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[Y] Jack's Travels
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Ok Here we have pokemon story, ordinary: Human trainer and ordinary non anthro pokemon, i might make it sexual at some point, but right now im just concentrating on giving Jack his team of Pokemon
[Y] Jack's Travels

Jack's Travels

Chapter 01

Jacks first Pokemon: Riolu in Trouble

It was a ordinary Monday in New Bark Town, for Jack it meant lazily dragging himself from his bed and walking to the shower in his boxers, after he cleaned himself up which entailed: taking a shower, brushing his teeth and combing through his unruly black hair. He stared at himself for a second in the mirror, his reflection staring back at him with blue eyes. Then he got dressed, putting on his cap and a pair of shorts and his T-shirt which had the imprint of a Pokeball on the front. He then went down and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before skipping out, not giving her a chance to say anything, he was planning on catching a pokemon. It was so to say the condition that Proffesor Elm made: Catch a Pokemon, and he gets a Pokedex. He had 5 Pokeballs in his backpack and then went out to Route 29, it seemed like there were no Pokemon whatsoever. He frowns and walks a little more along said Route and then notices a big mass of Pokemon, it seemed to be a big mass of Rattata that were swarming around another pokemon, it didnt seem like a Rattata though and it seemed to be hurt and whimpering, he then ran towards the mass of Rattata and threw them aside, the rat pokemon gave him a couple of bites and scratches but he was able to extract the smaller Pokemon from the aggresive Rattata "Get off!" he winces a little and then runs for it but gets chased by the Rattata. While running Jack had enough time to look at the Pokemon that he held in his arms, it was scratched and bruised but he could still make out it was a Riolu he saw it from several shows and it was his favorite pokemon, which immediately made Jack put the small and broken Riolu to his heart.


Lost in thought he tripped over a branch and falls down, he looks back and notices the Rattata getting closer, he curls around the Riolu to protect it from the onslaught that was sure to come, but before it could three pokemon appeared behind him: a Totodile, a Cyndaquil and a Chikorita. Those three pokemon held back the Rattata while Professor Elm catches up with Jack, he then kneels down and looks at the Riolu and then gives it a potion which makes the Riolu wake up and stare up at Jack and Elm in confussion. Jack gave a sigh of relief and then Elm spoke "She will be alright Jack, but i already see you chose her as your starter, so lets see you fight" Jack looks down at Riolu and grins "Well? how about it Rio? lets show these Rattata what your made off!" The Riolu calls its name in approval and then Jack stood up and Riolu walked infront of him.


Jack wracked his brain to recall Riolu's attacks that he knew they could do, he then calls out "Ok Riolu, show them how fast you can be! Quick Attack!" Riolu complies and then runs with speeds that were unable to followed with the bare eye, he tackled two Rattata at once and made them fall back into their pack and then they attacked, but Jack was quicker "Rio! Endure!"


Riolu put her paws together and took a defensive stance and took the several tackles of the Rattata and once they gave her a opening Jack called "ok! Quick Attack again!" and Riolu obeyed tackling another two Rattata, the same two as it turned out as they fainted from the Riolu's attacks. Elm smiled "Okay! enough lets run for it!" his three pokemon had already taken care of most of the pack, running should be easier now. Jack picked up Riolu, she squeaked a little but held onto Jack.


In a few minutes Jack and Elm were back in New Bark Town and in Elm's Lab. Jack had been patched up with bandages for the scratches and bites. Just to make sure he emptied a entire Desinfectant over his wounds, not wanting to get a blood poisoning or something of the sort. Riolu was sitting on the shoulder of Jack, and she seemed content to stay there, she seemed unfazed by the entire encounter with the wild Rattata.


Elm soon returned and spoke "Well it seems like you now have your partner. And i have to say you really know how to handle a Riolu perfectly." Jack was a little emberasses and scratched the back of his head "I really didnt do anything, Rio did all the work" he reaches up and strokes through his Riolu's fur and she murrs a little at the touch.


"That may true, but you saved her, which pretty much made her get attached to you, it still surprises me that you found a Riolu on Route 29. Riolu's are rare and none have ever been sighted on Route 29" This puzzle seemed to bother Elm a lot and then he sighs "Riolu must have been someone elses pokemon before, maybe she was abandoned by her trainer" The though that someone had left a small untrained Riolu all alone to fend for herself made him angry "How could someone do that? That's just cruel!" Elm shook his head "Not every trainer has been accepted by Pokemon Professors such as me, and thusly, not all trainers are nice to pokemon, i see that i can trust you to treat your pokemon well, not as slaves but as comrades. Thats why im gonna give you this...." He walks close and hands Jack a Pokedex "Okay listen to me Jack, i have high hopes for you, so dont disappoint me" Jack smiled and nods, he picked up Riolu and puts her on a table and then opens his Pokedex "smile Rio" as if she knew what was going on she got up and posed, which made both Elm and Jack laugh as the Pokedex enters the picture of Riolu into its database and names a few facts: "
Riolu, the Emanation Pokemon, It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves."