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Raphael Meerkat Watches the Grit and GrimyShow
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Submitted By Views543Badu and Adara
Submitted OnSep7/13, 14:09Favourites0Favourite This
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During the time Raphael Meerkat was 5 years old, at that age of so easily being lead astray, he began watching a new television program called, "Grit & Grimy's Neighborhood". And it had a bad influence on Raphael. This wasn't anything like the show featuring the slow talking man wearing the red sweater, big purple bear, stick puppets and a toy trolly car. No no. This was everything opposite. Grit Troll and Grimy Troll, the two delinquent trolls who started the show on a shoe string budget, set out to teach those kids out there in TV land how to be delinquent turd heads just like them. Finding advertisers to sponsor their show was a bit of a problem. No respectable company wanted to be associated with Grit & Grimy. The two trolls eventually got a few sponsors, such as those commercials for attorney's firms talking everyone into suing some big company, bail bonds commercials (right up Grit and Grimy's alley), and commercials for buy here pay here used car lots.
Annika Meerkat, Raphael's mom, was out running errands at the time. It was during summer break from school, and Raphael was watching TV. And for Zhang Meerkat, Raphael's dad, it was one of his days off from work, and he was just taking easy at the house, minding Raphael. As an assistant locomotive operator with the railroad, Zhang works several days on, and has several days off.
As Zhang passed within earshot of Raphael watching TV, the voice of Grit Troll came over the air, saying something about, "freedom gone down the shitter" and "can't do what you want to do on TV" and "FCC ass holes want us off the air". Right away, Zhang thought, "This just can not be a kid's show". Zhang immediately told Raphael to turn the television off. Normally Raphael is always one to honor and obey his parents, but Grit and Grimy has been indoctrinating their viewers with the notion, "Your parents ain't got no right to make you turn a TV off". When Raphael told his dad that grit and Grimy says Raphael doesn't have to listen to Daddy, that was it. Zhang figured it was about time the household would be better off without a television set. Zhang has lived with having a temper all his life, and this time that temper showed when Zhang picked up a glass bottle from another room and threw it through the picture tube of the TV set. Raphael ran into his room crying over the television being smashed. Zhang came in with Raphael and sat on the bed with him, putting his arm around him and explained to Raphael how a show like the one he was watching has a bad influence on a young cub. Zhang also explained to Raphael that it would be better if there was no longer a TV set in the house, which wasn't going over well with Raphael.
It wasn't long before Annika returned from running errands. Upon entering the house she saw the smashed remains of the TV set.
"Honey! What happened to our television?!", Annika asked.
Zhang explained to Annika what he had caught Raphael watching, and the influence he's seen it have on their son. "And that's the last boob tube that will ever come into this house", Zhang added.
"Zhang, you and your damn temper! has it ever occurred to you there are shows I like to watch?" Annika asked her husband.
"What about that crap Raphael was watching?" Zhang replied. "I will not allow a TV to ruin our son".
"Zhang! That's what we have a paddle for." Annika reminded him. "Don't be afraid to use it".
It was about that time Raphael figured he has a paddling coming. And Raphael figured right. Daddy reached up and took a wooden ping pong paddle down off the hook in the wall from where it hung in the hallway leading back to the bedrooms.
"No! No! I'm sorry Dad! I'm sorry!", Raphael cried as Zhang approached him with the paddle.
"You deserved it. You take it", Annika said to her son.
Zhang took a hold of Rapharl's arm, and with the paddle, spanked Raphael's rump a few times.
After Zhang hung the paddle back up, and Raphael still crying, Zhang and Annika came over and talked with Raphael.
"You know I don't like punishing you, Son", Zhang said to him. "But we can't just act like you're the head of this house".
"Babe, you're just a cub", Annika told Raphael. "And when we tell you to do something, or not to do something, it's for your own good. You understand".
"Yes Mama", Raphael sobbed.
Before long, Raphael had stopped crying, and was hugging his mom and dad.
Now there was the issue of the house being without a television.
"Zhang. We are going to make a run into Yercaud and get another television", Annika told him with some firmness about the way she said it. So Zhang and Annika got Raphael, and the three of them went into town.
When they got to the electronics store in Yercaud, there wasn't much of a selection in the way of televisions, so it was decided they would go on to near by Salem. Salem is a much larger city, and finding a store that carries a big selection would be much easier. The store they stopped in had a very big selection of televisions. Of course, once inside, Zhang and Annika reminded Raphael not to handle the merchandise while in the store.
While Zhang was looking at some of the modest models, like the one he threw the bottle through back at the house, Annika was eyeballing over the large high price ones.
"This is the one we're getting", Annika said to Zhang as she pointed to just about the highest price model the store has.
"These are some really nice models here", Zhang replied, showing Annika some cheaper models.
"No. This one", Annika affirmed.
Raphael was jumping up and down, rejoicing, "Oh boy oh boy! Mom! Dad! Are we gettin' THAT one!"
"But that one will cost me two weeks pay", Zhang insisted.
"I know", said Annika. "But if we have a television that cost that much, you might think before you throw a bottle through the next one".
"So, I just won't throw anything through a cheaper set then", Zhang replied.
Then Annika gave Zhang that "this it the way it's going to be" look. And when Annika gives Zhang that look, Zhang normally doesn't decide against it. So the one Annika picked out, it was.
The Meerkat Family's new television is now a 56 inch, flat screen TV, with just about all the gadgets TVs can come equipped with. They were barely able to get it in the back of their Land Rover wagon to get it home.
Zhang had some mixed emotions about his wife's choice on picking out the television. Negatively, it set Zhang back two weeks pay. But on the positive side, Zhang knew it was a set the family would enjoy, and Raphael really likes it.
And for Annika, The fact she chose an expensive television will teach her husband a lesson in controlling his temper.


Furry Art > moyomongoose
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