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[Y] The Oath: Chpt. 1
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Axel Redblade tells a tale of when he was just a lad. ((Chapter One: Coltonic Matters))
[Y] The Oath: Chpt. 1

Yar, you all may think I'm one of them pirates that be vicious? Well, you be wrong! Unless angered, I'm one of a good kind of wolves. I come from Colto Island, I'm a proud Coltonic, and today, I be telling you about the time I was a lad. I'll be narrating this.

 ~~~The Oath Prologue: Coltonic Matters~~~

"Sir, we need to get you and your mate to safety!" Captain Logan asked a pirate wolf, similar to what I look like now, only with brown jagged fur and orange hair. But yeah, this pirate wolf was Mark Redblade, my father.

"But we want to stay on Colto Island! We live here, WE'LL DIE HERE! IS THAT OKAY WITH YOU?" Mark yelled, with an expression of anger on his face. He wasn't pleased by the army captain asking him to evacuate his home island to go to some "crappy" place named Mêlée Island.

"But sir, you can't stay here! You're going to be killed by the forthcoming volcanic eruption!" Logan pleaded. But no matter what he did, he couldn't get Mark to leave Colto Island. Well at this time, his wife was also expecting a child (hehehe, this is where I will come in) that they hadn't named yet due to reasons that are currently far beyond me. But of course, as you would have guessed, Axel was going to be one of the best pirates of the world.

~~~To Be Continued with Chapter 1: Unto Us An Axel Is Given~~~