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[Y] Alexander's Travels Ep. 1
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Alexander's Travels Ep. 1 N/A Views 1980 Votes 1 Comments 0
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Let's go back 14 years, when the young Infernape was still a even younger chimchar. Back then the young chimchar would climb around in his Grandfathers Dojo. He was a hyper kid and always enjoyed making his mother worry. But Alexander, Fernus' Grandfather, had a way to calm his little grandson.
[Y] Alexander's Travels Ep. 1

Alexander would go outside and sit down infront of the tree that Fernus always loved to climb on and pat his lap, shouting into the tree so his grandson could hear him "Hey Ferny, how about if Grandpa tells you a story?" The young chimchar would poke his head out of the tree "what kind of story Poppop?" The old Infernape would grin before answering the anticipated question "A Story with adventure, a story about me traveling all 7 known regions"
The young Fernus would jump on a branch with delight, which always scared his mother half to death, worrying that he would fall, but he didnt, instead he jumped right into his Grandfathers lap, being the light little chimchar back then it didnt bother him, in fact, Alexander barely felt it, he clears his throat and then starts his story with the usual: "No my lil Ferny, this story is way before you or your pops were born, a story when i was nothing more then a freshly evolved Infernape..."

Every Chimchar has to stand on their own feet once they evolve into Infernapes, that has been the tradition. So as soon as Alexander evolved he cashed in several debts and took the first ship to Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. Now this was before the whole Pokemon immigration started, so the people of Kanto only knew the 149 pokemon that were native in their region. He still remembers the stares he got from several people when he got off the ship. But he really didnt care, he was on a quest, a quest for strength and knowledge.

Naturally there wasnt much to do in Pallet Town, he took a quick rest and then went on with his journey naturally with him being a Pokemon and all, ontop of that a Pokemon which no one has ever seen yet in the Kanto Region, there were a few stray trainers that tried to catch them, he made them all run home with a scorched behind, one of those being the now Infamous Gary! Who is nowadays the Gym leader of Viridian City, but back when Alexander first met him, he was nothing more then a spoiled kid.

Anywho after burning down around 10 trainers that tried to catch him, he finally came across the next city, Viridian City. It seemed like a nice enough place, nice green trees, nice atmosphere, it was quite enjoyable. Now he was able to choose, go west or North, he saw a forest far in the north, so he decided to follow the North trail. Which led him into Viridian Forest. It was again smooth walking but not all the way, suddenly a Spearow jumped from the bushes and started pecking at him, naturally he tried not to overkill, just handing out a quick jab. He didnt mind other anthro Pokemon, such as himself, but he disliked his Feral brethren.

Anyhow after KOing the first many more came after a bit he figured, kicks and punches wouldnt be enough so he used his flaming skills, each famethrower taking down 10 Spearows, but the swarm was too big and the commotion caused many bug-types to swarm towards him, naturally him being a fire type, he wasnt worried, but the Spearows, if left unchecked could become a big problem. It was fight or flight and fighting wasnt a option, so he ran for it. He quickly outran the various Weedles, catterpies and other insects, but the Spearows were tight on his tail, Literally. One even bit his tail, causing him to yelp and run even faster.

He gave a quick jab between the eyes of the Spearow that was so persitantly biting onto his tail. The punch was enough to make it KO, the moment the pressure on his tail disappeared he was thankful, but he didnt stop running, in fact he used a little skill he picked up, he used Speed punch naturally pointing forward which made him run even faster. That did the trick, he kept it up for a few minutes but the Spearows gave up and flew off. The Infernape was panting heavily, hoping that the rest of his journey wouldnt be covered with hardships such as this. But as His father always taught him: There is always a light within darkness. And indeed, he could see the exit of Viridian Forest, he takes a deep breath and heads out, thinking that he never wanted to set a foot inside of Viridian Forest ever again.

Back to the present the chimchar was hoping up and down on his Grandpas lap "but Poppop, you could have easily taken a Spearow and some Weedles and Caterpies, why didnt you just burn the forest down?" The old Infernape gave a throaty chuckles and pats his grandsons hair "Indeed, i could have burned down the forest, but i didnt want to cause death, i only knocked out, never killed. Sometimes its harder to let something live then to kill it" The chimchar nods earnestly and settles back down on his Grandfathers lap "So what happened after that?" The old Infernape blinks and then scratches the back of his head "Where was I? Ah yes..."

Alexander finally left Viridian forest and kept heading north until he came into the next town, both his map and the town sign told him that he was now entering Pewter City. The city itself didnt look back, but it wasn't for him. A Museum? no thank you, he doesnt care for history, his motto was to always look forward and never let the past bother you. He wanted to keep going but he noticed a commotion on one at the bigger buildings...

The smaller Chimchar jumps excitedly "what was it Grandpa?" the elder Infernape chuckles and pats Fernus' head "calm down little one, i was getting to that" he clears his throat and then continues on with the story...

The Infernape walks over to the crowd that was looking through a window of the large building, he tapped one of the humans on the shoulder and asked "Whats going on here?" The man answered without turning around "Some new kid is taking on the gym leader" The Infernape blinks slightly, who could this kid be? he then looks over the crowd through the window as well and notices a kid with a red cap and a Pikachu, he huffs and thinks to himself: What a idiot, Electro against Stone. But he was left gaping with all the others as the sprinklers suddenly start, covered in water the huge Onyx was nothing more then a giant Lightning rod, he watched as the kid was about to hit it again but suddenly the fight was interupted by a bunch of kids.

Alexander would notice soon enough that those kids where the Gym-Leaders siblings, but since the kid one anyhow he was given his badge and then set out to continue his journey, thanks to the return of the father the leader, who was named Brock finally was free, and decided to go along with the journey of the kid. It was a disappointment since the Gym was closed for months on end for repair, but he didnt stay there for that long since he wanted to continue his journey as quickly as possible...

The Chimchar in the Elder Infernapes lap yawned slightly, then he noticed the pause of his Grandfather, he looks up sleepily "What happens then? what was the name of the kid?" The Elder Infernape stands up and carries the young Chimchar in his arms towards his mother, but not before answering the questions of his Grandson "The name of the Kid was Ash, and the rest is for another day..."