CYOY part 2!!!

By: Blahblahtson
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(Part Two of Choose Your Own Yiff. In this one, our hero has a choice between a male and female. Again, use CTRL+F to find your option.)



It’s that time of the month again! Our hero wants to go out to find some action.


Our hero gets ready to go to a rave club. He dresses in black cargo pants and a fishnet t-shirt, ready to go do his thing.


Our hero walked through the crowd, techno playing loudly and vibrating the floor with every bass beat. It was all dark except for the DJ’s booth, the bar, some lasers and strobe light, and the glowing of the dancers. He sat at the corner of the bar to assess the situation.


To one side was one of the dancers, a chipmunk to be exact. Glowing paint adorned her fur as her body seemed to move naturally to the music. All she wore was a bra and cargo pants pulled a little low and the strings of her thong pulled high above them. Something tells the hero that he might need to dance for this one.


To the other side was the bartender himself, a panther. He wore pants but no shirt and fishnet armbands going up to his elbows. Both of his nipples were pierced with gold rings, as were his nose and ears. This might take some more planning.


Who does our hero go for?


The dancer? ( DAN1 )

The bartender? ( BAR1 )












The dancer ( DAN1 )


Our hero casually approached the dancer. His body seemed to move as fluidly as hers as he slowly approached her. The song changed when our hero was within arms reach of her, but she didn’t know. Does he…


Dance close to show his confidence? ( CLS )

Dance away to show his skill. ( DFA )












Dance close. ( CLS )


Our hero approaches the dancer, only inches away from her back. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck yet tried to pretend that he wasn’t there. This only encouraged our hero to try harder. One of his paws slowly wrapped around her waist, his thumb playing over her bellybutton. His other paw went down and rested on her thigh, it’s thumb hooked in the top of her pants. Now he has her attention. Her hips ground against his, still swaying to the music. She turned slowly to face our hero, a cocky grin on her face. “Hey there, cutie. I take it you wanna dance?”


He took on the same grin she had. “What made you think that, my darling?”


Our hero has a choice now: How does he want to dance?


Show more skills. She’ll be impressed. ( SMS )

Ease up and see what she has to offer. ( EAS )












Dance away. ( DFA )


Our hero kept his distance from the chipmunk dancer. He tried everything he could, yet he couldn’t get her attention…he did, however, get the attention of a few people that thought he was having a seizure.














Show off. ( SMS )


Our hero decided that, now that he has her attention, he might as well show how well he could dance. However, she saw this as a competition and not an invitation. Despite the fact our hero just arrive, and that she has been dancing for an hour or so, she bested our hero.














Ease up ( EAS )


Our hero danced slowly, which was still considerably fast because of the music. She slowed, too. Their eyes locked for minutes as they danced. The dancer saw this as an invitation and not a competition. When the song changed, she moved in quickly, planting a firm kiss on his mouth. Their tongues played with each other in the middle, as made obvious when they briefly parted for air. With a quick and agile leap, she wrapped her legs around our hero, who began to walk with his arms around her.


They ended up in a large booth, it’s table large enough to hide them if they needed to. He sat with her legs on top of his, still kissing furiously. Her calf rubbed against his crotch, which earned a look of surprise. She chuckled lightly as she pushed him to his back. She no longer cared if anyone saw them, and neither did our hero. His pants were already down to his knees , and hers were already completely off, as well as her bra. She went back to kissing our hero as she stroked his cock tenderly. The chipmunk quickly turned, her pussy hovering over our hero’s face. He wasted no time in bringing his mouth and fingers to it, his fingers working her holes while his tongue did the rest. A light moan came from her mouth and she leaned in, licking and gently nibbling on his heroic meat. She wasted no time in taking in most of his cock into her mouth, gently humming as she went. They worked each other to a climax, our hero overfilling the chipmunk’s mouth with cum and visa versa. He drank down all of her sweet, silky fluids as she attempted to swallow his. She came back from her climax and pulled her mouth away from his cock, still feeling that it was rock solid. At this point, they attracted some attention that they knew would only increase as they went on. Neither cared, though. Our hero sat up as the dancer mounted him in a reverse-cowgirl position, her feet tucked under our hero’s ass. Se used her toes to gently tickle his cheeks as she took him in slowly. She arched her back and stuck out those nice, perky tits for all to see. Everyone stared in wonder at the spectacle, some even rooting them on as they went. Though some of the staff wanted to interfere incase the two couldn’t do what they were doing now, they didn’t even bother with stopping them. The chipmunk’s hips bucked wildly into our hero’s cock, taking all of him in faster and faster until they reached climaxed again. He pulled out of her and began to stroke his cock with one hand and rub her pussy. Her hot love juices shot onto our hero’s pubis, then he shot another massive load that covered her tits and belly. This earned a cheer from the crowd, and sparked a new idea for this club when the club owner heard of this the next night.














