Choose Your Own Yiff!

By: Blahblahtson
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(‘Our hero’ is a bisexual male, that’s about all you need to know. You can fill in the details about him. I plan on making more with a female later, along with two more using the male. As for how to play, an option to choose from will be under one or more paragraphs of text. Each option has a search key. Simply press CTRL+F to go to the ‘find’ menu. Type in the key, and it will take you to the next option. You might have to hit ‘find next’ twice in order to get to your option.)




Tonight is the night. At least once a month, our hero gets the insatiable urge to get laid. He just has to figure out where he wants to go…


Our hero dressed fairly casually for the night. He threw on a black and purple ‘Miners’ shirt and hat, with a pair of denim jeans. At that, he headed to his favorite sports bar: Eddie’s Tavern


Our hero made it to the bar in time to see the kickoff of the Miners at Regular’s game. He took his normal spot at the bar: the large plasma TV still large enough to see the game, next to one of the speakers playing music that somehow finds a way to synch up with the game. He ordered a Bloody Mary with a snit of beer to wash it all down with.


Our hero looked around to see what the situation was. One way was a lovely looking campolina mare. She, too, was wearing a Miner’s shirt, but sleeveless and cut below the logo, showing off her torso and proudly displaying her perky breasts. She also wore a miniskirt that stopped before showing too much of her ass. However, a lion was harassing her. He was bigger than our hero, and much…[b]much[/b] more drunk.


On the other side of the bar was an artic vixen playing pool. It was obvious to our hero that she was hustling her opponent, a wolf/hound that was drooling at the sight of her bent over the table to get a good shot. She was wearing tight leather pants and a black tank top. She bent down to deliver her final blow on her opponent, hitting the eight ball into the corner. The mixed-blooded canine seemed disappointed, but didn’t mind because of the show he was given.


What does our hero do?


Help the damsel in distress. ( DID )


Take on the hustler. ( HUS )





The Damsel in Distress ( DID )


Our hero made his way to the aid of the mare. The lion seems much larger now, but our hero already made his mind to go in. He put himself between the two. “Is there a problem here?” He asked in a calm tone.


“The fuck you want? The bar’s fulla women, so find your own, bitch!”


“Dude, she’s not interested. Just…back off.”


“You think you can tell me what to do, ya fuckin’ punk? I’ll show ya!”


The lion grabbed our hero by the shirt and threw him out the door. He stood to his feet to meet his assailant. A crowd from the bar formed up, and he already saw some bets being placed on their fight. Now’s the time for strategy.


“C’mon, ya fucker! Le’ss see what you got!”


Play it defensive. He’s a drunk, not a fighter. ( DEF )


Go on the offensive. He could barely stand as it is. ( OFF )





Offensive ( OFF )


Our hero came in quickly and landed a hard right hook on the lion’s face. His opponent fell to the ground, unconscious before he hit the ground. That’s how it should have happened. Instead, the lion looked back at our hero, who obviously forgot drunks don’t feel pain until the morning. That’s more than what could be said for our hero, who felt all of the pain he received, and will continue to for another week.







Defensive ( DEF )


All our hero did was smile. That’s all you have to do to piss off a drunk. In his drunken state, all of his attacks were exaggerated and wild, making it obvious what he was about to do. Each attack of his was easily dodged. Our hero was playing with him, just waiting for the right time.


The lion grew tired of playing and charged. Our hero easily dodged the train and countered with a kick to the knee, sending the lion falling to the ground. He stood up slowly, favoring his partially injured knee. He charged again, but received a knee to the gut. Hunched and out of air, our hero easily grabbed his attacker and threw him through the crowd and into a garbage dumpster in the alley. Again, he stumbled to his feet,  breathing deeply for air. He came back and tried to pick our hero up, but not before receiving another kick to the knee.


On one knee and down to our hero’s level, the drunk still didn’t want to give up. Our hero grew tired of fighting. He spun once before landing a kick to the side of the drunk lion’s head, knocking him out cold. A few cheers came from the crowd before our hero went down to check the lion. He raised the lion’s wallet into the air. “Drinks on me, he’s buying!”


More cheers came from the crowd, and he gave the wallet to someone else. His attention now was on the mare, making her way to you. “Did you do all that just for me?”


Patronize the lion for being a dick to her. ( DIK )


Admit it. That was the only reason you came to her. ( JFH )






Tell the truth. ( JFH )


“Why else would I help you?” Our hero said in a cocky tone. This seemed to offend the mare somewhat. “Honestly, I was eyen up that pool hustler, too. Maybe we can…work something out? The mare slapped our hero and stormed back into the bar. He thought that she was in her pre-heat cycle. That was the only explanation for why she was so mad.







