Her One And Only (1-5)

By: Blahblahtson
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---Part 1: The Lovers

 It was a hard day of work for the tigress, her boss's shouts still ringing in her head louder than her Suzuki GS500's engine. Natasha revved her engine as she pulled to a red light. Though eager to get home to see what Madeline was doing for her birthday, she planted her legs on the pavement and waited patiently for the light to turn green. The lights on the crossroad turned yellow and she prepared for the green light. At green, her bike darted down to the freeway, only for a few miles until she took her turn to their apartment.

The engine died and she lifted the garage door open before pushing her bike in. Her helmet hung from one of the handlebars and she unzipped her leather jacket and slung it over her shoulder. She had a womanly body, with ample curves that contrasted with her muscular build she had in high school and most of college, and stood at roughly 5'5". The Siberian Tigress had shoulder length white hair with streaks of black

Before she shut the door and locked her bike away, she noticed something in the corner of the small garage. Something she hasn't thought about for a while, but that held a lot between the couple: an aluminum baseball bat. Softball would be more accurate, as that's what she used it for. However, it's also a symbol of how she met Madeline.


She intimidated a lot of people back in high school, partially because of her muscularity, and partially because she saw women like few others saw them. Her homosexuality went on known but unnoticed until about Junior year, when she met Madeline. She was the new girl at school, and seemed nerdy. The vixen always wore knee length skirts and socks, and thick sweaters and glasses, with her long brown hair usually tied back. However, she wasn't shy when she sang in choir or acted in the plays. Despite being new to the school, she had a talent for both that surpassed even their best actors and singers, as proven each time she landed a lead role in each play and had many choir solos. They both shown interest in each other, but only hung out once every so often in the hallways between class.

That all changed one night near the end of Senior year. After walking home from softball practice, she saw the vixen being harassed by some boys. Normally, she wouldn't give it a second glance as this group tended to just bark and never bite. However, it bought her attention when she shrieked for help. When Natasha turned, two held her arms, another held her legs, and a fourth pulled her underwear down and was starting to undo his pants in front of the helpless vixen. Natasha dropped her bags and charged the group with her bat, first knocking out the one holding Madeline's legs, then delivering a upwards blow to their leader's groin. The other two tried to run, but she ran after one and caught him with a blow to the side of the head.

She walked back calmly, the leader already crawling and far enough away that she no longer cared for him. The first one she hit was still out of it, but knew that he would be in trouble if he didn't try to run away, which he attempted to do despite delirium. Her bright green eyes, instead, focused on the orange furred vixen, their victim. Her panties were at about her knees, giving the tigress a brief view of her nethers under her skirt. Her eyes went up and over her body, which was well developed but hidden under a thick sweater and glasses. The glasses hid eyes that were one of the most beautiful blue's she has ever seen. After gazing at each other for a while, Natasha smiled and offered a paw up. "Need a walk home, Maddie?"

Madeline gave a shy smile before raising her paw up to meet hers. "Th-Thanks, Natasha..." She stood to her feet before realizing that her panties were still down. After an embarrassed giggle, she picked them back up. She was blushing as she stood back up, her slightly shorter frame making her look up to meet Natasha's eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry, but I didn't want to get you involved...I mean, thanks for helping, but...but what if they come back?"

"They won't" Natasha replied confidently before offering the vixen her backpack. "They're cowards for trying to do that to you, so I doubt they'll be back." She ran across the street and retrieved her bags before running back. "So, shall we go?"


Natasha walked Madeline home to a poorly built, single story home. She lived with her father and stepmother and younger brother. Her parents usually worked late, leaving her with her fourteen year old brother. "Welcome to my...my humble abode!" She said with sarcastic emphasis and a shy giggle. As she approached the door, she noticed a note behind the screen door. "Huh...I guess you don't get to meet my annoying lil' brother, huh?" she said with another shy giggle. "Do-Do you want to come in?"

Natasha nodded. "Sure, why not?" She entered and set her bags and track jacket down on a recliner.

"Sorry about this place," Maddie said. "My dad thought we'd be better off by now, but he's been working his paws to the bone since we came here. Fuck, our step mom has to work to get us by." She stopped briefly. It was obvious that, even though there's little guidance in her life, she has lived a sheltered life mostly by choice. "I'm...sorry, I-"

Natasha waved her paw. "I've heard a lot worse come from my eight year old sister. Don't worry about it." She gave a comforting smile to re-assure her.

The vixen smiled back. "Alright, then, Thank you." She walked into her bedroom and dropped her books off and let her hair down. When she came back, she asked, "Do you...want something to drink? Watch a movie? Something to eat? Wanna spend the night?"

Natasha was taken off guard by the last request. "Yeah, sure. Here, I can get it," she replied. "I'll make a couple sandwiches, you can pick out a movie to watch. How's that sound?"

"Okay," Madeline replied, the shyness plastered on her face. They passed each other and went on their ways, occasionally asking preference questions like, "What kind of movies do you like?" and "Do you want mayo or mustard?"

Natasha made a quick call to her parents, telling them that she might come home late, if at all. They knew that she was a lesbian, but were more accepting than most others would have been. This was comforting, but made it harder when they died in a car accident when she was in college. Ever since, her sister lived with their aunt and uncle, who were much less accepting than her parents.

