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[Y] Dominic Rodriguez

Dominic Rodriguez

Played by Height6' 5''
CreatedOct14/13 08:58:56Weight220
ModifiedApr2/14 04:41:31EyesBlue
Western ZodiacSpeciesCoyote
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Red coat with bits of lighter fur on his fore arms and lower legs.
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureThin and coarse
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[Y] History
Dominic lived with a smaller family in rural Texas for most of his life. His family was poor and mostly looked down upon by the people he lived near due to their status as immagrants. This caused Dominic to take on a life connected to various thugs, even turning him to commiting minor crimes by 14. Eventually however he was caught during a robbery of a store. After this event he chose to move more into a quiet life trying to stay away from his past.
[Y] Interests
Dominic likes to spend time in bars relaxing. He has taken a more laid back position in life and will listen to almost anything people have to say. He still enjoys drinking and even partying every once in a while though he tries to stay away from anything excessive. He enjoys music and especially classic rock or even pop to some degree. His favorite foods are anything spicy or sweet. He also enjoys just walking around or exercising.
[Y] Dislikes
Dominic dislikes anyone who tries to judge him. It is very hard to get him angry otherwise. He dislikes sour things, most especially sour candies. His least favorite kind of music is techno or dubstep.
[Y] About
Dominic is a tall, muscular coyote and tries to be as friendly as he can. He often tries to divert conversations away from his past unless he knows the person well. He will normally be seen wearing t-shirts and jeans. He also has a tendency to stare off into space when he is not with some one.
[Y] Relationships
None but he is always looking to meet new people.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green