The Bartender ( BAR1 )


Our hero stayed at the bar. His eyes were glancing over the panther, taking in all of his body through his eyes. The bartender turned his back to our hero to take someone else’s order, giving a better view of him. He turned around quickly, and saw him. He didn’t mind, though, since he smiled at him. What does our hero do?


Smile back, he already caught you. ( HCU )

Quickly look away. Play the shy game with him. ( SHY )












Smile back. ( HCU )


Our hero looked at him and smiled back, a glimmer of lust and confidence in his eyes. After serving a drink to a customer, he made his way over to him. “So, I haven’t seen you here before.”


“I haven’t been here for a few months. I’m not exactly a regular here, you see.”


“Oh…well then.” The panther took on a devilish grin, his intentions almost too obvious. “I guess I’ve gotta find a way to get you to come here more often, then.” His elbows rested on the bar and his chin on his thumbs. “Can I get you something, cutie?”


Our hero took on the same grin the bartender wore. “Sex on the beach…if that’s not too far away.”


The bartender chuckled at the intentionally corny joke as he made the drink and served it. “You know…I’m on a break in a few minutes, and the VIP room is empty for the night. The guy who owns this place attends each of his clubs at least once a week, and tonight isn’t this places night. You wanna come with me?”


Our hero decided to answer his question by kissing him to drive his point home. Does he…


Burry his tongue into his mouth.  ( BRY )

Give each other some breathing room while they kiss. ( AIR)












Look away. ( SHY )


Our hero looked away like he was shy. It normally seemed to work, but this time, it didn’t. It seems he wanted someone who was more dominant than regressive.


I’m sorry, but the correct answer is…EEEERRGH!












Bury the tongue. ( BRY )


Our hero gave an under breathed chuckle before grabbing the panther by the back of his head and pulling him in for a deep kiss. His tongue made its way into his mouth, massaging it as he continued. He broke the kiss for now. “Mmm…that was delicious,” he replied. “I’ll serve these last furs, then I’ll come back for you.” On ‘you,’ his finger tapped on the end of our hero’s nose. He finished and came back for our hero, just like he said he would. He grabbed him by the paw to lead him to the VIP room.


The bartender opened the door to the VIP room. It was fortunate that the club owner wasn’t here for the night. The deep bass of the music below was all that could be heard of the music. Following him was our hero. “It’s a nice setup they have up here,” Our hero said.


The bartender locked the door behind him to keep out any riffraff. “So…What now?”


“How ‘bout some more of this,” Our hero replied, pulling him in again and delivering another deep kiss. He slowly pushed the panther onto the couch before kneeling between his legs. In a quick motion, the panther’s pants were around his ankles and our hero licked at his sheath, eventually coaxing his cock to come out and play. He began to rub his lips up and down the shaft, occasionally lingering on his balls before coming back up to the tip. His tongue lingered around the head of the panther’s cock for a moment to take in any precum dribbling out. The cock slowly made its way into his mouth, playing with it using his tongue as he sucked hard. He sucked all the way down to his sheath, using one paw for support and his other paw to massage his balls and finger his tailhole. “Oh…oh my god, you’re good at that…I…I’m cuming!” a large load of spunk shot into our hero’s mouth and he swallowed much of it. Only a small bit remained in his mouth, which he allowed to dribble over his paw. His pants came down, revealing his heroic meat. The panther stared wide-eyed in wonder at it as our hero began to stroke his own hard shaft with the cum, and then rubbed some on the amazed panther’s tailhole. Both of his ankles went up to our hero’s shoulders as he began to play his cock over the freshly wetted tailhole. After a moment, his cock plunged deep within, earning a small yelp in pain that was quickly replaced by moans of pleasure. One paw went down to stroke his cock with a firm grip and his other began to massage his balls again. Slowly, he leaned forward and pushed the knees of the panther onto his shoulders to give him a better position to thrust, as well as to start licking over his nipples. Eventually, our hero reached his climax. He pulled his cock out and laid it on top of the panther’s twitching cock and stroked them both together. They both shot another large load of cum directly onto the panting panther’s chest, muzzle, and belly. He licked some off of his face and smiled at our hero, both knowing that they will be good for a while.