Natasha came in with two sandwiches and two cans of cola when Madeline played ‘The Departed.' They ate and drank and relaxed more as the movie progressed. Natasha had a question eating away at her, one that she meant to ask since they first met. "Um...Madeline?"

"Yeah, Tasha?"

"I've been meaning to ask you...and don't take this the wrong way, but...do you...like other girls? You know...LIKE like other girls?"

The question took her off guard, as evident by her nervous chuckles. "Um...well, you see, it's hard to explain..." She wasn't ashamed, but it was just hard for her to answer, since this question was never posed to her. "You see...I do, but...but I also like guys, to, you know?" She looked down at her plate with a shy grin, trying to hide her blushing. "I'm...what is it...Bisexual. I mean, I'm still a virgin, but I do like both..." She looked back up, her blushing more obvious with her shy smile. "It's funny, cause...I wanted to ask you that. Don't take it the wrong way, bu-"

Natasha moved closer, shushing the nervous vixen and wrapping a relaxing paw around her shoulder. "Yes, I do. I'm not bi, though, just... girls. Guys on a rare occasion, just to mix things up." A shy grin came onto her face as well when she noticed how close their muzzle's were. "I'm not a virgin...I mean, I had to find out, and be sure of it, but...I only have interest for...you."

The shyness left her face, and they both became stone serious. They both moved in slowly, their breaths breathing and blowing in synch before their lips met in a passionate kiss. The feline and canine tongues met in the middle, gently caressing each other as Madeline laid back. One of their paws clasped together and their others caressed each other's faces and necks. Their kiss broke long enough for their smiles to come back, then they went back into each other.

Natasha slowly rose to her knees, one paw rubbing on the vixen's belly through her thick sweater. The white tigress had a look of compassion and lust, but most of all...love. Her other paw brushed the hair from Madeline's eyes, who seemed nervous about her first time being intimate with anyone. Natasha reassured, "I won't go any further than you want me to...Just tell me to stop, and I will." Her paw caressed the side of her cheek before she looked down at her other. Slowly, she lifted the sweater up until it was just under her breasts, and she began to rub on her now exposed belly. She looked back up to gauge Maddie's reaction, which seemed to be more comfortable now. Her back arched a little and she moaned lightly to the gentle caressing. Natasha didn't stop rubbing, and bought her other paw down to lift the shirt the rest of the way, exposing her breasts covered in a bra. Both of her paws caressed up her sides and lifted the thick sweater over her head, allowing it to drop to the floor.

She went back down and kissed the vixen, who didn't want this moment to end, not for anything. Natasha's paw rubbed the nape of her neck while her other worked down, slowly caressing her thighs and working up her skirt. This earned a surprised gasp of joy from Madeline, as her paws began to caress up and down her lover's body over her t-shirt before lifting it up and over her head. Natasha's breasts were slightly smaller, high B's at the most as compared to Madeline's mid C's at least. The tension they were making...not even a knife could cut through it.

They continued to kiss while Tasha's paw worked its way up slowly and carefully, feeling every inch of the vixen's gorgeous thighs. She had no real excuse to hide these beauties, nor did she have a reason to hide the rest of that body of hers. Her paw went up until it met its destination, rubbing gently on the outside of her lover's sopping wet panties. Madeline gasped and arched her back in what can only be described as pure bliss. Her pussy ached for more attention, but she didn't want this to end.

A look of surprise came on her face as she felt her skirt being lowered to her knees and past her knee-high socks. She laid on the couch in her underwear, waiting in joyful anticipation. "Mmm...please...I can't wait for you anymore, Tasha!"

Natasha happily obliged, allowing her paw to slide under her panties. She could feel her virginity, knowing it was a boundary not to be crossed tonight. Her other paw worked behind her back, unsnapping the bra blocking access to those sweet mounds of hers. She licked at the tip of her nipple before nibbling gently on it. The vixen moaned loudly as she felt things she never felt before. It didn't take long for a newer feeling approached. She wasn't sure if they should stop, but it felt too good for her to protest. Her hips bucked slowly, then more and more until she was nearly screaming her moans. Madeline has reached her first orgasm ever.

Her breathing was heavy for a long time, until she gasped in another surprise as she felt her panties removed all the way. She looked up at Natasha playfully twirling the silky whites on her finger, a grin on her face before she tossed it to the side. Her own bra unsnapped before she went down again, sucking and licking on her lover's nipple and stroking her clit gently. "I want to taste you, my lovely," she said with a grin. Slowly, the tigress kissed down her belly until she was off the couch, one of Madeline's legs draped over her shoulder. One paw came up and clasped together with Madeline's, whose paw was trying to achieve the same stimulation of her nipples that Natasha had using, her paws instead of her tongue.

She started by licking the outside of her wet lips, earning a shake and a whimper from Maddie. Then, her free paw opened them a little, giving her a nice view of the vixen's sweet pussy. Her rough feline tongue began to lash over every part of it, from her tight virginity to her hard nub on top. She would occasionally nibble gently between licks.

She moved her head up to look the vixen in the eyes, the fur on her face matted from the sweet nether juices. "Why...why'd you stop?"

