Will elexion battle of t'alteran

By: Camolotthe26
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I am will elexion, immortal 20, commander of the earth force, and grim reaper of universe 2. And this is the recount of some of the many battles I have fought, the soldiers I have fought besides, and the enemies I have killed. 
I will hide nothing.
My grief is beyond understanding.

The second battle of t'alteran
Galactic Year (GY):  6614 Alliance Year (AY): 214 Earth Year: 2014
I frowned in grim determination, and the squad of soldiers firing at me screamed in tandem, then were silenced, as I ripped them apart telekineticaly.
The battle had been going in earnest for several days now, and there had been no break in the fighting since the first word of attack reached the alliance officials. This force comprised of the biggest portion of the surviving imperial soldiers and ships, commanded by the first general, who had been hurriedly appointed by the emperor, and who disappeared with a huge portion of he surviving members of the imperial forces when I killed his leader.
Now, suddenly, one year after the final battle of the empire wars, he had returned with a full on attack on the center of the alliance military, the planet t'alteran.
17 of the 21 immortals had been dispatched as backup for the troops defending various installations scattered throughout the forest that composed the majority of the planet.
I had been accompanying a convoy of alliance soldiers that had been headed for the alliance academy, which was held by a mixture of teachers, students and a thin smattering of soldiers, who had sent a mayday, saying that their defenses were failing. The convoy had made it most of the way there before it was ambushed. 
The majority of the vehicles were now only so much battered and burning scrap metal, and the ones who had survived had gathered to me, as their CO had been killed in the primary orbital strike. I had skillfully used my soldiers to route the enemy, eventually forcing them into a retreat, without a single loss. I was now killing squads of stragglers that hadn't received the order to retreat.
I was only a few hundred feet away from the survivors, and now I inspected the vehicles for the first time. Thankfully, the convoy's force of cerulean tanks had survived, their laser cannons bristling out of the top of the circular formation, as well as the heavily armored supply trucks. Unfortunately, the team of faster, smaller cobalt model attack vehicles had been all but destroyed, with only three left, and only one troop carrier remained, battle scarred and blackened, but still operational.
I let out a shuddering sigh. We hadn't even made it to the academy, the focus of imperial forces in the area.
This was going to be tough.

