower mid section. Brent felt his tail being lifted and being bitten down on harshly and managed a small, useless scream. He felt his clothes being torn at from behind, his pants being pulled down as Wesley tore through the denim that made them up. Brent could here Wesley undoing a belt buckle and unzipping his own pants and began to fear and dread with all his heart what was coming next.

“Get ready, bitch.” Brent heard Wesley say as he bit down on his tail when he felt something like a long rod being shoved up his tail hole. Brent hollered out in pain, still knowing that no one would here him. He grunted in pain and winced at the discomfort of Wesley invading him so. Brent knew what was happening, but he didn’t want to face it--he was being raped by Wesley. As Wesley increased the pace of his thrusting, Brent found himself starting to cry.

“What’s the matter, bitch? Don’t you like this kinda thing? Having another male inside of you? What’s wrong? Ugh, your ass is so tight; you must be used to that kinda feeling!” Wesley found himself shouting with Brent‘s tail in his teeth. Brent was beginning to sob in pain as he felt Wesley’s member start to enlarge at its base inside of him and advance. He knew what was coming, and he would have done anything to avoid it. The pain only increased as Brent felt Wesley’s knot moving further inside of him, thrusting and thrusting. Brent screamed at the top of his lungs, begging Wesley to stop, but was rewarded by a strike to his head in response as Wesley bent down, putting his hands down on Brent’s shoulders, heavily increasing the weight and stress Brent was being put through.

As Wesley began to howl, Brent began to feel how painful it was getting to breathe. He couldn’t tell why, nor did he care. Brent only cared about getting out of there at that moment, as soon as possible. He begged for it, he pleaded for it, he needed for it all to stop, to end as soon as possible. Brent only wanted to be put out of the agony he was feeling right then, and found himself sobbing all the more for it.

“AhhhhUUUGhgauAAAAhhhh….” Brent could hear Wesley moaning. He could feel Wesley beginning to cum, but there was nothing he could do about it. Brent’s body lay there, limp, weak. Nothing but his breathing, heart, and tear ducts seemed to be working or responding. As he felt himself being seeded, Brent wished that he could just die there and rot away. He would have loved nothing more than to do just that as he wept there, painfully, desperately taking in gasps of air and feeling his weak body not respond, as if it had forsaken him, the only part of it moving being his tail which was being painfully forced around by Wesley’s muzzle as it was bleeding.

“Ahhh… hah… hah… What’s wrong? Didn’t you like that? Or are you too much of a pussy to be fucked like a man? Huh? What’s that? Are you crying even more? You just can’t take it, can you? I’m gonna screw you up so bad that you’ll be awake here, crying till morning, little bitch.” Wesley said through clinched teeth, tasting the warm blood coming from Brent’s tail. Wesley pulled his member out of Brent’s tail hole and started to stroke it. If at all possible, Brent wished to be able to take his own life. He felt no better than complete and utter shit. He felt ready to die, so willing.

Just then, Wesley had become hard again and started to invade Brent once more, making him cry out. His head swam more and more until Brent finally started to black out, faintly hearing the door slam open onto the wall near it, snarling and a harsh voice. Brent felt Wesley being forced off of him and being beaten viciously. Who could this person be? He had no idea, nor did he care. All Brent cared about was that he was finally freed from that living hell, and he was grateful to whoever came to his aide. Brent finally started to cry tears of joy and relief as he felt his mind kiss the world goodbye and float away on a cloud to somewhere where it could rest in peace.

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