Patronize the lion. ( DIK )


“Well, what would you expect? The guy was being a dick to you. That’s no way to treat a lady.”


The mare took on a seductive grin. “My hero.” (No, OUR hero!) She bent over, giving our hero a nice view of her ass, and picked up a set of keys from the lion’s pocket. “His pickup’s nearby. There, I can properly thank you.”


“Sound’s great to me,” our hero said in a calm voice.  The mare kicked the downed lion in the side for good measures before left to stain his truck’s seats.


They walked to a large blue truck, and she pushed a button to unlock the doors. Our hero entered the passenger’s side and the mare entered the driver’s side. She managed a seductive laugh. “Here’s my thanks.” She crawled to him on all fours and kissed him. Her hands worked on his belt, then his pants, pulling them down enough to get to his cock. As she was a horse, deep throating the heroic meat was nothing. She took all of him into her mouth, playing with his balls with one of her free hands. The other rubbed up and down his chest until he pulled his shirt off. Her tongue played around his member like a cello player plays a cello, all without moving away for a breath of air. The moans of our hero continued to grow until he could hold back no longer. A large load of cum came forth, shooting out of his member load after load. Somehow, she was able to swallow it all. She pulled away from him, not allowing a drop to escape her mouth. She came back in and kissed our hero, a taste of his fluids still in her mouth. Despite this, he kissed back with an equal amount of passion.


Our hero’s single-minded hands pulled her shirt over her breasts before he dropped down and suckled on one of her nipples. She lifted her skirt and moved her thong to the side, giving him all the access he needed. She straddled him and played the tip of the heroic meat over her wet folds. Slowly, she dropped down onto his member, the pleasure felt almost instantly. She ground into it to get a feel for his cock before bouncing off of his thighs. She humped slowly at first. It was about the ride, not the destination, in the beginning. Her pace picked up and their moans began to increase in intensity. He started to buck his hips into her thrusts, increasing the pleasure as they went. Their thrusts sped up progressively until they came almost simultaneously. They continued to thrust slowly, declining from their orgasms. “Thanks again…that was wonderful…” she sighed before leaning against our hero.







Take on the hustler. ( HUS ) 

Our approached the pool hustler from behind, and she didn’t notice him. “Keep your eyes on the balls and your stick, not my tits and your dick,” she said to the wolf-hound she just cleaned out. Our hero grabbed her by the waist rather confidently and nuzzled into her neck. “Mmm…sounds like good advice, but it’s hard to follow.” The vixen chuckled before pushing our hero back. “What? You wanna play me?” “Sure. But let’s make it interesting,” Our hero said with a grin. “Oh, I was about to ask you the same thing. What’s your bet?” Our hero drew six fifties from his wallet and placed it on the table. “Three hundred dollars and drinks for the rest of the night. That’s if [I]you[/I] win.” “Did you have something else in mind for if you win?” 

“Yes, as a matter of fact. If I win, I take you into the back room and fuck your brains out.”


The vixen chuckled at his request. “That’s what that last guy bet, but he kept on betting until he was out of money. I think I can get more from you than I got from him.”


Our hero did the honors of buying this round of pool and racking up the balls. But whose honor is it to break?


Our hero’s. He set it up, so he gets the honors. ( TPB )


The vixen. Ladies first, as usual. ( TVB )





Our hero breaks. ( TPB )


Our hero picked up his cue and prepared to shoot. The balls clacked around the table, and the vixen finished chalking her stick. It’s from that point things started to go to hell for our hero. The vixen cleaned him out, not even allowing him to get one more hit in on the table until she worked her way down to the eight ball. “I’ll give ya credit where it’s due. You knew who you were going against and took the challenge anyways.” She looked at our hero with her chest pressed against the table. “And you still lost.” At that point, the eight ball sank into the final pocket, his money sank into her pocket, and the hero’s hopes of getting laid sank to the gutter.







Ladies first. ( TVP )


Our hero picked up his stick and began chalking it. “Ladies first,” he said with a grin. The vixen returned it before breaking the balls apart. Now, he has to choose…


Stripes ( STR )


Solids ( SLD )





Stripes ( STR )


Our hero decided to go with stripes. Wrong idea, don’t ask why. It just was (And I’m getting lazy now)







Solids ( SLD )


For some reason, solids seemed the way to go for our hero. His shots were perfect, and the one time he missed, the vixen was left without a good enough shot. It eventually came down to the eight ball, our hero one shot away from He took a deep breath before lining up his shot. He then chuckled. “Almost too easy.”


