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[Y] Hermaphrodiary: Entry Two
Lauren and Gale relieve some stress.
[Y] Hermaphrodiary: Entry Two

Week 3:

Dear diary,

Gale didn’t disappoint. Again, I had to wait until Karen was asleep to write.

Part of me didn’t want to show up on the off (Well, likely) chance that she was either not showing up or if she was going to try and reveal me. She showed up and looked ready to go, but I was still nervous.

“Hey there, Lauren.” The look on her face was as cocky as last week. It was almost as if she could sense that I was nervous to meet her. “Mmm, you seem a little tense,  babe. What, did you think I wouldn’t show up or something?”

I lied. “No, no, I didn’t… I mean, I did-I mean- Well, class was stressful, and-“ she wasted no time and massaged one of my breasts. I stopped in the middle of my nervous rant and moaned gently.

“Here, let me help you with your ‘stress.’” She poked at my semi-hard cock as it fought to get out from under my panties. One paw lifted my skirt, and her other assisted me in my uncomfortable position, allowing my member to hang over my underwear as it grew from my sheath. “Just sit down, Lauren.”

I complied and sat on a bench. My skirt and panties came off, and she undid her blouse to reveal those sweet, pierced nipples of hers. A look of surprise came to her face when she saw her sender fingers weren’t able to encircle my girth, but it didn’t stop her from licking at it. My moan filled the room and I bucked my hips, begging her for more much like she did for me. She didn’t stop like I did, but rather dropped her attention to my balls.

It was then she noticed an odd taste. Not of sweat, but of vaginal fluids. She chuckled and moved away, lifting my heavy orbs to see my waiting virgin pussy.

I usually only paw my cock. Only three or so many times have I ever explored my female anatomy. It was neglected, and she could tell. With a low chuckle, she traced a lick along my pussy. She prodded at both my tailhole and pussy, but only teasingly so. She was being careful to not break my virginity. Yet.

All I could do is gasp and moan loudly as her rough feline tongue lapped my neglected lips. All she could do is murr as she licked, delicately stroking my member. I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it, tossing it idly to the side. One of my paws went to the ground as I tried to relax, while the other played with one of my nipples.

Then she started to purr. Oh god…Her tongue vibrated. It [I]vibrated[/I]! I couldn’t take but a few more licks to my sensitive folds for me to cum. I sprayed her maw and matted the fur with my feminine juices as my cock sprouted a lot of pre. (You see, I don’t cum from both organs at the same time, but rather one or the other, depending on which one is stimulated more. Alright, enough science.) Milky fluids shot a little ways onto my belly, then dribbled down her paw. She must have figured out how I climax, then, because she gripped my member and stroked furiously, sucking on a nut while still purring.

Soon she saw the full force of my male orgasm. She saw the volume of semen that filled her pussy. Long ropes of hot sticky cum landed on my face, breasts, belly… everything was covered! She bought it to her mouth under the belief I was done. That was all just the first half. I quickly filled her mouth and she withdrew, receiving more on her face and breasts.

As the remainder of my massive load simply dribbled from the end of my member, she licked at it and gently sucked anything left inside. “Mmm… Fuck, babe. Now we actually have to shower!” I sat up and prepared to stand, but she pushed me back down so I was lying on the bench. “First, you have to do me now.”

She pulled off her skirt, revealing a lacy black thong. We aren’t supposed to have thongs, but we also aren’t allowed to sleep naked either. I simply smiled and prodded at the growing wet spot on the bottom. She murred again and pulled the lacy clothing. She has trimmed her pubic fur down to the white under fur, as bare one could get without being a human that shaves.

Again, all I could do is smile. She straddled my and crawled up until she was over my face, juices dripping in excitement as I eagerly licked her folds. My nose rubbed over that piercing and I ate with more vigor and confidence than my first time.

Her juices matted the fur to the sides of my muzzle, and she moaned loudly in pleasure as my long tongue missed not an inch of her anatomy nor a taste of her flower (Poetic, aren’t I?) She ground and gently bounced on my muzzle as I lapped her up. My paws rubbed up and down her sides and buns, trying to get her to relax. She did a little and stopped bouncing, but continued to grind her eager folds on my muzzle while I licked.

I could feel her ring vibrating from her purrs, and this drove me to push her more. I stretched my mouth as much as I could and I treated her to the entire length of my tongue. I rippled my tongue as she ground into it, driving her to a climax in little to no time. The scent and taste of her fluids filled me and drove me to egg her on by tracing my tongue over her slit as fast as I could.

Reluctantly, she let me up and we entered the shower. We would tease each other with more pleasure, but time didn’t permit it. We washed, dressed, and then went our separate ways with a kiss and the promise to meet again next week.

Week 4:

Dear diary,

We met again. This time wasn’t as great as the others. We simply fucked in the showers and parted. However, she did tell me something interesting: She told me there was something going on next week. She said she knew someone that might be more than willing to take my ‘other’ virginity. I was skeptical at first and asked if she told anyone. She said she didn’t, but it was a boy and, according to her, swung both ways. “Next week,” she said. “Next week.”