"Don't you wanna taste mine?" Natasha asked seductively. She rose to her feet and pulled her pants down, revealing a skimpier pair of panties that hugged her muscular ass. She laid opposite of Madeline as she pulled her wet panties off and dropped them to the floor. "Don't mind if I do," she said, trying her best at seductive voices. The vixen smiled before coming up to Natasha, trying to repeat her actions of licking her nipples and kissing down. However, she stayed on the couch and simply curled her legs up with her feet pointing up. She began to lick a little more aggressively than Natasha's gentle licks, mostly due to inexperience.

Both of Natasha's paws came down and rubbed Madeline's head, her fingers running through her hair as she began to purr in delight. "Slow down, love. Take your time in your actions, and don't be afraid to use your paws," She said with a sweet smile and voice, trying to coach her a little without sounding like a bitch.

Maddie smiled before obliging her, slowing up her licks and using one paw to assist her by holding the lips open. Her other paw began to rub gently on her lover's inner thigh, rubbing dangerously close to her pussy and then back half way. Eventually, she bought two of her fingers into that warm, moist hole, fingering and twisting gently inside while tonguing her clit. The tigress moaned loudly and bucked her hips once at the introduction of fingers to her pussy, something she thought the vixen wouldn't do until they have gone more than once. It didn't take much of this until she felt the climax approaching. Her head tilted back and thrusted her chest into the air, her pussy tightening around the fingers before gushing a small amount of love juices.

Her breathing returned to normal, and Madeline crawled up to her with more confidence in her eyes. They kissed for a moment as Maddie laid down on top of her. Their paws still caressed each other while their tongues playfully wrestled.

"That was great, for your first time." Natasha smiled at her lover before sitting up a little ways. She rolled the smaller vixen gently onto her back before sitting opposite of her. "There's something I've always wanted to try...Now might be a good time to try it."

One of her legs went up before resting on the top of the couch. Her other went Maddie's and her foot rested on the ground. A devilish smile came onto her face as she pulled the vixen by the hips until the lips of their pussies were pressed hard into each other.

Maddie didn't know what to expect, but a moan escaped her lips as Natasha bucked her hips gently, rubbing their clits together. Tasha grabbed the ankle of her lover's leg that draped over hers and pulled a small bit, forcing their pussies harder into each other. They both began to buck their hips, slowly at first but faster, and faster. Natasha's paw went between the two dripping vaginas and rubbed between the two quickly, adding fire to the already blazing fire of pleasure they both felt. The familiar feeling crept up on them until they both came simultaneously, the warm, sticky, clear juices mixing and filling the air with the smell of their sexes.

Natasha was the first to stop grinding her hips and came forward, licking Madeline's pussy a little bit before coming back up to meet her with a passionate kiss.

"That...was incredible..." Madeline finally said, out of breath from the force of their orgasms.

They both felt tired at the moment and both stood up to gather their clothes. With their bundles in paw, they went to Madeline's room before dropping their clothes on the floor. They climbed into bed, cuddling as they slowly drifted to sleep.

"I love you..."

"I love you, too"


For the last two months of high school, they were in love. They didn't care if anyone knew, not even Maddie's parents. They didn't want to accept her, telling her that after she went off to college, she was no longer welcome. This didn't sway her, but then college came around. The lover's had to part ways. Maddie received a scholarship for her talents, and already picked a school. Natasha went to another school that seemed too far away to visit except on breaks.

It broke her heart when, in Junior Year, Maddie called it off. She found a boyfriend, one that she could have constant contact with. She didn't know, however, that this boyfriend was abusive and alcoholic. Paul.

Eventually, he was caught in the act, yet she refused to press charges. He still went to jail, and eventually prison when he broke his probation. Maddie started to realize her mistake, and tried to reconcile with Natasha, which was much easier than she expected. They missed each other, no matter how much they wanted to say otherwise when it first started with Paul.

Three years ago. That's when college ended for both of them, and that's how long they have lived together now. They were warned a year ago that Paul has been let out of prison, and is taking alcoholic and anger management classes as part of his probation. Despite their hatred towards him, they hoped only the best for him on his path of recovery. Just in case, there is a restraining order against him, but he since wanted to try and reconcile.

 ---Part 2: Birthday Girl

 The door to the garage closed and locked. Natasha twirled the keys in a similar style that she did with Madeline's panties the first night they made love. They have both changed a lot over the time, with Natasha taking a more womanly figure than masculine, and Madeline gained more confidence in herself. Though still a bit nerdy, she has to maintain a small bit of it to stay herself and to maintain her white-collar office job. She still acts and sings once every so often in local plays, just hoping for a break to come in either career.

It wasn't a squatter apartment complex, being fairly middle-class with white walls and carpets in the halls and in each room and oak doors. Their apartment was on the top floor, room 305. At the small jangle of her keys, she could already hear Madeline preparing. This earned a small grin before she opened the door. She saw her lover wearing white cotton short-shorts and a thin-strapped shirt, and a red and gold birthday hat. In her mouth was a flared horn, which she blew on wildly. "Happy birthday, Tash!" she said excitedly. In one hand was a bottle of wine, and in the other was a pair of glasses.

Natasha smiled before putting her backpack and jacket on the ground. She accepted a jumping embrace from her vixen lover, feeling her legs wrapped around her waist and arms around her neck before returning a passionate kiss. The door shut behind them, and she walked in a little ways before allowing Maddie to regain her footing. Though it was much less evident than before, she still retained the strength she had in high school. "Mmm...I can tell you helped yourself to some wine already, hmm?"

