The Genus Experiment

By: Aaralyn Mcalister
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The Genus Experiment:

 Chapter One:   


          It was too damn late for me to wake up and still find myself seated in front of my computer… and not only that, but to see that my project was only half finished and the last few sentences were showing signs of my late night sojourn into journalism. The column in the nationally known magazine I wrote for called, “Too Much To Handle! By: Aaralyn McAlister” was quickly becoming a hit with the sudden rise of breeding between species. The dreaded integration was something long put off by the traditionalistic nation I lived in.

        My articles were considered racy, but groundbreaking by many influential names. Mostly I wrote about the differences, or in many cases, the similarities between species. From eating to sleeping I tried to experience and cover anything I could, being as hands on as possible. I was recently writing about the odd sometimes cannibalistic tendencies of a few of the stranger species that had separated themselves off from the common population. The public was always interested in the personal details of such a private thing. 

             From a young age I had found myself fascinated with differences between the numerous species of animals littering my planet. The high school I went too had been a public school in a community too poor to take the time to separate the different breeds. This just may have been the big push I needed to be able to write about such a taboo topic.

                I myself have fallen into the hype. My long time on again off again boyfriend from school was a Grey Wolf while I am, in fact, a Red Fox. 

            I stretched myself back on my new cushy blue chair and let my thick bushy tail wrap loosely over my lap to help keep in my warmth. 

              Speaking of Conner, it had been nearly a week since I had last seen him. His programming job took him all sorts of places for sometimes months at a time. At first this had been wonderful for ‘Oh so independent’ me who enjoyed my alone time and the fiery passion it would invoke when we finally got a chance to be alone together after a particularly long separation.   

            More recently however, the distance was starting to take its toll on the relationship that was now starting to settle into what would have been normalcy had we lived together. This was the dreaded stage that most couples would settle down, get married and have children. Conner would not have it however.  His family being super conservative would never handle our union particularly well. Not to mention the high tension it would put on his work environment if his employers were to ever find out.  

             For now whenever he was in the vicinity he would take refuge in my expensive but small one bedroom apartment in the middle of one of the most heavily populated cities on our continent. 

              I started to close down my project for the rest of the night and hopefully get a couple hours sleep before returning to finish my editing in the later morning. Making a quick save I noticed my personal journal files were still open from before I had started my work. They were a quick pick me up and reminder that I did have a sort-of life outside of my work and I liked to enjoy some of them before I got down and dirty with the column. 

             This particular page has been one I have opened and reopened many times before. I decided to reread it one last time before settling into bed. I was so proud of my fluid writing style in this particular subject. I could type forever about the passionate sex that Conner and I have, but this one particular night had made my eyes roll in pleasure. Even now my body was experiencing a chill in anticipation of the read. 

              It had been make up sex at its finest. That morning I had taken the time to start his breakfast while he was finishing up a shower. When he finally made his way downstairs he didn’t spare me a glance or even a goodbye as he slid out the front door to meet up with some friends for the day. 

              I had given his voice message system a full piece of my mind and so the day went. Eventually, after Conner refused to come home for most of the day because of our messaging and angry phone call arguments, I started to feel bad about our increasingly volatile words and sat tense and upset in my living room waiting until late for him to come home.

               I woke up quickly that night, realizing I had passed out on the couch, to the sound of his vehicle revving up the street. I knew that sound too well. My heart started to pound frantically as I made a quick ditch decision and started ripping off the pajama pants and tanktop I had yet to change out of from the morning. 

              I raced to the front door and checked my hair in the mirror. I caught that I still had my socks on and quickly pulled them off and threw them out of sight. With a last effort to straighten the fur down my abdomen, Conner’s spare keys turned in the keyhole. I took a deep breath.  

             Conner stood motionless as he was confronted with me greeting him with nothing but a grin on my body. Needless to say that was the end of that argument. 

             Refined, serious, stern Conner let loose after a very brief hesitation. Conner dragged me by the back of my neck up against the nearest wall where his warm mouth went to work. He kicked backwards with a booted foot to ensure the door would be closed behind us. It closed a little louder than I would have liked but I was a little too preoccupied to care.    

           I ran my hands down the soft, immaculate fur and muscle down Conner’s arms and scratched lightly. 

              I had gotten so lucky with Conner. He had started off so scrawny and weak in high school. He spent so much time on his computer being the geek that he was that it completely snuck up on both of us when he hit a sudden growth spurt our senior year. Conner had taken the time to refine the muscles now that he was so proud he had them and grown into one of the sexiest wolves I knew. 

