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[Y] Those damn fairies...
Buck gets a visit from some strange, horny creatures.
[Y] Those damn fairies...
Buck entered his apartment with a groan. “Fuck… it’s been a long fucking day…” he said tiredly. After kicking off his shoes, he gave a big stretch before walking off to his room. As with any other night he didn’t expect company, he stripped naked once in the room. The walker hound was a little over six feet tall, with smooth mostly white fur and a decent musculature. His head was black, and there were large portions of black and brown on his back. The front of his torso was covered with very fine and smooth fur, including in his pubic area which he usually trimmed. He’s gone some time without, so he had the beginnings of a black patch with a treasure trail up to his navel.

His first stop was at the shower, where he washed the grime of the day off.  Being a magic user, a cryomancer to be more specific, he was able to walk in under the freezing cold water without any problems. Even when it started to heat up to a scalding temperature, he stood comfortably as his body automatically went to work regulating his body temperature and cooling off his skin.

After drying off, he went to the kitchen and microwaved a couple burritos.  With his girlfriend out of town, tonight would usually just be him and his paw. However, after sitting on his recliner, sitting back with a plate of burritos on his belly, and turning on some late night shows, he suddenly felt too tired to masturbate.

After his dinner, he put the plate off to the side, dusted off a few crumbs, and relaxed a little more. When he decided to go to bed, he found himself too tired to move. His limbs felt heavier than normal, including his eyelids. Figuring that he had the weekend off from work, he simply used a levitation spell to bring a pillow over from the couch and slept on the recliner, the late night shows suddenly turning into infomercials once he passed out.

Not soon after a light snore escaped his lips, the room began to light up. It was a dim yellow glow from under the recliner, the couch, and behind the curtains. Soon, a dozen or so glowing lights flew out, illuminating the entire room.

Some of them giggled mischievously as they admired the naked canine. “Ooh, he’s a handsome one, he is!”  one high pitched voice called out. Another tried to shush the first one, when a third said, “Don’t be angry at her. The sleep spell worked like a charm.  He’ll sleep soundly, no matter what we do.”

A few of the lights landed on his belly, and then their lights died down. This revealed three tiny, naked, winged females.  They all seemed human, all beautiful with slender bodies and voluptuous breasts for their size. They all giggled as the other lights soon came down. Fourteen in total all stood on his body, none of them taller than six inches.

They were all fairies, drawn to his magical powers. They came here to feed on whatever he could offer them to further fuel their magical capabilities. This was done only once every couple months, and it was always a joyous occasion.

“Mmm, such a handsome male, yet no female to play with,” one of them said.

“His mate left him all alone for the weekend.”

Another fairy was finally annoyed by the obnoxious man on TV trying to sell “The Mecha Pencil”, equipped with a magnet to hold it onto the desk or fridge and guaranteed to never break, and comes with a year of lead and a second pencil if you order now. She flew over to the remote and turned off the TV so they could focus on the feeding.

Buck barely stirred as they went to work. The alpha of the group flew above him and said a few words in their language as a prayer before gently floating back down. She straddled the base of his sheath and tried her best to arouse him. She soon got her wish as his chiseled canine tip came into view. Four of the other fairies came up and hugged the hardening sheath, all four of them licking gingerly at the tip as it poked out. The other ten fairies watched this and grew aroused. They were all kneeling on his chest and belly, one hand playing with a breast and the other fingering through their folds. He soon reached full arousal at eight inches including his deflated knot. He murred softly as his cock throbbed against his belly with each heart beat.

The alpha then flew up to examine his manhood. She has fed off of canines before, and loved one specific part of their anatomy. One of her subordinates stood up and walked over his shaft, dropping down and wrapping her legs around his tip. The alpha then flew down and to all fours in front of his cock. Slowly she backed up until the chiseled tip rubbed against her folds. There was no way she could fit his whole cock in her warm, wet cunt, but she knew she would be able to stick the very tip of it in at least. She bit her lip hard until she felt it enter her. Though it would only be the equivalent of four inches on a regular sized female, it was also about four inches thick for her as well. Her subordinate began grinding her pussy up against his tip while the other two ground theirs against his throbbing veins.

