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[Y] Fiona


Played by Height5ft
CreatedMar29/13 14:18:43Weight100lbs
ModifiedMay4/13 11:13:32EyesRed-brown
Western ZodiacSpeciesBunny
SexFur Colour(s)Dark chocolate brown
GenderFur Pattern
OrientationFur TextureSilky
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[Y] History

Impressions can be deceiving.

Meek and quiet she is a survivor. Orphaned at the age of three by a house fire she came up through the foster system. If there is a pit fall in the system she found it. Horrible foster parents that abused her physically, in all the worst ways, and mentally. Forgotton by the system. She learned to defend herself because no one else was going to. She got her first job at the age of thirteen by lieing about her age. It was the one good thing that happened to her. Her boss knew she was to young but he could see the haunted look in her eyes and took her under his wing like one of his own kids. He taught her right from wrong and morals. Paid her more then she was worth till she became worth it, made sure she kept her grades up and helped her get into a decent college. Said not a word when she came in bruised and battered to the point she could barely work, if he had truely know just how bad and depraved the abuse had been... if she had managed to tell him but she never could it was just to much to admit to. She learned business and did a lot of paperwork to hide from it instead.

Business isnt her passion though. Art is. She can forever be found with a sketch pad in hand curled up in a corner sketching what she sees around her. If its crafty she likes it. She makes jewelry from yarn and beads. Paints with everything from oil to watercolors. Loves steampunk but thinks she is no good at it. She finds it hard to get to know people and harder to trust them despite all the help she got from one man the rest of "humanity" seems to pretty much suck to her.

She is out on her own now spending all her time working and filling her time with projects it keeps her from realizing what it is that makes her heart ache, because if she stops moving she hurts so much inside it threatens to overwhelm her and drag her under. 

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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green