"Just a glass," the vixen replied with a mock tone of dismay. She wasn't quite sauced yet, but it was evident she was at least buzzed. She turned and walked into the small kitchen, her canine tail wagging happily. "I'm making some dinner, a little rigatoni and garlic bread. I've also got some ice cream cake, and a couple gifts for you as well." She said, her ring glistening a little. It was the ring that she swore would never come off. The ring Natasha gave her, claiming that it would be the ring she would propose with if they could get married. When Madeline broke her hand a while ago, the doctors told her to take it off incase it caused her hand to heal awkwardly. She said that it would have to heal awkwardly then, which it didn't.

"It all smells delicious already," Natasha replied.

"Thanks, I try...even though I don't have to to get it right," she said with an air of cockiness. It was true that cooking was another talent she possessed. Natasha possessed the skill as well, but was nowhere near Madeline's capabilities. "Just take a quick shower, we'll eat, and I'll show you your ‘gifts'" she said with a sly smile.

Natasha obliged her soul mate, already down to her skivvies before she even entered their room. Like many tigers, she loved the water and would take several minutes, even hours, just sitting in the cascading shower water. She didn't have that luxury now, and had to clean herself of the smell of a factory. Though she was the receptionist, the smell of the engines and tools seemed to find a way to stain her clothes and fur.

As clean as she could possibly get, she exited and began to towel off. It was then she heard Madeline on the phone, and she seemed upset. She moved closer and put her ear to the wall to listen in on her side of the conversation.

"...I'm sorry, but you already had your chance...I know that, but it doesn't change what happened, or how I feel about it...Listen, just...I don't really give a fuck, alright?...Don't you fucking say that about her, you fucking termite!...You know what? Fuck you, alright?...Just...just leave us the fuck alone!" She heard a frustrated sigh afterwards. The conversation was over, and she already had a good idea on who it was.

Natasha decided not to press the subject when she left the room, her fur still matted but as dry as it could get. She wore clothes similar to her lover's, but black with ‘Los Soldados Miner's' logo on the front of her shirt.

A smile was on her face to try and brighten the mood Paul ruined. This wasn't the first time he called, nor was it the first time they fought. However, this time seemed... different.

Maddie caught the smile and returned it, their moods brightening almost instantly. "Just in time, sexy. Everything's done." The lovers set up the table before bringing the food down and sitting across from each other. They smiled and ate, talking about their day, how much their bosses suck, how good the food was, the usual table talk.

The meal was finished, and most of the cake was eaten. How well they maintained their bodies despite sitting most of the day and eating like they do was a mystery to the tigress. Natasha couldn't avoid it. She had to ask, despite how much she didn't want to, and even promising herself that she wouldn't bring it up tonight. "Um...Maddie? I hate to talk about this, but... I heard you arguing with Paul...it was Paul, right?"

Madeline expected the question, but it still wasn't something she wanted to talk about. He scared her. He scared them both, mostly because of his impulsive anger.

He almost attacked Maddie on the day she testified against him, when she happened to bring Tasha to support her emotionally. If his lawyer, and the bailiff, hadn't come to restrain him, his paws would have been wrapped around her neck. Despite his restraints, it broke her emotionally and she ran to Natasha's arms, crying for minutes as painful memories haunted her again. She properly testified later on, with knowledge that he was well restrained.

Madeline sighed, resting her face in her palms. "Yes...it was him. He called to say that he wants to come over and try to reconcile. I told him no, seeing as he isn't one to remain civil when angry, and no amount of anger management or alcoholic classes could change that. He kept asking, and asking, and I can tell he was trying to remain civil...but..." She looked up into her lover's eyes, finding confidence. But I could also tell it was an act. I know him, and he won't give up his old life that easily. If anything, prison might have made him more dangerous." A tear rolled from her eye, but she ignored it. "I just can't stop thinking... what if he's still mad about me testifying?"

Natasha moved closer, wrapping a paw around her shoulder to calm the vixen. "If you don't want to talk, don't talk. Get a new cell phone number, change your e-mail... I don't think he knows where we live. Beside that, we still have the restraining order, right?"

Madeline nuzzled into her lover, loving every second in the warm embrace. It didn't calm her, but she still loved this. "That was for his probation. He's been off for three months, and we need a legitimate legal claim other than ‘We're scared of someone that doesn't know where I live, or even work.' He has to find one of those things, then maybe we can get one." She seemed to take some comfort in that she doubted that he would find either.

Natasha hugged a little tighter before kissing the top of Maddie's head. "Well, now that that's settled (Somewhat, she thought to herself), how ‘bout we open some gifts?"

Madeline looked up to Natasha's green-eyed gaze, the single tear matting her fur a little ways, but that was all. Any look of sadness was taken away by her bright, cheery smile. "So eager to get your gifts, eh? Well, alright." She stood up and walked to the shelves in the kitchen. She came back with a wrapped box that matched the birthday hat she wore, which sat on the counter. "Remember last year, when we went to the ski resort?"