              His fur was such an odd shade of grey that I always referred to it as blue…my favorite color. I loved it and he loved how I always paid special attention to it. I nibbled down the side of his neck making sure to take a few harder bites every now and then to make him groan and started shifting my hips in a gentle rhythm against his rapidly increasing hardness.

               He quickly caught up in the dance and shifted my body up higher so he could hit the exact spot I loved through his jeans as we grinded. My head nearly smacked the wall when he got me just right and started going to town on that spot. He took advantage of my neck immediately sucking hard enough to leave a mark, even through the fur. 

             He loved letting all around me know that I was taken and even though I was embarrassed to go to work with the marks, secretly I loved wearing them. It always made me wet when I would view them in the mirror throughout my day. He was definitely making sure this one lasted. 

              I started ripping at his shirt as he sucked on my neck hoping the buttons would just give out the way they usually would, but fate wasn’t on my side today. After a few jerks I surrendered to Conner and held me tight to the wall with just his hips as he brought his hands to his shirt to finish the job.  I recovered my pride when he got to the last button and I ripped it anyways with a yell of happiness when it gave. Immediately I started letting my hands wonder all over that glorious chest.  

             “Come on babe it’s been a while.” He groaned against my ear. “I won’t last here like this. Let’s get to the bed.”  

            I nearly cried out in aggravation. I was burning up to have him thrusting in me for hours and hours against the wall, but conservative Conner was never all that adventurous. He did however carry me into my bed room. I stopped him quickly enough and pushed him onto the bed with all the strength I could manage. 

              He fell hard enough to bounce on the mattress before settling into it with that little smirk that always got me going. I could see just how hard he was through the jeans that were straining to keep him all in. Wolves were definitely a bigger size naturally than foxes. It had taken a while in the beginning to get used to him and start loving him that way I should have.

   Not to mention a bigger knot. That was a scary factor when it came to canines. Twice now I had taken it and both times were purely accident and painful. The first time Conner had just gotten too caught up in the wild sex we were having and both of us being as young as we were, hadn’t really thought to worry about it. Doggy style as it was so humorously called was definitely labeled correctly. Canines went wild for that style of sex and it was our first time trying it.

   Conner had mistaken my yelps of pain for pleasure and drove harder until he finally realized there was no longer any way for him to pull out. There was nothing he could do at that point but to quickly come and wait the time it took for his swelling to go down. He spent the time kissing the back of my neck, rubbing me and talking to try and distract me from the pain.

   Thinking about it now actually turned me on. He had little mini orgasms every few moments that had him digging into the mattress to try and control his thrusting. Eventually it did let loose and it took me about a week to recover from it. I couldn’t even sit up straight for the first three days and had to call into work sick for the time. Not to mention that his knot prevented him from being able to pull out before he ejaculated. For a few weeks afterwards we were on baby watch, but to be honest I had some of the best self produced orgasms at the thought that he had forcefully filled me with his seed. 

       The second time happened the same way, but this time, even though it still did hurt and I bled a little afterwards, Conner was able to manage to get me to climax with him still in. The muscles pulsing around his knot and dick actually forced him to call out in pleasure which was very un-Conner like.

       Now with Conner on the bed in front of me, mostly dressed, I decided to let him off easy for now. He couldn’t have been comfortable with his clothing pressing into him like that. He let me push him a little further up the bed so I could straddle his thighs and rub up his legs and over the bulge. I couldn’t help a little groan knowing it was all for me. 

         I kissed him slipping my tongue past his lips and carefully avoided his fangs to find his tongue. We aren’t going to get into how many times I have sliced my tongue on those teeth, but Conner had learned how to hold his jaw to make it easier for me. He was rubbing my arms up and down as if to keep me warm, but I think we all know that at this point I was beyond just warm.

      My hand slipped between us and carefully unzipped his jeans leaving the button done and went searching. I loved to leave him fully clothed when I take him like this. It made Conner feel like he was still in control and made it all the more rewarding when I made him loose it only a short time later.

         When I finally got his dick out of his boxers and jeans I took a moment rubbing my hands up and down my body, giving a little attention to my nipples just to give him something a little extra to watch. With one more look at the passion on his stern face I sank down to lower my mouth close to his throbbing length. God, his shape turned me on. Not so different from a fox but enough to make me want to worship it. The off center tip was pointed, but not enough to look awkward. I let my tongue slide down the point and swirl around it before teasing the hole with a little flick of my tongue. I placed my mouth in a little ‘o’ shape lightly on the end to let him feel the warmth before allowing my mouth to fully close over his tip. 