That was when everything started for them. Some came up and ground themselves against his veins to feel his heart beating against their sensitive slits. Others went to work pleasuring each other, their hands on their own no longer cutting it for them. After the ones grinding his veins and tip climaxed, they would join the orgy taking place on his chest while others would replace them on his cock. High pitched voices filled the room with moans, whimpers, and orgasmic cries as they all ate ad fingered each other’s cunts.

The whole time, the alpha thrusted back against his tip. She came twice now, and wasn’t about to leave. She wanted to be the first to feel his protein rich seed cover her body.

This whole time, Buck dreamed of his girlfriend Peach, named for her peach colored fur. The feline knew her way around her man’s cock, so he was currently dreaming that she was giving him fellatio. He had a paw on her forehead, his eyes locked with those beautiful blues as she pleasured him orally.

It was around this time a pair of fairies grew curious. Despite the warnings of some of their sisters being eaten, the two of them flew up and sat on his lips. They giggled mischievously as they kissed each other deeply, gripping each other’s hands as their breasts were squeezed together.

His sensitive canine nose picked up the smell of arousal, so in his dream she moved into a sixty-nine on top of him. Though his paws didn’t move to grope her flawless ass like in the dream, he did unconsciously begin to lap at both fairies’ needy cunts.

Their cries of pleasure filled the room along with that of their sisters. It didn’t take long for them both to cum and spray his tongue with uniquely sweet fairy juices, yet he didn’t stop. He went even more to get all of those delicious cunt juices from his girlfriend.

They both came a couple more times before he pulled a move that scared them both. His mouth parted open, letting them fall in a little. A brief shriek of terror was heard, but was soon replaced with even louder moans of pleasure. He trapped their hips gently between his teeth and sucked gingerly, slowly stroking their cunts with his tongue. Whenever he did this to peach’s clit, the feline would mrowl out loud in pleasure, and it gained almost the same effect from the fairies. He made them cum a couple more times, and it didn’t seem like he was going to stop any time soon.

The orgy lasted another hour or so. He would sometimes open his mouth and pant deeply with pleasure, and another fairy or two would take their place in his mouth. Unfortunately, all they were able to milk from him was a few dribbles of pre.

This was, of course, until his knot started swelling. He opened his mouth wide open, letting the dazed fairy fall from his mouth onto the recliner. She panted deeply as her body recuperated from some of the most intense orgasms she ever experienced. Seeing that his end was near, all of the fairies went to work trying to bring him off. The alpha remained stretched on the first centimeter or so of his tip. Five fairies went to work stroking his shaft with their arms, breasts, and tongues. Four went to work playing with his heavy ball sack, gently rubbing his orbs and tracing their tongues over them. The last four focused on his knot, trying to squeeze it as hard as they could.

It took a few more minutes of this for Buck to moan out louder. In his dream, Peach was between his legs again, looking at him with those beautiful blues as she pawed him off. With a couple more grunts and groans to try and hold back, he finally released his load all over his girlfriend’s face. She quickly went to work sucking his cock clean as soon as the ropes stopped firing.

In the real world, hours of receiving pleasure gifted the fairies with a very large load. The alpha at some point pulled away and laid down on his belly, fingering her stretched cunt as she waited for him to cum. When he did, the first few roped fired over her body directly to his chest. Later on, a couple ropes landed directly on her body. She came soon after, but he wasn’t done. The other fairies came over to join her, and everyone ended up in his doggy cum. Buck just sat there, a wide smile on his face and his tongue lolling from his mouth as he planted in orgasmic bliss.

The orgy soon began again, the fairies all covered in seed as they went to work cleaning each other off. The alpha was in the middle of this with six fares licking the cum off of her body. They continued until sunrise, and then began licking his sustaining cum off of his belly, chest, and slowly deflating cock.

When he woke up, he felt absolutely great. “That was the best sleep I’ve had in a couple months,“ he said to himself with a smile. He felt like he would after a night of yiffing with Peach, but he credited that to his dream. Strangely enough, however, he had no morning wood despite having an all night dream of getting a blowjob. He still suddenly felt like a shower.