Jack's Travels 03

By: BigWolf
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Chapter 03

Jack's Travels

A new Teammate and a bad Situation

Jack left Route 29 behind him and entered Cherrygrove City, Elm's so-called favor meant, meeting up with an old friend of his, who lived on Route 30, a person who goes by the name of Mr. Pokemon. Jack was supposed to pick up a parcel that was important to Professor Elm's reseach. The Travel through Route 29 left Rio and Jack exhausted, so they both went to the nearest Pokemon Center.

There Jack gave his Riolu to the nurse. She took her in and told him to be back in a few minutes, so to waste time he went to the Pokemon Mart that was just next door. Before he could reach the Mart though, an old man interupted him, mid-stride. The old man noticed the PokeGear hanging from Jack's waste, asking him what 'Cards' he already had. Jack unhooked his Pokegear and handed it to the man, who took a quick glance at it and explained that he only had the basic Phone card. In turn the old man took out a card of his own, and put it into a seperate slot. The old man explained that a PokeGear could be more then a ordinary phone and that he added a Map Card to his PokeGear, with which he can now look up the map of Kanto and Johto on his PokeGear. With that the old man said his good-byes and went for his walk back home.

Jack didnt even have the time to thank the old man, he seemed to be in a rush, so he shrugged it off and went to the Mart to get a few potions and Pokeballs, afterwards he returned to the Pokemon Center to retrieve Rio. Now his partner was energetic, but Jack was still hungry and thirsty and in need of a little rest. So he went out and walked across the street to the Restaurant that had been opened recently. After buying himself and his partner a meal and after resting his legs for a bit, he picked up Rio again and set her on his shoulders, which turned out to be her favorite spot.

After paying his bills, he left the Restaurant and then the City walking towards Route 30, where Mr. Pokemon was said to reside. After a few steps, he came across a pokemon which he was not familiar with, he took out his Pokedex to get updated Data, his Pokedex answered "There is no Data on this Pokemon" Jack was sure that what he had infront of him was a Pokemon, a small Pokemon with a red horn and a white gown-covered body.

Jack pulled out his Pokedex and took a picture of said Pokemon, the Pokedex comes up with Data "
Ralts, the feeling Pokemon, Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horn on it's head. This Pokemon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition." He closes his Pokedex and slowly creeps up to the Ralts, but before he could get close, the Ralts turned around staring at Jack, though Jack wasnt sure if the Ralts really stared seeing how the eyes were covered by the long green hair.

Jack stayed calm "Relax, I'm not going to harm you..." he slowly crept close to the small pokemon and the pokemon slowly walks closer to the trainer as well "that's a good Ralts" Riolu jumps down from Jacks shoulder and walks up to the Ralts, Riolu was more bold more open, taking a constant stride, the Ralts seemed to turn defensive, but Riolu was able to get close as they both started talking in their Pokemon speak.

Jack was utterly confused, wondering what these pokemon were talking about. As soon as they finished Rio jumped back onto Jack's shoulder and then the Ralts walked up to Jack and starts grabbing at Jack's Pokeballs that were hanging from his belt "So then Ralts, you want to join my team?" The Ralts looks up at Jack and nods, Jack in turn takes a Pokeball from his belt and gently throws it at the Ralts, the ball shook 3 times and then went still, Ralts now joined Jack's Team thanks to Rio's 'social' skills.

Without further delay, Jack and Rio reached the house of Mr. Pokemon, upon entering they could hear the discussions going on between two old men, one which Jack knew from various shows: Professor Oak. So the other man had to be Mr. Pokemon. The Discussions died down the moment Mr. Pokemon noticed Jack."Hello, hello! You must be Jack! Professor Elm said that you would visit. Come here..." Jack obeyed and walked up to the old man, Oak still seemed to be lost in thought during the entire process of the introduction. Mr. Pokemon handed Jack a parcel, as he was about to shake it to figure what was inside, the old man puts his hands on the parcel to stop him "Don't shake it, please. This is what i want Professor Elm to examine, and i would be thankful if it reached him in one piece" Jack nods and puts it into his packpack as Elm explains that inside the parcel was a Egg that was found at a pokemon day-care center, but Jack wasnt listening, he was staring at the other Professor who seemed to be examining something which he couldn't make out

Mr. Pokemon noticed where the youths attention was and called out "Hey Oak, we have a visitor!" Oak jumped a little and turned to Jack and then he walks up to him and musters him with a stern gaze "I see so, you are Jack, i heard of you from Elm, he said you seem like a promising trainer, i wonder if he's right" He looks at Jack's belt "you seem to be well equipped, Pokeballs, a Pokegear and a Pokedex, so Elm trusted you with one of my inventions, not bad at all. Oh! I see you have caught a Pokemon!" Jack was again emberassed, since that wasn't entirely true "No Professor, i actually didnt catch her, she joined me out of her own will." This made Oak laugh "She? how do you know it's Gender?" Naturally he knew the answer, he was just testing Jack, who in turn pulled off his Pokedex from his belt and opened the entry about the Ralts "See here? the Pokedex identifies my Ralts as a female" Oaks eyes widen as he sees the entry and snatches the Pokedex from Jacks hands and checks it, after a few minutes he turned back to Jack "You caught a Ralts?"

Jack to prove the fact showed his Team, he set Riolu on the ground and summoned his Ralts out of her ball and Oak gives a 'hmmm' Jack looks at the Professor, Mr. Pokemon just fell silent "Whats wrong Professor?" Oak shakes his head and hands the Pokedex back to Jack and answers "Okay, here is what i see, you caught two pokemon that arent native to the Johto Region" Jack frowns he had assumed, the Ralts might also be a pokemon abandoned by a trainer "Elm told me that Rio could have been abandoned by her trainer" Oak shakes his head "Even so, the ralts you caught seems more like a wild Pokemon, she had distrust to you where as Riolu seemed to have trusted you from the beginning which meant she probably was used to humans." Mr. Pokemon chuckles and walks up behind the Professor "As expected of the Professor in charge of relationship between Humans and Pokemon" Oak gives a small grin, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere.

After a bit Jack puts Ralts back into her ball and Rio jumps back on his shoulder, he then took a bow to Mr. Pokemon and Professor Oak "It was nice meeting you two, bu..." the second time today he was interupted by the sound of a phone ringing. But this time it was his phone, he took the PokeGear and answers his call. It was Elm and he seemed nervous "J-Jack?! Please! It's horrible! Could you please come back immediately?!" - "Of course Professor, I'm on my way!" He closes the PokeGear and looks at the two men "I have to go, there seems to be trouble at Elm's Lab" Professor Oak was the first to respond "I'm coming with you, I have to talk to Elm about the case of the misplaced Pokemon" Jack didn't disagree and with that both of them went on the way.

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