Get some air. ( AIR )


Our gave an under breathed chuckle before coming in, locking lips with the panther. His tongue slowly worked in and they played with each other. Our hero murred lightly before breaking the kiss. The bartender, however much he enjoyed it, didn’t find what he was looking for. “Mmm…that was delicious…but, I don’t think you’re the type that can handle me.” Before our hero could respond, the panther was gone and serving his customers.


Your shipment of FAIL has arrived.


( O E )


Congratulations, you found another easter egg! Instead of basing this one off of one of the choices, I just skipped to the part you all came here for: The yiff!


The bartender opened the door to the VIP room. It was fortunate that the club owner wasn’t here for the night. The deep bass of the music below was all that could be heard of the music. Following him was our hero, and then the dancer. “It’s a nice setup they have up here,” The dancer said behind them as she entered.


Our hero looked around for a little longer. “So…what first?” He said in as seductive of a voice as he could muster.


“How ‘bout this?” The bartender replied. He grabbed the dancer by the shoulders and kissed her deeply, our hero soon joining into the tongue battle. They entered each other’s mouths one at a time for what seemed like an hour, but only really a minute or two. The chipmunk left the kiss, working her way down both of them while they continued with their tongue battle. Our hero pulled gently on the nipple ring of the bartender, then both of their pants dropped to the floor. The dancer was on her knees as her bra unsnapped, showing off her perfectly set breasts. One of her fingers entered the ring on the end of his hardened cock and tugged lightly, earning a pleased gasp from him. She began to suck his cock deeply, using her tongue to play with the ring. Our hero broke the kiss and went behind the dancer, skillfully pulling her pants off without having her move. He squatted behind her, his cock twitching in excitement before he penetrated her dripping pussy. She took more of the bartenders cock into her mouth and bought her paws down to brace herself on the ground as our hero pounded her from behind. The bartender bought his hands to the back of her head and guided her as she sucked. Not too much of this and the three came, the panther sighing deeply as his seed into the chipmunk’s mouth. Our hero pulled away from behind her, their mixed fluids dripping from her pussy. He came forward and kissed deeply, snowballing the panther’s cum between their mouths. He took most of it into his mouth before going up to the bartender and kissing him with it, frotting their dicks together in the process. The dancer took the tips of both of their cocks into her mouth and swallowed the remainder of their cum. The bartender got up and made his way to a couch, laying down with his hips off the front and his still rigid cock making a great invitation to the dancer. She got up and moved to him, mounting him in the reverse cowgirl position. She made her way down his cock until all of him was in her. At that, our hero made his way to him. He dropped to his knees in front of them, gently kissing, licking, and sucking on the panther’s cock and balls. His tongue slowly worked its way down until his tongue was playing over the bartender’s tailhole. This earned a surprised gasp from him. Once it was nice and wet for our hero, he moved in closer, sucking and playing with the chipmunk’s bouncing breasts as his cock played with the bartender’s tailhole, entering only bit by bit until all of the heroic meat was inside him. Finding himself being assaulted by pleasure, it didn’t take long for the panther to cum. Soon our hero came hard enough that some of his seed poured from the panther’s tailhole. Then the chipmunk reached her climax, milking the already spent cock in her pussy for whatever was left. “That was amazing!” The bartender said out loud. The other two, our hero and dancer team, weren’t done just yet. She stood up and dripped his cum out of her pussy onto his pubis. She made her way to the bar, bracing her paws against it and spreading her legs apart. Our hero withdrew after seeing her ready to go again, allowing his seed to pour onto the floor. He came behind her and began to finger her dripping cunt. He removed them, revealing that they were covered by her love juices and the bartender’s cum. After licking some off, the two fingers that were in her pussy entered her tailhole, earning a surprised yelp from her. After playing them in her for a moment, his cock moved in to replace his fingers. He buried his cock deep within her ass, fingering her with one paw and fondling her breasts with the other. The bartender couldn’t pass this up and approached the hero, his re-hardened cock playing over his tailhole. He looked back at the panther and met his mouth with a deep kiss, muffling their moans as his tailhole was penetrated. The two thrusted in time, picking up the chipmunk from the ground with each of their thrusts. Soon, the three came, hot seed and juices dripping to the floor. The dancer sat on the bar stool, gasping in pleasure and both of her holes dripping. Our hero and the bartender both went down on her, cleaning her nether regions with their tongues, and then each other’s.

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