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[Y] Jeal Zabrowski

Jeal Zabrowski

Played by Height5'11
CreatedApr22/13 03:43:02Weight172
ModifiedMay14/13 15:56:38Eyesbrown
Western ZodiacaquariusSpeciesUrsine
SexmaleFur Colour(s)light brown
GendermaleFur Patternsolid
OrientationhomosexualFur Texturecoarse
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[Y] Interests
Loves athletic bearish men, masculinity and the like. He has a passion for video games of all types but mostly likes more classic ones such as mario bros 3 and fighting games such as street fighter and king of fighters. He is politically aware of what is going on in society and is an avid supporter of gay rights and marriage equality. His aspirations are to become a police officer and one day organize large charitable events to raise money for cancer research as his grandmother was taken from him by that disease.

Jeal loves to socialize with people and many think he is high all of the time because of the way he speaks, he has a California accent and can't help it, despite this fact he does not use any drugs and is clean. He loves music ranging from many genres including rock punk and metal to techno and blues.

He is what some would call an athletic nerd, loving both martial arts weight lifting and table top rpgs such as dungeons and dragons and shadowrun along with anime he is an all around person who can fit in with many crowds. 

[Y] Dislikes
Childish twinkish boys and effeminate types, aside from one cute little vixen. He tends to not like extreme right wing types as well as religious nuts. He also hates poor sportsmanship along with people who are full of themselves.
[Y] About
Loves martial arts and video games. He has some scars on his body from training, currently in college to be a police officer, and loves working out. He has light facial hair and short hair, He tends to dress very casual wearing vintage band t shirts and jeans.
[Y] Relationships
Just recently married Jamie. Newly wed he is very happy.
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green