"Yeah?" Natasha asked, the wrapping paper already off and revealing the box of a brand new digital camcorder, one of the ones that would cost a fortune unless you saved for a while. Her eyes went wide, as she clearly remembered saying that it was a shame they didn't bring a camera, even if it was disposable. She was surprised that Maddie remembered, despite how arbitrary it seemed at the time she said it.

"Well, this year you don't have to worry about it," Maddie said with a smile on her face.

Natasha smiled back before kissing her lover passionately. "Thank you...Do you think it's charged?" To her surprise, the battery came with a full charge, as confirmed when she opened the display screen and turned it on. After slipping in a memory card, she hit record and aimed it at the sexy vixen. "C'mon, say something to the camera."

A shy smile came onto her face as she looked right into the camera. "Something to the camera."

"C'mooon..." Tasha pleaded, reaching one paw out and gently squeezing her lover's left breast.

This earned a quick slap to her hand and a chuckle. "Alright, fine! Heehee... I'm Madeline DeLouise," and I just bought a camera for my girlfriend, my soul mate, the love of my life...Natashaaaa Serov!"

Natasha made a fake crowd noise as she turned the camera to face herself. "Hi, I'm Natasha, and I just got this for my birthday from that sexy li'l fox. Now le'ss send it on back to her!" She aimed the camera back at her lover. "C'mon, lovely lady. Why don't you sing something for the camera?"

Her paw moved in for another quick squeeze, but it was slapped away before she even felt the fabric of her shirt. Maddie tried to look angry, but chuckled instead. "Alright, fine, you crazy tigress!" She took a moment to compose herself before singing a short song, her sweet, melodious soprano ringing trough the room.

After she sang her last note, Natasha slapped her thigh in applause and cheered. The camera remained pointed at her lover as she moved in next to her. "That's my girl!" she said into the camera. She pecked a kiss on her cheek, then Maddie turned and delivered a much longer one onto Tasha's lips.

"And the next part of her gift, she's gonna have to put her new toy away, just for a little while." Madeline kept her gaze locked into her lover's eyes as she spoke, a seductive grin on her face before she came in and kissed her deeply.

Natasha switched the camera off as they kissed. "So, what's this next gift?"

"A back rub. Maybe a little more, after. Either way, you're gonna have to get naked and wait on the bed, belly down."

The tigress obliged, stripped naked before she stood up. "I'll be waiting," she said as she walked away, her long, feline tail swishing behind her with each step. She laid in the bed as the light from a streetlight outside provided enough light to see the whole room in a dim glow.

Madeline walked in, naked as well, with some candles and a bottle of massage oils. The blind for the window was shut, leaving the room entirely dark until a match lit. Four pleasant smelling candles were lit and put around the room before she came over to her lover. She straddled her back, pressing the lips of her pussy against the top of Tasha's butt crack. They were moistening already.

Natasha murred at the feeling of the warm oils being poured onto her back, and started to moan at the feeling of her lover's nimble paws working over her back. "Mmm, I can tell you needed this," Madeline whispered into her ear. She could feel those paws of her lover rubbing the sides of her chest, then her armpits and over each arm, caressing every inch of her lover's sweet body. Sometimes, she would rub on her belly, and over those sweet breasts of hers as she laid flat.

Maddie moved to the side and poured on more oils and rubbed on each ass cheek lovingly. Her paws worked down each thigh, massaging...caressing...rubbing...feeling every delicious inch. Slowly, both paws worked their way up her inner thighs, getting close to her pussy, but pulling away at the last few centimeters. Again, and again...and again, she would do this, teasing her lover's aching snatch every time she came close.

Then, her paws moved up, earning a surprised gasp as they each rubbed over her tail hole. Tasha had no objections, as she enjoyed anal play. She moaned lightly as she felt more oil being poured between her cheeks, and squirmed a little as Maddie thumbed her anus a little. Slowly, oh so slowly, the thumb made its way into the tighter hole, pumping softly to avoid hurting her. Her middle two fingers began to rub over her pussy, covered in the warm oils and increasing the pleasure felt. They rubbed over her clit, earning some moans and whimpers of joy from her lover.

Maddie straddled again and leaned forward, pressing her tits against Natasha's back, her fingers still filling her holes. "I can tell you're already close, you sexy tigress." Her free paw reached down and fondled one of her breasts. Her oil covered fingers flicked over her nipple as she massaged. Her fingers began to pump faster and twist a little, bringing her to her climax in no time. Natasha gripped the pillows as she screamed in joy, her holes tightening around her lover's fingers.

Natasha slowly rolled onto her back, gazing deeply at her lover that sat next to her. Maddie began to rub her paw over the tigress's belly. Her back arched into the rubs, her gaze saying everything. She easily maneuvered the smaller vixen so that she was over her face, facing away from her. "Looks so sweet already," she said before running her rough and nimble feline tongue over all of her lover's pussy, and occasionally running over her tail hole. Maddie moaned lightly before arching over, tonguing the hard clit hidden between the labials of her lover.

Natasha began to finger her tight pussy with crossed fingers. She twisted and wiggled them as her free hand lovingly caressed Maddie's ass. She wasn't shy to rub the tips of her fingers over the sensitive tail hole.

Madeline ate generously from Natasha's pussy, lapping up all of the sweet love juices leaking from her pussy. Her own paws were rubbing gently on the insides of Tasha's thighs. She wimpered lightly each time Natasha's finger twisted over her g-spot, bringing her closer to an orgasm.