Twenty minutes later, we reached the periphery of the imperial attack force. I dispatched scouts, who came back with a basic map of the enemies forces.
A Captain, an earthian like myself, described the arrangements of the enemy to me, tracing fronts on a 3 dimensional holo map of the academy and the surrounding area. "they seem to be massed around the southern and western gates, but the heavy batteries are spread evenly throughout the ridges surrounding the campus. They aren't able to call down orbital strikes from their destroyer, thank god. It was engaged by the earth force elite core shortly after we were ambushed. However, the enemy is unwilling to relent, and they've been throwing wave after wave Against these two gates for the last 24 hours."
"as well they should." I said. "those gates were weakened greatly in the first battle of t'alteran,  and the repairs still aren't finished"
He raised his eyebrow. "but... That was around 3years ago. They still haven't even begun?"
"oh, they began about 2-3 months ago, after I killed the emperor and the alliance had time to recover from the empire wars. Because of that, the gates are operational, however they are reletively weak, and the defensive blast door shields are still offline." I began tracing lines. "the cerulean tanks move along here, punching through the lines were they're thinnest. The supply trucks will follow them directly afterword, with one of the cobalts as a vanguard."
"what about the other two cobalts and the troop carrier?"
"I'm going to punch a hole through the main body of their forces along with the remaining two cobalts, and the carrier will follow directly after us. I'm going to leave the cobalts to hold the southern gate, then move to hold the western gate by myself. As soon as the alpha detachment, the tanks, secures the safety of the supply trucks and sees them safely into the compound, send them to back up the cobalts at the south gate. We need to hold them until the fleet detachment arrives in 15 minutes. They have heavy cannons that will route the imperial lines and force them to retreat southwest along the ridges that face the compound from that direction. They will have a med ship with them, for the evac of the wounded, and they will bring reinforcements. Hoan is with the detachment in my ship, the AMS Orion. I'll leave Hoan in command while i fly into orbit and try to capture the destroyer. I'm counting on you to command the alpha force."
The color drained from his face. "m-me, sir?"
I glanced at him, then looked back to the map. "consider yourself promoted to squad commander. The survivors of the convoy and any soldiers that survived in the compound now belong to you."I sighed. "I'll take the beta force and cut a path. Just be sure to back up the cobalts with the ceruleans, and try to get there in time. I don't want to clean up a pile of charred wreckage, I prefer slightly scorched to decimated. Dismissed." the new squad admiral turned to leave, but I stopped him. "one more thing. After we receive air cover, we're going to attempt to push the enemy beyond the academy shield generator line. It was lost earlier in the siege. When it's reactived, we'll  be able to protect the campus with a sheild. Go and organize the troops."  he nodded and left the tent we had set up a temporary command center in.
I sighed, then followed him out. I lifted the rough camouflaged tent flap, and found him already issuing orders and organizing the formations. He overcame arguments, and rode out challenges to his authority. I was impressed. I had chosen the right person.
In five minutes, we were moving out. I led the two cobalts and the troop carrier across the rough, ridge-filled terrain around the academy.
the firing of the heavy laser batteries was apparent among the explosions and the occasional shout. I crouched, then made my way to the top of the final ridge.
The scene before me was a strange spectacle of beams of light, intermixed with fireballs wherever they landed. Soldiers, from here simply small matchwood figures, moved back and forth. While most of the fire was laser weaponry, I was overjoyed to see ballistics weapon fire from the wall around the academy grounds. Someone from the earth force was still there, still fighting.
I ripped my XM29 and a MAC-10 from their holsters, then dropped into the nearest battery pillbox. I unleashed a spray of automatic fire from both guns, taking out the soldiers inside the small, protected space. Then, I rigged the battery with a custom C4/thermite mix, then set it for a remote detonation.
As soon as I was out of range, I hit the button, and the explosives detonated, creating a giant BOOM, accompanied by a jarring shockwave. Then, I moved on to the next battery cover.
I neutralized at least five batteries by the time I broke through onto the home stretch, a strip of barren, cratered land between the academy walls and the lush forest surrounding it. The imperial troops were attempting to hold off defending forces firing from the top of the wall so that they could get a beam drill into place.
Not on my watch, I thought grimly, then shouldered the XM29 for Honor, my sword. It slid out of it's sheath without sound, the metal of the blade humming In tune to the beating of the pulse in my wrist.
I charged at the drill, slicing through the thick, heavily armored cable like butter, shutting down the drill. With a roar of fury, the enemy troops charged.
By the time the cobalts arrived, it was over. The blood of my enemies coated my sword and stained my clothes in places. Later, I found that I had slain 300 soldiers. 
I wiped the blood on the tattered and flayed armor of a nearby enemy body, then approached the cobalts and issued orders to the drivers.
"in 10 minutes, air backup and wounded evac, along with troops, is going to arrive. We need to hold the gates until they can neutralize the enemy with the high power cannons their ships have. cerulean tank backup is due in five." I took one step away, then stopped and said " good luck." then ran toward the other gate.
The battering ram directed at this gate had already slammed into it a couple of times, the chassis grinding as I backed up for another go. I cut the solid steel rubber coated wheels in half, causing the whole thing to fall at a crazy, tilted angle. I then slashed open the cockpit, then killed the pilot as he pulled a laser pistol and almost squeezed off a shot.
A tank roared into the no mans land, not an alliance cerulean series, but an enemy. The laser cannon fired a shot, which barely missed me. Telekineticaly, i ripped off the turret, then caused the whole lot to explode. I held the defenses, assisted by the alliance troops who, seeing my fearless stand, rallied behind me on top of the wall. They held the wall valiantly, and I did my best to help. Suddenly,
An armored car that was rushing me burst apart, sending burning chunks of armor outward. I looked up, and a smile broke across my face. 
The air cover had arrived.
Within a few minutes, we routed the enemy lines, pushing them away from the academy. I was all over, appearing wherever I was needed, or when some squad was about to overwhelmed by a surprise attack. The enemy gave ground stubbornly, but i, with the forces I commanded, pushed them beyond the shield generator wall. We secured the generator, then activated it. When the shield was up and running smoothly, I left. There were other fortresses under attack.
It took two days, but finally, immortal 10, 14 and I destroyed the destroyer in orbit around the planet. Having lost their flagship and rallying point, the imperial forces fled from orbit, closely followed by alliance fighters. In my ship, the Orion, I journeyed back to earth.
The alliance would call when they needed me.

Another battle, another victory, and even more regret on my shoulders. The men and women lost in this battle haunt me evermore.
Watashi wa noburu sora.
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