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[Y] Kent Davit

Kent Davit

Played by Height7'4
CreatedMay8/13 04:07:40Weight389
ModifiedMay8/13 04:16:39EyesBlue
Western ZodiacariesSpeciesUrsine
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White
GendermaleFur Patternsolid
OrientationbisexualFur Texturecoarse
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[Y] Interests

He loves martial arts and other physical sports such as wrestling and boxing. He loves reading and cooking, his favorite dishes to make are anything involving fish as ice fishing is one of his hobbies. His dojo is his life and he treats his students as if they are his own children as his wife could not bear him any of his own. He loves traveling and making trips to the mountains and where it snows. Loves to swim and loves to watch his students learn.

He seems himself as a dad to those he cares about and is very protective of those he cares for. 

[Y] Dislikes
He dislikes lazy people, he also dislikes know it all types and is quick to ignore them. He also has developed a bias toward women as his ex wife was cruel to him.
[Y] About
Kent Davit is a polar bear who is very big. He has the body of a weight lifter and his features are a bit aged as he is 48 years old. He tends to wear shorts and tanktops often as the majority of the clothing he finds does not fit him. He is often seen by most people in his kenpo gi as he is usually in his dojo where he stays when he is not at Jeals and Jamies place as he lost his house to his ex wife.
[Y] Relationships
He has a mentor/apprentice relationship with Jeal Zabrowski who is his star student. This relationship has gone beyond that to a very close friend with benefits. He was invited by Jeals mate Jamie to move in with them since he lost his home and was living in his dojo, they currently have a bit of a triad thing going on although he is not either of their boyfriends, more of a best friend. It is very common for people to think Jeal is his son as Jamie dyed his fur white, the same color as Kents.
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green