       His breath hitched waiting for me to apply the pressure I knew he was waiting for so I gave it to him. I sucked out the little bit of pre-cum waiting in the entrance of his dick before pulling my head away and letting some of the lubricating cum leak out so I could rub it on his length. I felt little contractions flexing and releasing inside of him as I let my hand travel his dick fully. The bulges and strange shape had a relaxing and almost massage like quality to them that I couldn’t wait to feel in my cunt. 

       I expelled a breath as the last of his lubricating cum exited his tip and let my mouth go back to work on him. He sighed again when I let my mouth travel just a fraction deeper this time and sucked a little harder.

        “Aaralyn, enough teasing.” He whispered on a groan. 

       I didn’t consider it teasing. I loved it. If I knew he wasn’t on such an edge I would have taken more time and rubbed myself as I worked on him, but instead I just started going down on him in all forms of the word. I was teaching myself how to deep throat and considered myself pretty decent at taking as much of him as I could into my mouth. I made it enough to reach my fist if I wrapped it around his base, which honestly was pretty damn good considering his size. 

    I could feel the tip tickling the back of my throat and almost gagged so I backed off. I wanted to be able to continue on him until the end. My thoughts had distracted me sufficiently enough that I miss the tell tale sign of the deep pulse his cock did when he was releasing another load of lubricating cum, but it wasn’t such a huge load this time so I didn’t mind swallowing some. It didn’t have as deep of a musky flavor as his regular cum.

       Once more I took him as deep as I could and felt him twist his hips into a grind against my mouth. I had to back off again so I just started a fast pace up and down his length making sure to swirl my tongue and rub his tip enough to keep the nice stimulation going. It worked just as I thought it would.

        Conner’s cock hardened as much as it could go without turning into a diamond and I heard him stop breathing and arch his back. I knew now would be the time to choose whether to swallow or not. I looked up at Conner over the long length of his body. His back was bent so much that I was only able to see the arch of his throat was he came hard. The throbbing beats that shuddered through his cock nearly threw me over the edge without having even touched myself.

      His cum came in streams so I paced my swallows to allow myself to stay on and feel every ounce of pleasure he was receiving. At last I heard the throaty growl I was waiting for that he could no longer contain. It made my fingers dig into his thighs with a mix of happiness and satisfaction.

      I gave one last suck for good measure as his body came down from his extreme high and instantly made his body jerk from the intensity.

      I poured myself a shot of brandy from a cabinet I had located next to my bed; I’m not an alcoholic by the way, I just don’t have a very big apartment.  I downed the glass leaving a small mouthful inside my lips and moved up Conner’s body for a kiss.

       He sucked down the contents greedily into his dry throat- it was his favorite kind of alcohol. I licked his muzzle and carefully sat on his lap avoiding the tip of his dick. I ground my hips and let out a little whine to let him know what I wanted.

       He smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. His eyes held that sated look that he always took on after some really good orgasms and it brought me pure delight to see.

       He effortlessly flipped me over onto my back and gave me a soul drugging kiss that was just as thorough as Conner always is. 

       He paid special attention to my neck which happened to one of my favorite places to be touched. He stroked the fur there with his rough tongue before bringing his fingers to my skin down over my hips. He was quickly distracted by my nipples, now so near to his mouth, and started lapping at them. I had a small chest which I considered an inconvenience, but Conner never complained. 

         He rubbed my nipples raw with the ruff texture of his tongue. It left a tingling sensation that lasted through our sexual escapades. Conner being quite a bit taller than I was made it difficult for him to reach my nipples and have sex at the same time so he always left them feeling well loved.

      He touched and licked the indents of my hip bones and pulled away. I immediately spread my legs begging for relief. My hands started exploring my thighs as he watched, but Conner wasn’t a patient man.

          He pushed my hands aside and took a moment just to look at me and lick his lips. He let me know how wet I was by blowing softly on my inner flesh where it immediately turned cold against the moisture. I shivered and whined again. He loved it when I did that. 

      His tongue licked all up and down my labia and around my entrance without actually spending any time on those areas. Every now and again his wide tongue would accidentally rub over my sensitive hole and make me jerk and pull at the blankets I was laying on. My contractions were getting stronger now and he was making sure I felt every one of them.

        He swirled his tongue around my clit giving a quick lick right over it before he started really going at my cunt. The licks were strong and deep, getting deeper still as I instinctually moved my hips to accommodate him. Conner’s tongue took his time pressing into my vagina until he was able to twist it like a pro and had me screaming. 

