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[Y] King Bowser

King Bowser

Played by HeightTall enough
CreatedMay26/13 04:11:33WeightEnough to crush you
ModifiedMay26/13 04:11:33EyesRed
Western ZodiacvirgoSpeciesKoopa
SexmaleFur Colour(s)
GendermaleFur Patternsolid green with orange belly
OrientationbisexualFur TextureScales
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[Y] History
Father was a bandit King, mother unknown, Kamek the wizard came across him as a baby and raised him into who he is today. His childhood was rough which lead him to surpass his father and not just become a bandit king, but the king of an entire nation and people. He got to his stature through force and knows only action.
[Y] Interests
Cars, Sports, Eating, Gathering riches and various rare treasures. Loves to conquer nations in the name of the great king Bowser. Loves to fly in one of his many airships. 
[Y] Dislikes
Those damn plumbers and fawful. Not getting what he desires.
[Y] About
Though many people see him as mean and cruel and selfish, he is honestly a fun loving king who loves spending time with his son Jr. His heart is as big as his ego which is massive, he took several orphans under his claws and raised them as his own. His strongest quality is his determination as he never gives up, he is full of surprises and nothing seems to keep him down for the count. His only weakness is his ego which leads him to several defeats at the hands of the plumbers Mario and Luigi and even Princess Peach herself. Despite the defeats he is still a fun loving koopa who loves to spend time with his many friends which consist of other koopa's goombas and even ghosts. Though he hates mario and luigi with a passion he still has a deep respect for them as adversaries and does not wish any ill upon them, he admires a fair fight with them and will accept nothing less as a legitimate victory.
[Y] Relationships
He has his son and several adopted children Larry, Morton, Iggy, Roy, Wendy, Lemmy and Ludwig. His mentor Kamek the wizard are just some of his closest friends. Mario and Luigi are his rivals but there have been times where they have set aside their rivalry to work against the same foes.
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green