Hermaphrodiary: Entry Five

By: Blahblahtson
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(This is a two-part week.)

Tuesday, Week 7:

Dear Diary,

I went out with my brother again, this time to a little more class than fast food. I told him the news of my infertility, he comforted me, then said he said, “The cannon still goes ‘boom,’ right?”

I punched him in the arm, but it didn’t stop him. “Geeze, I thought you’d take it as a compliment, ‘Ms. I filled the cup.’”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, how much did you fill?” I don’t know why I asked that. Call it curiosity or mild attraction, but I wanted to know.

“A li’ll more than half,” he said proudly. “Yet somehow, I still had more and healthier potential children.”

Our food soon came, and the discussion slowly went away from fertility to school and other things. I told him my secret was safe, and he said he was in track. He’s never been one for sports other than track, even though he was the fastest furson in our old school, maybe even in this one as well.

When we finished, we started talking about our friends. I mentioned Karen and Gale mostly, along with some I haven’t wrote about yet: Alex (A mink that’s been here her whole life, and only knows about a square mile of the city), Femi (A hyena, and a close friend of Gale’s. Very close, from what Gale says. I made a point to mention that to Duncan, and he seemed to like the idea.) and Evelyn. (An ice dragon and, to my delight, a Cockney from England.)

He mentioned his friends, but one stuck out to me. You know those times I usually stop writing so I can focus more on finishing than pawing off? His description was like that. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it had it not been for the fact he was staring like Ben was sitting right next to me with a ‘lost-in-love’ look on his face. That, and he started to describe him more ‘privately’ before he stopped and looked at me with a ‘holy shit, I just told my sister what my boyfriend’s ass’ look.

Ben, from what he said, is an Appaloosa with a black mane, brown fur, and muscular (Not obscenely so, but enough to say he is.) He’s short for a horse, but still taller than Dunk. He stopped right around, “And his a…”

That’s when the ‘holy shit, I just told my sister what my boyfriend’s ass’ look. He paused for a few seconds before trying to think of a word that starts with A and doesn’t end with a double S.

“Ass?” I finally interrupted.

He quickly shushed me and bent forward. His face now read anger at himself and pleading to me. “Please, just don’t tell mom or dad,” he whispered to me.

I leaned forward with him. “What? That you’re gay? I don’t mind.”

“No, I’m not… well, I… I don’t know… I mean, I’ve always liked girls, but… but there’s something about him that I don’t see in other guys… I don’t know if I really am gay, or if I’m bi, or what the fuck I am.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. I won’t tell them.”

We have a of a rule between us called ‘dirt for dirt.’ If one of us found something out about the other that we don’t want our parent’s to find out, and we promise not to tell them, one has to give dirt on themselves as a sign of good faith. I used it on him once when he caught me masturbating in the shower. I won’t tell you his part of the deal, but it was something substantial enough.

I don’t think he expected me to follow through with the rule, but I did anyways. “Well… I’m not so much of a saint at school.”

He looked at me for a moment before realizing what I was getting at. “The dirt rule, eh? Alright… what do you have?”

I sighed and wondered if he’d buy a word of my speech. I told him about Gale, then about Rodney. Both swore secrecy, but what could I get from them that’s as good as ‘She’s a hermaphrodite!’ It didn’t seem he bought it at first, but he nodded and sighed as he accepted my story.

I felt a little hot after talking to him about my encounters, so I had to ask: “So… how is he?”

“What?” he asked, visibly blushing under his fur.

“I just told you, in vivid detail, how and with whom I’ve slept with. I have to know about Ben. Is it true what they say about horse-cocks?”

He giggled nervously. “S-sorta. I mean, he’s big, but I thought more along the lines of 14” and up. He’s 11”, so he’s still big.”


“And… he’s a lot more gentle than I though he would be. It hurt at first. It hurt a lot, actually, but it became better as he went. You know, right?”

I nodded as I tried to block the image from my head. I was growing hard quickly. “Not in my ass, but I know the general feeling.”

He blushed deeper, the rosy pink on his face now open for all to see. “And he didn’t go from behind. We looked at each other most of the time. He came down once every so often and licked at my nipple, and murred loudly.” He became a little more enthused, and I had to remind him to keep it down. “And when he came… I just felt warm. He didn’t pull out, he just stuck it in hard and held it there while I came. When we were done, we just… held each other.”

I felt I had to ask this as well: “So, does he… you know… like to, uh, take it sometimes?”

He chuckled and felt more comfortable with the subject. “Sometimes, but I actually like him in me.

I don’t know if arousal got the best of me or something, but lifted my foot and pushed it into his crotch. He gave a deep murr as I looked around to see if anyone would notice. With the coast clear, I gripped his rock-hard member with my toes, his description getting himself as aroused as me. He breathed rapidly before reaching a paw to my foot and pushing it away.

“What’re you doing?” he asked with a nagging whisper.

“Duncan, I always loved you… but I just want you… Just for tonight…”

I know Ben crossed his thoughts. “Ben won’t find out. It’s just tonight, and tonight only.”

He paused before nodding. We left enough for the bill and a generous tip before heading to my car.

We crawled into the back seat and started to kiss. He gently rubbed himself on my growing bulge, and I couldn’t mistake what he wanted. His shirt came over his head, then mine and my bra, before I undid his pants. In front of me stood 8” of manhood on a teenager. I couldn’t help but reach a paw down and stroke it, tightly rubbing my thumb against his dick as I pawed him. I reached my muzzle down and licked at it, and he seemed impressed by my flexibility. As he moaned to my sucking, he raised himself up enough for me to pull down my pants, and I slid my member back and forth between his cheeks.

He couldn’t take it any more and turned so I laid across the back seat. His paws went to my breasts and he sucked on one as he rubbed his sack on top of my member. Ben has taught him a lot, it seems.

He reached a paw back and guided my member to his tail hole and teased himself and me with prodding thrusts. He eventually sat on it and took me in to my hilt. He rode me slowly and carefully, and I wasn’t complaining. He clenched around my cock a few times as he went, showing me how much he learned over the weeks.

He bought his maw down and sucked on my nipple as my paws firmly grabbed onto his rump and guided his thrusts with some of my own.

It wasn’t long before we neared that blissful edge. I held back for as long as I can before grabbing tighter and thrusting hard into him. He reached a aw down and stroked his member and let me work. “Ah! I-in me…” he whispered lustfully in my ear. I could only oblige him, and I filled him with a powerful load of cum with a loud moan. He leaned back and sat on my thighs, stroking faster until several ropes of his potent seed covered my belly and breasts.

With a few more slow thrusts, we worked out everything we had to offer. With some gratified sighs,I started to wipe the spunk from my fur the best I could, but he took my paw and licked some of his spunk from it. “Damn, did Ben teach you to be so dirty?” I asked with a wide grin.

“No. He likes that I am that dirty, though.”

Though I said ‘just tonight’ and meant it, he said we should do it again some time. I offered to bring Gale, and he offered to bring Ben. I drove him back to his dorm, then drove to mine and showered.

When I entered our room, Karen seemed a bit flustered. I smelt arousal. All I could do was smile and pretend I didn’t smell her fem juices.

“So, what’d you and Duncan do this time?” the otter asked.

I told her the truth. Well, a version of it. “We ate and did some bonding.”

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