              It was a game we played. We would try to coax groans and screams out of each other as quickly as possible. The first to moan would lose.

   I ALWAYS lost. 

       My fist pounded against the headboard once as a particularly hard shiver of pleasure worked its way up my body and out through my finger tips. I was so close and he was still only playing. I think he got the picture when I finally curled myself up towards him and pulled the fur on the back of his head no longer knowing exactly what to do with my hands. My tail thumped happily on the sheet next to us. 

          He turned most of his attention to my clit as his fingers made their way into me. He always took the time to make sure the claws on the two fingers he used most often were trimmed, something wolves rarely did. Conner was able to pull it off though saying that he cut them to make access to keyboards easier for him. 

       He was in to the second knuckle when I flew over the edge so he just pushed the rest of the way in quickly and started to suck at me. 

       My hands could no longer hold onto him so I grabbed the edge of the bed behind me and clamped onto the mattress. 

       Fuck yeah!!!!” I screamed hoarsely. My hips shoved against his two fingers trying to milk out any ounce of pleasure I could. I rarely ever swore except during sex. I probably started because the rough words always did it for Conner and eventually got to me too…

       Conner pulled his fingers out right before I went limps and started licking the fresh juice off my skin, cleaning me. I nearly fell asleep, but in no way was Conner done with me yet. He stood from his kneeling position next to the bed and once there I could see that he was no longer clothed or in need for a rest from his last orgasm

       “Well hello.” I joked with a sly, lazy smile.

         “I told you it’s been a while.” He crawled up my body letting his fur and hardness rub along my body as he did so. Little aftershocks of pleasure were still being easily stimulated in my body. “You know you’re capable of doing this to me Aaralyn. I never get enough.”

        “Insatiable beast.” I nipped at his muzzle and nuzzled into his neck.

   He growled and bit my neck in retort. I touched his penis and pushed it into my still wet folds to help lubricate him until he got inside. His self lubrication always did the trick after that for as long a marathon as we wanted to put on.

      His tip easily found my entrance and sought its way inside. I was already nearly bucking up against him as each of his ridges and curved shape touched different spots inside my body and stretched me. I started licking at the fur on Conner’s chest and neck; a comfort instinct that I couldn’t seem to control during sex. Conner always seemed to like it so I never really tried too hard to calm it. 

       My tail rolled around Conner’s waist for lack of anything better to do with it. Conner rubbed the tip of it and gave me a chaste kiss before positioning himself firm against me so he could get in nice and deep. I prepared myself for the onslaught. His thrusts were strong and true and in perfect rhythm. I was able to meet the pushes just as easily and direct my hips to lead his dick where I wanted it. I was able to find my favorite spot and hold myself still as he beat against it again and again. My second orgasm hit me hard. Maybe not as strong as the first one, but I knew the best was yet to come.

      Conner wasn’t able to completely fill me quite yet so once my orgasm ended I pushed at his chest. Conner hesitated confused at my reaction until I rolled both of us with him still inside me.   Conner was in the mist of another release of lubrication as I sunk on his lap. He groaned softly. I wanted it louder. 

       It was time to show him what I had practiced. I reached down to feel if his knot was out; it was, but not fully swollen yet. Conner had seemed to learn to control just how much he let that go, always worried about the possibility of a repeat situation.

     Some of the liquid seeped out of me and I used it to massage his knot. His eyes widened comically and I nearly laughed out loud. Taking a deep breath I relaxed all my muscles inside and sat down just a little bit firmer. It worked. I made it down nearly on top of his knot and Conner was on cloud nine.

      I knew he was trying with all his might to keep from going wild on me, but he didn’t need to worry. I was going to do it for him. Conner opened his mouth to say something, but I didn’t give him enough time. 

      My hips started to grind on him hard and fast. Thankfully my thighs were strong enough and capable of this much rigorous exercise. Conner could do nothing, but hold on and feel the pleasure I was releasing on him.

       I noticed that his control on his knot was loosening as the more I thrust on him he base seemed to be getting bigger. I wanted to badly to take all of him in me. I knew I was capable of it. It was just a matter of nerves at this point.

        I watched Conner’s face, concentrating on moving my inner muscles on him and every time I did he groaned. It still wasn’t enough. 