Natasha came hard again, loosing a stream of hot, sweet juices into her lover's mouth. Not too soon after, she was enjoying the taste of her lover even more. Maddie flopped backwards, out of breath and still twitching on occasion as she recovered from her orgasm. "Happy... Birthday... Tash..."The two lovers snuggled close together and covered up before drifting off to sleep I each other's arms.

"I love you..."

"I love you, too..."

Part 3: Reconciling

Natasha pulled her bike out of the garage so Madeline had enough room to get into her own car. Though cramped, there was enough room for both vehicles within its walls, along with some extra storage in the front. With a final, passionate kiss and more words of love, she skirted away towards work.

Like most days, most of the time of Natasha's work schedule was spent doing nothing. A few calls here, some schedule checks there, some crusty old workers complaining about the old days, a horny new worker who didn't know she was a lesbian and finally built up the courage to try and ask her out, her boss whining about something... All this in a day's work.

She was eager to leave, and actually ducked out earlier than usual. She was eager to get home, even though their jobs keep them sane and out of boredom. She was eager to see Madeline, as every second with her lover is worth every hour at work.

Though they worked the same hours, Maddie's is only a two minute drive as compared to Natasha's 25 minute one. It didn't surprise her to see her car. It did, however, surprise her that it wasn't in the garage, and another was parked next to it. She walked to their apartment with her helmet in her arm and heard a heated argument emanating from the room. Paul.

Natasha opened the door to see the two in a heated argument. Paul was a cougar, standing at roughly 6'1" with a partially muscular frame, with long brown hair and facial fur around his maw. He paid no attention to the new addition to the conversation and kept his gaze locked on Madeline, who was looking at her for support. "Just listen to me, alright? I've been doing everything, I've ben-"

"I am listening to you, you just don't understand!" Madeline's gaze went back to Paul. "I am not interested, okay?"

A look of anger took to Paul's face, but he held back. "I've been taking all the anger management, I've apologized, I really have changed!"

"No, you haven't! This is just like college, except you're only partially wasted!"

"No! I've been sober for three months now! I haven't touched liquor since I've got out, and I still go to the alcoholics meetings!"

"Then what am I smelling on your breath? Mouthwash?"

"Do you need help leaving?" Natasha asked coldly.

Paul snapped at Natasha, "Fuck you, bitch! I don't need this from you, it's between me and Maddie!"

Maddie quieted down as she held back tears from painful memories. "See? You're the same old Paul, you just believe you have changed. You haven't. You are still the same asshole that beat me and fed him to his friends like some fuckin' toy!"

Paul, however, didn't change his tone. "I fucking changed my life! I took the classes, I've done everything to show you I'm sorry, and what do I get? NOTHING!"

Madeline's tone returned to an angry state. "Because you didn't change! You did all this just so you can get off of probation, not because you wanted to! And what do you know? As soon as they turn away from you, you're drinking again! You call to harass me, you follow me home, and now, you're fucking trespassing!"

"That's it, I'm calling the cops," Natasha said in an angry tone. She stormed around the two to get to the computer room, where they had their phone.

"No! Don't you fucking do that!" Paul yelled at her turned back.

"She's doing it, so you better get the fuck out of here!" Maddie yelled.

"That's great, just fucking great! I change my life, JUST for you, and you blow me off for this fucking dyke."

"DON'T YOU FUCKING CALL HER THAT!" Madeline shouted at him. Her paw came out and slapped him hard across the face.

In turn, Paul delivered a hard backhand that sent her spinning to the floor. Seeing her trying to struggle up bought him back to reality. "Sweetie, you alright? I'm sorry...Oh, shit." He realized that the cops were called and turned heel out of the door.

Natasha ran to the side of her lover. "Oh my god, Maddie! Are you alright?" She cuddled her lover close and looked down at her.

The side of her face was already swollen, and blood trickled from her nose. Though there were tears of pain welling in her eyes, she wouldn't allow herself to cry. "I'm fine...I knew that bastard didn't change..." She accepted the embrace from her lover. "The cops are coming, right?"

"Yeah...C'mon, let's get you all cleaned up." She stood her up and they walked to the sink. A frozen bag of peas went to the side of her face, and a damp towel wiped away the blood. "I swear if he tries to hurt you again...I will kill him."

Maddie chuckled at the idea. "I doubt his deadbeat friends would miss him. You might actually be doing them a favor."

When the cops arrived, they did the standard procedure. The first one they talked with was another female, a hound who looked to be in her mid twenties despite being in her mid-thirties. "Who did this to you?"

"My ex-boyfriend, Paul A. Gent. He was recently let off of probation, and has been harassing me for a while."

The other officer, a male Clydesdale that looked his age in his face, but still seemed spry and youthful. "What was he on probation for?" They were both out of uniform, but two younger officers behind them were.

"He went to prison for drunken disorderly conduct, assault and battery, attempted vehicular manslaughter, possession of a deadly weapon and illegal narcotics, driving under the influence...A couple others, I think, but it's all on his file. Long story short, he's an asshole."

This earned a chuckle from the officers. After a brief discussion about what all happened, they went to Natasha for questions. They received similar answers, with the change that she was more cold and serious. The two senior cops didn't seem shaken by the fact that they were lovers.

