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[Y] JP's Bad Night
PJ must investigat a crime on his own and gains a new freind
[Y] JP's Bad Night

Once more you come home from work on a Friday and back to your simple one room apartment above a Fur Friendly Nightclub the Fuzzy Nuzzle. You have gotten used to the loud base thumping on the floor. You get off your bike in the rain and head up the stairs to your apartment flashing your badge at a pair of kids smoking pot at the top of the stairs trying to stay out of the rain. They quickly leave and with a sigh you undo the multiple locks and enter the darken room. Turning on your light you look at your sparse living area.

There is an old mattress with a pair of sleeping bags zipped together as your bed. Your old army trunk sits as a table next your bed and a large chair. Hanging on one wall is a series of poles for all of your clothing.

Heading in to your kitchen area you open your mini-frig pull out some left over Chinese and toss it into your microwave. From there it is onto the bathroom. Not much a sink, toilet and a shower. The shower has not been really used much since you moved in because it takes forever for you to dry your fur. You have found that the HAZMAT showers at work seem to work the best. You though about getting something like that set up, but that is a little too much for a crash pad.

You put your weapons into the trunk, get your food and sit back and look at the only decorations on the wall next to the front of your front door. A few pictures of former members of your Para-Rescue class and Doc. On the other side of the door are pictures of your UNIT Teammates. In a case is a few of your medals. Hanging above it is a Katana given to you by the Japanese Delegate to the UN for taking out the Crime Ring in Bangkok. Of all of them this is the one you are most proud of.

After finishing eating you turn out the lights and open the curtains to watch the rain fall. You sit in your big comfy chain in the dark listening to the sounds of the party going on beneath you. You fall asleep feeling pretty good about your life, if only just a little lonely

You are awoken by the sudden the deafening sound of silence.

All you can hear is the sound of the rain on the roof. Looking around you see emergency lights flashing on the walls; you look at your watch you to see that it is only a little after midnight.

You pick up your ID and your pistol and head outside to see what is up. Reaching the bottom of the stairs you see two police cars and a paramedic tuck outside. You approach one of the police officers showing him your Badge and ID and ask him what is going on. He tells you that a fur was shot, how he is doing is unknown. You tell him you are an EMT and he lets you past.

The inside of the Fuzzy Nuzzle was all lit up, a rarity; it is usually dark, only lit with LED Lights and Glow Sticks. In the middle of the floor was a black and white Fur with two paramedics working on him. You step up and tell them you have experience with gunshot wounds. They both tell you they could handle it. You take a step back and then ask one of the police officers what happened.

He tells you that what they could tell things were just “Dubbing” along when someone approached the Fur, a normal Non-Furry person and started to talk to him. Moments later the Non-Fur pulled a pistol; shot him twice and then ran off.

You watch them put him in an ambulance and head off to the hospital. The lead officer on the scene comes over to you and asked if you want to handle this. You tell him you would have to check with your boss. Calling in you are told you could look into it unofficially right now, but if you need to your team could be activated. He gives you the Fur’s ID. Looking at it you see that Hollywood CA is his home address. Looking further into his wallet you see that he is staying at a hotel downtown.

You head downtown to the hotel and see about looking at his room. Heading up to it you look over it. You find very little other than he was fairly well off. Looking around you also find a collection of DVDs with the Fur in question on the cover. Looking him up on the internet you find the following Bio:

Jesse was an up and coming star of the famous “Roses of Blood” Vampire Novels turned teen hard throb movies. He was doing a stunt for the latest one “White Rose/Silver Moon” when something went wrong. There was a explosion that was timed wrong and Jesse was caught in it. With 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 80% of his body Jesse paid to have himself Spliced.

When he awoke he found himself on the cover of every Rag Magazine out there. He found himself work, but this time as an extra or in kid’s movies. He finally got a break playing a ghost of a younger fur’s brother. While it was a critical success it bombed at the box office. Not much has been seen of him since.

Looking around you could not find anything else that would help you find why he was shot. You decide to head to the hospital to see how he was doing. When you get there you look at the emergency entrance and decide to use the front doors. When you talk to the doctors they will tell you he will be fine. It was only grazed by a small slug that glanced off a rib. The reason he was unconscious was he had a 1.68 blood alcohol reading. Apparently when he was shot he slipped on the drink he dropped and knocked himself out when he hit the floor. He is in recovery right now, but he won’t be awake until he sleeps off his buzz.