      Another burst of lubrication. I was thankful for it. I took some time working on my own pleasure at that point angling my body a little away from him so that the curved cock would fit me comfortably. As my third orgasm started to build I started riding Conner harder. It wasn’t enough. I knew I needed more. Conner was holding my arms tightly loosing the rhythm of his counter thrusts against me. It was now or never. Thankfully my sexual awareness was in such a state that I hardly noticed that his knot was already nearly inside me. 

       I realized that Conner, even in his state of blissful unawares, was pulling on my hips to keep me from going down to far. I couldn’t speak so I bit his bicep hard enough to make him flinch and loose grip on me. I took advantage of the situation by rolling my hips onto him until I felt and heard the pop of his knot entering and holding tight in me.

      Conner froze, but I kept going through the burn. I let it mingle with the pleasure I was now creating with my fingers on my clit. Conner abruptly flew into one of the best orgasms I had ever seen hit him. He roared with ecstasy the roar turning into a near howl. He jerked into me trying to bury himself deep, searching for the entrance of my womb as instinct called for him to do. If I knew my inner workings a little better I would say that he found it. 

      My own pressure was still building, ebbing and fading as I took a little more time to watch Conner’s reactions. Once Conner recovered he kissed all over my face and replaced my hand with his own to return in control of the situation. It didn’t take long after that. I came around his still hard cock milking it was what it was worth. Conner uncharacteristically groaned with my contractions loving that muscle squeezing such an exotic part of him.

      It took Conner all of an hour to get the swelling down enough to pull out of me. 

    “Well, are we on baby watch once again?” He asked quietly. 

       “Nope I got that area covered.” I sighed into his ear. I felt the tension release from his body at my answer.  I sighed with my journal entry and pulled away from the computer screen my hand covered in my wetness as I came along with my past.

         The much needed sleep was bearing down on me when I went to shut down the computer. Right when I was exiting my messaging program. The company editor got online and quickly messaged me asking for the paper to work on early in the morning. I went ahead and sent it. It just meant that I would be able to sleep in this morning now that he could take it over and send it in for publication himself. 

          Normally I never allowed anyone to touch my work, but there wasn’t much left that I needed to fix on it anyways. Finally, I turned off my computer and went to bed. 

        The next morning I received a call from Conner which was strange. He never called during a work day.

       “What’s up baby?” I asked completely oblivious. 

        “Just checking up on you.” Conner’s deep voice was calm, quiet even, which meant he was angry, very angry. I knew what had happened almost instantly. I slammed down the phone in my hands, picking up my cell as I ran to my room and turned on the computer.

         “No, no, no, no…” I kept repeating to myself. “I couldn’t have. They would never have…” I reached my email page and read quickly through my sent mail.

       There it was. The article I sent to my editor. 

      “Oh, God!!” I called Joey, my publicist quickly.  

       Joey answered with a happy note in his voice. “Aaralyn! I’m so glad you called! This article is a huge hit!!! Our stock just raised 20%. I’m going to need you to do more on this. No one would have ever touched the topic of sex between different species. Honestly I never even thought you would, but knowing what I do now I think I’m very excited to see where you might go with this.” 

        “Joey!! That was…” I tried to interrupt. 

        “Extraordinary? I know.” Joey was being evasive. He knew that that journal page wasn’t meant for the public, but he didn’t want to let a good thing go.

         My hand was ripping through my hair in aggravation and downright embarrassment. “I didn’t!!” 

         Joey interrupted again. “I think it’s about time you came in and discussed this raise you’ve been asking for.” He sneaked in carefully. 

         My heart stopped. It was in my court now. The much needed raise we had been discussing for years it seemed. It would give me more than just a small column in the magazine. I would have pages full dedicated to my writing. “I…” I thought about poor Conner. Thank God I didn’t mention his last name in the entry. There were tons of wolves who were named Conner and no one crippling knew we were dating so at least he was mostly safe. Of course, not many wolves had the almost blue coat…

         I could just go and interview a few of my friends on the differences of sex with different species. I couldn’t just fall out of my business with this sour note hanging behind me. Everyone I knew and cared about will have probably read the article by the end of the day anyways.

        “I’ll be in at ten.” I finally answered.

        “Great! You won’t regret this.”

         “I’m only negotiating Joey. That’s all.” 

        “Sure thing, Aaralyn.” Joey was hardly paying attention any more. “We will call it ‘The Genus Experiment’.” Joey hung up. Ass… 

        “I name my own articles!!” I yelled into the receiver. The LAN line was ringing over and over. I sighed and sank down into my seat preparing myself for a long conversation with Connor.


@>~~~~~ Aaralyn ~~~~~~~~~<@

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