"Tell me that that fucker is going back to the pen, where he belongs," Natasha said in a cold tone.

"When we catch him, that's straight where we want him to go," the Clydesdale replied.

After a few more questions and some final pleasantries, the two were alone now. They simply cuddled together on the couch and watched a movie.

"Are you sure you're okay?" The tone of Natasha's voice relayed concern.

"I'll be fine," Maddie reassured. "They are putting the restraining order back on him. My face will be swollen a little, but I can blame it on the dentist or something."

Natasha held her lover closer, which Maddie seemed to accept.

"I love you..."

"I love you, too..."

Part 4: Emergency

They caught Paul.

He was arrested. He said he was with his friends. His friends said they were with him. He said he went to the apartment to try and reconcile, but he was gone before Natasha came home. He said he got the address from his AA mentor. He said that he was told to apologize to all those he has hurt in the past. He says he did. Because of the conflicting stories, the hearsay of his friends, a lack of solid evidence, and the fact that the only truth he told-his mentor giving him the address for reconciling with Madeline-being enough to throw off any defense case, he wasn't even slapped on the wrist.

Paul was free.

In less than one week, they let him go. He was free, but at least there was a restraining order against him. He had to stay more than a hundred feet away. "Only a hundred feet?" Maddie said to the judge. They sat in his office, where a large desk separated the judge from the lovers.

Judge Germane was a male sheepdog, graying around the muzzle, and hazel eyes showing further proof that he has seen better days. "I'm sorry, miss DeLouise, but we can't force him out of state." The tone of his voice was almost monotone. It showed that this wasn't his first time dealing with something like this: Someone going free, despite knowing he was guilty. He had to.

"But..." Natasha stammered. "But, he slapped her! He was drinking! He was on parole! How could he get off?"

"Again, I'm sorry. I would ship him off if I could, but the system doesn't work that way." He tried to keep the air calm. He was failing.

"That bastard beats my girlfriend, and his wrists aren't even slapped? Fuck, knowing even that happens is enough to bring some closure, but this? A fucking restraining order?"

"Ma'am, just because you to say yes, six other furs said no. You have the police reports, but he had the witnesses. I wish it would have turned out better for you two, I really do. It's just an uphill battle for you two, one you can't really win. Hell, if an idiot defended him, the outcome would be the same. Just be glad it was a hundred and not ten."


The two entered Maddie's car. It was a dark blue sedan that she had since after college. Natasha restrained herself, but found it hard to do. She pawed her face in frustration. "They let him off! They let him the fuck off!"

This side of Tasha genuinely scared Madeline. Though she knew that she would do nothing to hurt her, she only saw this side of her once. That was in high school. Two concussions, a fractured skull, and a pair of ruptured testicles and a disconnected urethra resulted. "Please, calm down Tash. Just be happy that he has the order against him.

"I know, but...I can't just let him get away! You shouldn't, either!"

"Natasha!" Madeline retorted. This shocked her out of her anger, as she has never heard her lover's sweet voice yell. "Calm down! Listen, it's...it's over. He won't come after us, I know it. He's not stupid enough to go back to jail. Let's just go home. We have the rest of the day off, so let's just go home, order something for dinner, watch some movies, and not think about Paul.


Two weeks have passed. No more harassing calls from Paul. He was done. Everything was normal again. Maddie and Tasha awoke facing each other, their exposed breast pressed against each other. Natasha woke first, and woke Maddie with a gentle lick on her nose. "Wake up, sleepy."

She woke up slowly with a smile, a yawn, and a stretch. Natasha's paw began rubbing up her belly, and just when it was about to reach one of her lover's breasts...

"Sorry, I can't. We're late enough as is, and I'm still tired from last night."

Natasha looked disappointed at this statement. "Awww...Oh well. There's always tonight."

Maddie smiled back. "We'll see how bad today is, then we'll talk. Until then, we've got money to make, jobs to be done, things to do, and no time for fun."

Natasha chuckled at the short nursery rhyme Maddie made. Ever since they both started working, she said that if there was no time for them, and it always cheered up her lover.

Maddie went into the kitchen and made some breakfast as Natasha showered. She exited in time to finish the food as Maddie showered. They usually ate naked, dressing only after breakfast and before leaving for work.


Natasha sat at her desk, bored as usual. She was counting down the minutes. "Five minutes...three minutes..." she said as the minutes came closer and closer to the end of her day. "Done. Alright, I'm out of here, Allen," she said to the security guard. Allen was an emperor penguin working the next shift, and pulled a bit of a double-duty as a receptionist, but few people call during the night shift.

"So long, Tash," he replied.

Natasha revved her engine as she pulled to a red light. She planted her legs on the pavement and waited patiently for the light to turn green. Soon after stopping, she felt a buzzing on her leg, her phone. She removed her helmet and answered. "Hello?"

"Natasha Serov?" an official sounding female voice sounded.

"Yeah? Who is this?"

"Dr. McArthur at Santos Hospital, it's about Madeline DeLouise?"

She felt breathless and reluctant to continue. "Y-Yeah, about her?" Dear god, don't hurt her..."