The eight ball dropped into the pocket and the vixen sighed in defeat. “Well…I’m a fur of my word. “


Our hero took his money back and put it into his wallet. “That’s good to hear.” His arm wrapped around her and he walked into the room labeled, ‘Employee’s only.’


The vixen almost reluctantly took her shirt off, revealing a pair of smallish but firm breasts with perky nipples sticking from the fur. Our hero came close and began to suck on one of her nipples and played with the other one with his free paw. His other paw was rubbing over her crotch, pressing firmly through the leather to get to her clit. It didn’t take long for her to enjoy losing.


Our hero pulled her pants down to her ankles, allowing her to kick them off. His pants soon followed, revealing his rock hard member. She was surprised by the size of his heroic meat, but still admired the events to come. She sat on a large keg of beer, tall enough that our hero was in perfect thrusting position. He came forward and began to play the tip of his cock over her wet pussy for a moment before plunging it into her. His thrusts started slowly, allowing her to adjust to his size. But he felt she had enough adjusting after a few seconds. After that, he began pounding his meat into her pussy. He bent down and began sucking on her nipple again, but his paws rested on her hips to aid his thrusting. After a few minutes, they both reached an orgasm. He filled her with his seed before pulling out and shooting the remainder onto her belly. She leaned her head back to regain her breath and slowly recover from the intense ride.


Our hero took on a cocky grin. “I don’t think you paid me back quite yet.”


“Neither do I,” she said in a seductive tone. Our hero pulled her from her perch and bent her over it, his cum dripping from her pussy. He grabbed a tight hold of her ass before ramming his cock back into her pussy. She didn’t need to adjust to his size this time, yet this still earned a yelp of surprise from her. He bent down and began to lick at her neck while his paws played and teased her breasts. He continued to pound into her for a while until another orgasm hit them both. Again, he filled her up before shooting a hot load onto her back and ass.


Our hero fell forward , the only thing supporting him were his paws on the keg. His and her gasps for air slowed until their breaths were back to normal. She turned back to him. “Next time…next time, I should let you win.”


( O E )

Congratulations, you found the alternate ending for the ‘Tell the Truth’ option! It doesn’t matter how, but that you did. And for that, here’s your gift!


Tell the truth.


“Why else would I help you?” Our hero said in a cocky tone. This seemed to offend the mare somewhat. “Honestly, I was eyen up that pool hustler, too. Maybe we can…work something out?” At that point, the vixen walked up to the two.

 “Oh, I think something can, indeed, be worked out.” She grabbed the mare by the back of the head and bought her in, kissing her deeply. This, however, didn’t seem to bother the mare in the least. They both looked at our hero, a dumbfounded look on his face. “What? You don’t like a little ménage à trois once every so often?” the mare said seductively. Our hero shook sense back into his head. “Of course I do, let’s get this thing started!” The three made their way to the truck. Our hero sat between the two females, with the vixen working on removing his pants and the mare kissing him deeply. The vixen pulled his pants down and began to suck his cock, and the mare removed his shirt and began to suck lightly on one of his nipples. He pulled their shirts off and felt one of each of their breasts. After a while, they changed places. The fox began to suck and gently bite at his nipple while the mare took all of him in with each suck. It didn’t take long until a climax was obvious. At that point, they both went down, playing their tongues over his shaft. He came in large loads, covering the side of their faces and his chest in cum, along with a little trickling down his shaft. They licked him clean, and then eachother. Our hero layed down, his flag still flying at full mast. The vixen mounted his cock while the mare sat over his face. He took to eating her out as soon as she was within tongue’s reach. The vixen’s paws rested on his stomach as she rode him. The three moaned audibly until the women muffled eachother by kissing passionately. Our hero licked at the mare’s pussy with gusto, taking all of her sweet fluids with each stroke of his tongue. This continued until the three felt a flood of pleasure coming over them. The mare came first, drenching our hero’s face with her love juices. Then the vixen came, her tightening folds milking another powerful orgasm out of our hero.  The vixen got off and leaned against the door, her fingers playing over her cum-dripping pussy. The mare climbed over our hero and went down on her, licking the cum mixture as it dripped. Our hero saw this as an invitation. He placed his paws on her hips before entering her from behind. This earned a surprised but pleased gasp from her as he continued to pound away in her.He pounded away on her and the vixen moaned loudly. Soon, the three  reached their climax again. The sudden addition of tightness to her already tight cunt pushed our hero over the edge and the floodgates opened for a final load of cum. The three collapsed, exausted from their work. They didn’t notice the cops arrest the lion or question anyone, as they were sleeping in the truck at the moment. Luckily for them, the cops didn’t give the truck a second glance.
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