Hermaphrodiary Quickie: Cohersion

By: Blahblahtson
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(I’m Back! There might be three quickies along with a couple more stories before I wrap up this series, but I’ll talk about that latter.)

Karen couldn’t believe half of the things that Lauren has done in just one year. Ever since the night she lost her virginity to the hermy-hound, he wanted to see what her bi-gendered roommate did for (Sort of) a living. Although she may not be flexible enough perform cunnilingus on herself, the otter was still interested in some of the people she associates with.

When she approached Lauren the first time about her sex life, it was about going to the yiff club. Despite a lack of experience she has with males, she would like to go there once. Although Lauren wasn’t sure about letting her go at first, as fun as it was, she finally caved when the otter said that she could come along too if she wanted.

But that’s not now. That won’t happen for a couple more weeks. No, now she has her eyes set on more… local areas.


Karen laid between Lauren’s legs, head bobbing up and down around the hound’s large member. One paw rubbed Lauren’s taught, lean belly while her other massaged her balls, her middle two fingers buried deep in the slick pussy resting beneath he balls.

It didn’t take but a couple weeks for Karen to learn the art of a blowjob. She took to it (Pun intended) like an otter to water. Lauren has been riding the edge of an orgasm for several minutes now. Just when she thought she would finally climax, Karen would slow down and ease the pressure with her lips until she backed away from the edge.

“God-damn! Oh, Karen!”  The herm would moan out while she fondled her own breasts. The only response Karen made was a cute wink and a muffled laugh, which also helped by adding vibration to her mastered sucking.

‘What the hell, I’ll give her what she wants,’ Karen thought as she started to suck deeper and faster. She also started twisting her head around the member and add gentle squeezes to her balls.

‘Fuck… Oh, Karen I-I’m gonna cum!” She pulled the rock-hard and throbbing cock from her mouth most of the way so that only the tip remained in it and she brought the paw rubbing her belly around the shaft to help bring her off. The usual large load filled the otter’s mouth before she could swallow any of it and started to leak around her shaft. Though still unable to swallow all of Lauren’s seed, she knew that was a lost cause to try and learn.

She pulled the member from her mouth and giggled cutely as some of Lauren’s cum landed on her face, then aimed the cock up so the last of it shot onto Lauren’s belly. Lauren huffed loudly as her orgasm washed past. “Damn, you’re amazing at that!” she said with a warm smile.

Karen returned the smile and proceeded to lick Lauren clean, starting with her spent cock and balls, then up to her belly. “What about your face?” Lauren asked, still smiling. “Or did you want me to get that?”

“In due time, Sweetie.” Sweetie seemed to be the common pet name for Lauren. Even her friends that don’t know that she is a hermaphrodite call her Sweetie. “First…” Karen crawled up to her side and then straddled over her face, her firm butt brushing against Lauren’s breast fur.

She has also gotten more confident with herself, and along with that, a little more dominant.

Lauren shot a seductive look up at Karen and wrapped her arms around the otter’s legs to hold her in place as she worked. She used the tip of her long canine tongue to tease Karen’s clit for a moment before wrapping her lips around it and suckling like a baby to a nipple. This sent shocks of pleasure through her body, and she had to lean forward and brace herself on the headboards to keep from falling off.

A little more adjustment had Lauren’s shoulders on top of Karen’s calves and feet to secure her even more. The canine murred at the taste of her sweet sex juices and couldn’t hep but stick her tongue inside the tight pink pleasure cave.

Karen’s head rolled around in pleasure as she started to get her hips into a motion. Lauren could only smile up at her (With her eyes, at least) as she started to move her head as well, rubbing her clit with her nose and lip.

It didn’t take long until Karen found herself reaching a climax. ‘Not yet, Karen,’ Lauren thought. The tone in her head was both sadistic and lusty. ‘As awesome as it was, I’ll put you through what you put me through.’ Lauren retracted her tongue and pulled her head away just enough so Karen was no longer grinding into her and replaced all that with teasing licks to keep her on edge. She huffed in slight frustration and a sexual high until she wasn’t close to an orgasm again. At that time, Lauren moved back in and plunged her tongue back into her pussy and ground her nose into her clit.

She kept this up for a long time- maybe a few minutes longer than Karen spent on her- before she finally thought ‘I’ll give her what she wants.’ This time, however, she went further than she normally would.

As Karen rode waves of pleasure up to the final big one, she failed to notice Lauren’s paw slide from her thigh to her rump. She massaged it for a moment before feeling her way between the cheeks and up to Karen’s tailhole. Unable to protest, Karen simply moaned even louder. The moan was broken by a shriek as Lauren pushed her middle finger inside it all the way to the second knuckle. The hound held it there for a moment as Karen relaxed around it, then started to piston it in and out, never sticking anything past her second knuckle into the otter’s pucker.

Karen reached her orgasm loudly and proudly. ‘Good thing this room’s soundproofed,’ Lauren thought just a moment before a rush of sweet fem cum went into her mouth and matted the fur on her face. She retracted her tongue and traced it over her anatomy, not leaving a single centimeter of her swollen lips unlicked to keep this orgasm going for as long as possible.

When they were finished, they finally had a chance to clean each other. Lauren started and licked the semi-dry strands of jizz from the otter’s face, and then Karen got a taste of her own juices as she cleaned off Lauren.


“Mmm, yes?”

Karen cuddled next to the taller and broader dog and traced a finger up and down her belly. “I have to ask you something… about Gale.”

“What’s that?” Lauren reached a paw and groped Karen’s rump.

“Well… I’m curious.”

Lauren looked at her for a moment before giving her a quick and reassuring kiss. “I know what you mean. Do you want me to talk to her?”

Karen sighed with relief. She expected the hermy hound to be on the fence about her going to be with another woman like she was about going to the yiff club. “I think I’d like it if we both went so she knows I’m serious.”

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