"She has been in a hit-and-run accident at her workplace. She's in stable condition, but the crash has fractured her left humorous, broken her radius and several ribs, and severely sprained her right ankle. She also suffered a concussion, a bad one, but it's not life threatening. We need you to-"

"I'll be there," she replied urgently. She hung up her phone and replaced her helmet, squealing her bike in a half circle before heading to the hospital.

In five minutes, she was running through the halls of the hospital, trying to find her lover. When the nurses asked to help, she simply kept moving until she reached her room. "Maddie?" She called gently.

Madeline was on the bed, arm casted and face bruised and cut. "Tash?" She replied with tears in her eyes.

Natasha came in and hugged her lover. They kissed gently on their lips before Madeline pulled away. "It...It was him. It was Paul. He hit me with a truck, then drove away. I told them, but the cops... They said moment, and they'll talk to me after my stay..." She broke down. "You were right, Natasha! You were right, I was right, I...I just can't handle it!"

Natasha cuddled her, despite the rage she felt.

The next day, she woke up in the chair next to the bed. Maddie was sound asleep. She walked to the bedside and kissed her on the cheek. "Hey Maddie. I'm sorry, but I have to go to work."

Madeline smiled. "It's alright. Go right ahead."

She smiled down to her and kissed her forehead. "I've gotta go now. I'll come back here with your car to pick you up, ‘kay?"

She nodded before slipping back to a drug induced sleep.

Natasha walked out of the room, picking up her cell phone from her pocket. She called work to tell them she was taking the day off.

Part 5: Meat Market

She remembered his truck. It was a dark blue, single cab, quarter-ton pickup. She had to find him. But first...

She headed back to the apartment and opened the garage. It didn't take her long to find that baseball bat of hers; the one she used to defend her lover from those pricks so many years ago. Despite not holding the aluminum bat since college, it still felt natural in her paws, like it was part of them. She stuffed it down the front of her jacket before driving off to find her nemesis.

She figured that he shouldn't be too hard to find, seeing as it's hard to find work as a deadbeat ex-con. He must live not too far from his friends or his work, so that narrows her search. She doesn't know where any of them live, except that it is in the asshole of this city.

She recalled after one argument, he named a slummy motel, the one that's run by someone who is as willing to steal from their customers as they are to give them a room.

It was in the middle of an abandoned lot, the ‘Sunview Motel.' A Vacancy sign flashed feebly in the noonish sun under a sign that proudly proclaimed ‘Cable TV!' and ‘Air conditioning!'

She parked out of view of the main office and rooms so that her bike couldn't be identified, and walked into the warm office. Her helmet remained on to hi her identity more. "I'm looking for Paul Gent. Does he have a room here?"

The attendant was an old, fat pony, who seemed to have seen better days over her years. Before Natasha entered, her nose was buried in a house designer's magazine. "Paul gent? Yes, he does, and may I ask why you need to know?"

"Someone dear to him is in the hospital. She was in a hit-and-run accident."

"Oh, really?" The chubby pony took on a look of mock concern. She was trying...horribly...to be consoling, but failed horribly. "The poor dear, too bad. Was it someone close?"

"Was," she replied in a tone that could have been mistaken for sadness, but was full of wrath. "They had a falling out years ago, but all I've heard from him is how much he's sorry and wants to get together with her again."

"Oh, well maybe now's the time, huh?" The clerk said with a wink.

Tasha wasn't amused. "Can I get to his room? Or where he is now?"

The pony took everything and ate it like it was another doughnut. "He's at work now, but-"

"Where does he work?" She asked quickly. "I just have to tell him in person,"

"At, uh, Clampton's Meat Mart in the packing district."

"Thank you, very much," she finished in a warm tone. She walked out before the old equine could bid her farewell, and drove away before she went back to her magazine.


It was close to the evening now, as this place was a bitch to find After a little driving and asking around, she made it to her destination, and there in the front parking lot was the truck.. She walked up to the short truck and broke the driver window with her bat. She dug all around it and found a flick knife in his glove compartment. She took the knife, as it might come in handy for her plan.

She then opened up the fuse box and used a skill she thought she would never use: hotwiring. She learned in high school, but only from watching someone else. The process, however, played in her mind as she envisioned herself as her rebellious friend taking a car for a pleasure drive. With some cuts and wires, the truck started up. Using his tire iron, she locked the gas pedal to the floor. It's engine roared loudly until she let her paw off of the brake. It reared forward, and she was already on her bike by the time the truck crashed through the meat store, and she was long gone by the time the cops arrived.

She hoped he got the message.


After killing a little time and returning her bat to the garage, she made her way back to the hospital to see her lover. "Perfect timing, Tasha," Maddie said warmly but weakly.

"Heh, dinner for two, eh?" The male nurse entered with two platters. He was a gray wolf that stood a little taller than 6' with black hair and a thin strap of facial fur on his chin. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Not that anyone would do anything."

"Thanks," both Natasha and Madeline said. The nurse left them alone and carted the food away.

It was standard hospital food fare, nothing too glamorous or delicious, but every group was covered. They talked about how Maddie's stay at the hospital so far went when the news came up. One of the top stories was of an act of vandalism on a meat market. A truck belonging to one Paul Gent, who worked there, as used to destroy the family owned business. Foul play, obviously was the major suspected cause. Madeline knew the foul, but wasn't going to say anything about it.

"I love you...

"I love you, too..."

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