Jack's Travels 02

By: BigWolf
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Jack's Travel

Chapter 02

The Beginning: Jack's and Rio's travel commences!


The first few days with Rio were spent at home in NewBark Town, Jacks mother instantly fell in love with the little Riolu, and the small Pokemon also had a soft spot for Jack's mom. After the basic Introduction Jack took Riolu up into his room and then sits down onto his bed and stretches a little. The Riolu looks around the room intrigued and then stares at her trainer with big eyes as he stripped down to his boxers, the entire day passed by so quickly last day and all he wanted to do was lay down, there were still bandages on his entire body that pretty much proved his encounter with the wild Rattata that Monday afternoon. Jack then looked down after he laid down and covered himself with his blanket. The small pokemon was looking up at him with wide eyes. The new Trainer chuckles and lifts the blankets "come here Rio, but dont tell my mom" The Riolu smiles happily and jumps up onto the bed and crawls under the covers and cuddles against her new trainer, Jack held her close and then they both fell asleep.


The next day, Tuesday morning, was pretty much the same routine as usual. He got up, careful not to wake his sleeping Riolu and then went through the motions: shower, brushing teeth, combing hair and getting dressed. Afterwards he heard his mother yell "JAAAY!" yeah his mother calls him 'J' for short "Breakfast is ready!" Jack walks out of the bathroom and yells as well "COMING!" This made the small Riolu in his bed jump up, it looked pretty funny considering she was still covered with the blanket, one could see her head move left, right and left again. Jack walks up to the bed and pulls out the Riolu from under the blanket and chuckles "you silly little Rio" -"Rio!" was all she said as she clinged to Jack's arm.


Once downstairs. Jack sat down on the kitchen table, his mom still at the stove, her wheat-blond, waist-long hair was tied back into a pony tail and she turned around. He sighs, his mother was a good-looking woman he had to grudgingly admit. She didnt look like she had a 17 year old kid, well 18 now. Yep, it was Jack's 18th birthday today. Anyhow his mother looked like a 20 year-old herself, no one would ever guess that in reality, shes 46 years old. Her blue eyes still shining with the life and vitality that no mid forties woman should ever have. Then she put the scrambled eggs into Jack's plate. The sight caused Jack to shiver a little, it should be mentioned that his mother really isnt the best cook. The eggs were burned badly, the only places not black where the white parts of the eggshells. This made Jack wish his father was back, he had been the cook of the family. Riolu shifts a little in Jacks lap, the smell wasnt good either and it was getting to the smaller pokemon.


Jack's mother noticed the discomfort of her son and sighs taking back the plate "I'm sorry hun, but you know..." Jack rolled his eyes "yes i know, you couldnt even make a milkshake without burning it" this remark stung and she was showing it, which immediately caused Jack to regret what he said "I'm sorry mum, i know you try" he got up and set Riolu on his chair "how about you sit down and i cook breakfast for us" His mother nods and sits down and speaks as Jack was making his scrambled eggs "I'm really sorry hunny, this is your birthday and you are the one cooking" Jack shook his head "It's alright mom, i really dont mind" better then having food poisoning, but he kept that part locked in his head.


Once the eggs were done they looked perfect and the smell was definetly better as well, he scraped some of the eggs onto his mothers plate and then some onto his own, and then he sat down pulling Rio onto his lap again, but before he could eat, his mother put a package onto the table which had been wrapped and had a pretty bow ontop "Happy Birthday son" she smiles. Jack blushes a little and takes the package, Rio showed interest in the contents of the box as she was the first to rip at the wrapping, Jack laughed and unpacked it, inside was a box with a picture of a PokeGear. His eyes widen and then he looks up at his mother "How could you afford this? These are expensive?" he took it out and put it together, entering the Phone Card into the slot of the Pokegear "Well your father sent me some money for your birthday and you know me, always going through channels and well, i thought it would come in handy...." his mother broke off, Jack looked up she had such a faraway sight "Handy for what?" he asked suspiciously. His mother snapped back to reality and then smiled at her son "Oh i nearly forgot! Elm wants to speak to you" She changed the subject a little too quickly for his liking, but she was intent on not answering any more questions, she took the PokeGear and typed in the home phone number and her cell number.


A few minutes later after eating he went over to the lab and walked up behind Elm "Hello there Professor!" Riolu was sitting on Jack's shoulder and exlaimed "Rio-Riu!" The Professor jumped and then turned to Jack "Oh! hello there Jack, so i take it your mother gave you the message?" Jack nods "Yeah she told me you wanted to speak with me" The professor smiles "Yes, yes! Indeed, you and Riolu seem to be close" Jack reaches up and scratches Rio between his ears "Of course, we are inseperable" Riolu murrs at the touch of his trainer. Elm smiles at them "So i see you dont put her in a Pokeball" Jack turns back to the Pokemon Professor "I don't see the point, she follows me everywhere anyhow, if she wants to stay out of her ball then i won't force her into one" Elm looks through his data and nods "That is true, some pokemon prefer to stay out of their balls, now then do you have any idea why i asked you to come see me?" Jack shook his head "No, i have no idea" Elm nods again, it was annoying Jack a little "Please Professor let me just ask you to get to the point" The Professor laughs "Okay then, how would you like to go onto a travel, meet new trainers, catch more Pokemon and update the Pokedex that i gave you." Jack smiles and looks up at Riolu "so Partner, what do you say?" Riolu looks down at her trainer and her new friend "Riolu!" Jack then turns to Elm "We ar,,,," suddenly there was a ringing sound, the Professor holds out a finger, the motion to hold on. He gets out his phone and picks it up "Hello? Here Elm? Uh-huh... yeah.... okay... I'll send someone" he hangs up his phone and turns to Jack "Ok could you do me a favour though?" Jack nods "Sure, why not? What's the favour?".....



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