You decided to come back later when he was awake and headed home. You only get a few hours sleep before your phone rings telling that Jesse is now awake. The Fuzzy Nuzzle was finishing cleaning up. The owner asked you what was going on and you filled him what you could.

Getting to the hospital you went into see Jesse. It took some work to get in to see him past all of the press. Once you got to talk to him he was only lightly helpful. He only vaguely remembered being at the Fuzzy Nuzzle drinking heavy. He only remembers some guy walking up to him and was angry because his girlfriend had left him because of one of his movies. He does not remember much after that.

You chat with him for a few more moments when he asks you if you know who he is. You tell him that other than what your investigation has told you, no. He laid back and seemed happy about this. Looking at him with an odd look and he said you were the first person in months who did not know who he was and it was nice.

It was at that point his agent walked in and started talking to him almost to fast to understand. First he was upset that he was drinking and in an alternative lifestyle nightclub, this could ruin his career. Jesse told him that he needed to just get away from everything, the only reason he was in the Fuzzy Nuzzle was that he though he would blend in. The agent quickly left and Jesse looked over at you and begged you to get him out of there. You told him you would see what you could do.

From there you went to the Local Law Enforcement to see what they had. They told you that they had looked over the tapes and think they might have a suspect. They had put out an APB on his car and are tracking him down. They asked if there was anything you had gotten. You told them what you knew and asked what you could do to help. They told you that they would let you know if they found anything. You suggested that they put a guard on him in case this guy tries again and that they should restrict who talks to him.

It was getting onto the afternoon so you decided to get back to your place. When you got there, there were about a dozen news vans there. One of the reports came up to you and asked what you thought about Jesse’s shooting. You told them that it was nothing. Another reporter recognized you as a UNIT member and asked what UNIT had to do with the investigation. You told them nothing you just live near here and are just good friends with the owner of the Fuzzy Nuzzle.

This seemed to satisfy them. Looking around you also saw that there were a couple thousand people there. Asking the owner what was up; he said that they started lining up about the time you left. There would have been more, but he had to keep telling them that those under the age of 21 would not be allowed in. Most of the girls were teenagers and their moms, some of the moms came back without their daughters.

Realizing it was going to be a long night, so you went up to take a nap. After eating something you took a quick nap before being woke up by your phone ringing. It was the LEO’s, they had found the suspects trailer in Virginia. You got up and then headed out to take a look at things.

The trailer was a basic travel trailer. Inside was a wreck, it showed signs of violence inside. Most of the interior was trashed and the floor was covered in broken DVDs. Picking up one of pieces you recognize it as one of Jesse’s movies.

By the time you got back it was raining once more. The Fuzzy Nuzzle had started to shut down. Once more you had to make another couple get off your stoop. You got inside and just went to sleep. You manage to sleep until almost 10am. When you get up you see that you had missed a call. Checking your messages you hear that Jesse should be released by this evening.

A few moments later one of the LEO’s called to say they think they have spotted the suspect and want to know if you wanted to get involved in the arrest. You told them if they have the time you wanted to get one of the 300s from the UNIT Motor Pool.

You met up with the LEOs. They were waiting across from the hotel that the suspect was at. They waited until he left and then moved in. When they moved in, the suspect was easily apprehended without further incident.

Later you found out that his girlfriend was obsessed with the Character Jesse was playing in the movies. She left him because he could not be a noble werewolf like in the books.

You go to the hospital with a second NEST Coat and with the help of a nurse you manage to get him out and into the 300 without the reporters seeing you. From there you head to his Hotel, but when you get there you see another large number of news vans. Looking over at Jesse you can see the stress building up. You decide to take him back to your place.

It is nice and quiet as the Fuzzy Nuzzle is normally quiet on Sundays. Heading up the stairs you worry about what he is going to think of your place. He looks in and looks at you puzzled. You tell him that you have always had simple needs. With a smile he tells you that he likes it, it’s just what he was looking for, nice simple, and quiet.

With some trepidation you tell him that from Thursday to Saturday the night club makes it not so quiet. He tells you that it’s ok.

He also looked at your wall decorations and asks about them. With some coxing you tell him about everyone and what you got your rewards for. He listened with great interest. Opening the fridge you see that it’s empty.

You tell him to get comfortable while you go and get something for you two to eat. He sits on the chair and just looks out the window while you run over to the Chinese place to get something to eat.

By the time you get back he has fallen asleep in your chair curled up into a ball. You go over and pull one of your army blankets and put it over him. Then you move out onto the balcony and sit with your carton of orange chicken and a beer, oddly enough not feeling so lonely anymore.