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[Y] Tsume


Played by Height6' 5"
CreatedJan4/09 21:12:54Weight236
ModifiedMay23/10 19:58:31EyesCrimson
BirthdaySep21/89HairShoulder length black with pink, green, and electric blue tips
Western ZodiacvirgoSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Back, sides, legs solid grey; stomach all white; paws black; jagged line from bottom right eyebrow to top right cheek black
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft, short, mildly spiky
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[Y] History
Tsume was street raised, his parents dead from a car wreck. He learned to fight to survive and to take care of himself. Can be cocky and picks fights, but is sweet and nice in reality. Tsume can shape, manipulate, and use wind to see, hear, and talk from a distance.
[Y] Interests
Oral (giving and receiving) Anal (giving and receiving) Vaginal penetration Fondling Collars Toys Licking Snuggling Deep kissing Sweet stuff Sour stuff
[Y] Dislikes
Cats (pet ones) Mean people Spicy stuff Jocks and preps or anybody who thinks they're better than everyone else
[Y] About
Hey, I'm Tsume. Natural street fighter and the man everyone wants but can't get. I lived on the streets since I was seven when my parents died from a drunk driving accident. The man in the truck that hit them had at least two six packs and thought he could drive that eighteen wheeler. Even though I was raised on the streets don't mean I steal. I earn my money doing different jobs around town and use it to buy food and stuff like that. I'm really a nice guy, but you spread that on the street and I'll rip your throat out. The wind has been close to me and I return the favor by staying close to her (she prefers it if I refer to the wind as a female). That's all you need to know, now get out of here before I punch your face in.
[Y] Relationships
None. My heart isn't held by anyone unless I says so.
[Y] Error
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Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green